Saturday, August 31, 2019
Assessment Worksheet Essay
In a risk management plan you must first, establish the objectives. What is the exercise called when you are trying to identify an organization’s risk health? When trying to identify an organization’s risk health, you would use the Health Risk Assessment exercise. What practices helps reduce or eliminate risk? Risk Management. What on-going practice helps track risk in real-time? Risk Mitigation Given that an IT risk management plan can be large in scope, why is it a good idea to develop a risk management plan team? Scope identifies boundaries. So, if the plan is that large in scope, a team would work obviously together and not against to maintain its structure in nature and have consensus. Within the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure, which domain is the most difficult to plan, identify, assess, remediate, and monitor? LAN-WAN From your scenario perspective, with which compliance law or standard does your organization have to comply? NERC-CIP Compliance: (critical infrastructure protection) plan is a set of requirements designed to secure assets vital to reliably operating North America’s bulk electric system. How did the risk identification and risk assessment of the identified risks, threats, and vulnerabilities contribute to your IT risk management plan table of contents? It was detailed properly to locate provided information needed. What risks, threats, and vulnerabilities did you identify and assess that require immediate risk mitigation given the criticality of the threat or vulnerability? None: All compliance was meet For risk monitoring, what techniques or tools can you implement within each of the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure to help mitigate risk? Anything possible, man or man-made to properly assess, identify and deal with possible risks. For risk mitigation, what processes and procedures are needed to help streamline and implement risk mitigation solutions to the production IT infrastructure? I should start with each and every one of the seven domains, and do a risk analysis and trying to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited, and take necessary actions utilizing any tool available to mitigate or eliminate unnecessary risk if possible, for example disabling ports on an application server, web server, eliminating unnecessary processes, penetration testing and implementing a user awareness program and a strict AUP. How does risk mitigation impact change control management and vulnerability management? Change control is a systematic way to approaching change, within an org anization, it can prevent the possibility of services becoming interrupted and if so, provide a plan to bring them back up as soon as possible.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Arbitration Agreement
BY: ISAAC, OKORONKWO . C. HEM/1137 ABSTRACT This paper seeks to look into the issues concerning arbitration agreement under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act (ACA). It identifies the categories, forms, parties and highlights of the arbitration agreement. It also examines the enforcement of an arbitration agreement. This paper reveals that arbitration is a major attraction as being the most flexible way of settling dispute. Thus, it was suggested that arbitration agreement is a vital component of an arbitration proceedings. 1. 0INTRODUCTIONArbitration has continued to maintain the lead as the preferred mechanism for resolution of domestic and international business disputes in the Nigerian legal system. An arbitration agreement means a voluntary agreement to submit to arbitration present or future disputes, â€Å"whether contractual or not†. It is clear; therefore, that a claim in tort or fraud may be the subject matter of an arbitration agreement (Udechukwu, 2008). An arbit ration agreement can be included in the original or be in the form of a separate agreement, either at the time of the contract or subsequently.Therefore, even in the absence of an original integrated arbitration clause the parties can still decide to settle a presently existing dispute by arbitration. The arbitration agreement is the document, which is normally in writing containing details about the reference of the disputes for resolution by the arbitrators. It is an agreement on paper containing information signed by the parties; containing and providing records of the arbitration agreement (Oyegbile, 2000). It is a very important document guiding the entire process of arbitration.It also includes any reference in a contract to a document containing an arbitration clause which constitutes an arbitration agreement if such contract is in writing and the reference is such as to make that clause part of the contract. Unless a contrary intention is expressed in the arbitration agreeme nt, it shall be irrevocable except:- i. By agreement of the parties ii. By leave of the court or a Judge iii. Even, the occurrence of death of either of the parties does not automatically revoke the arbitration agreement.Rather, it shall be enforceable by or against the personal representatives of the deceased. In the past, arbitration agreement could be in oral but the present arbitration act only recognized written agreement to arbitrate. The implication of this is that only written agreements are enforceable by the courts or Judge. 1. 1AIM AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this work is to provide information on arbitration agreement under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act (ACA) CAP A18 2004.To achieve the above aim, the specific objectives are to: * Identify the categories of arbitration agreement * Examine the enforcement of the arbitration agreement * Identify parties to the arbitration agreements * Identify the major highlight of Arbitration and Conciliation Act (ACA). 2. 0LITERATU RE REVIEW 2. 1CATEGORIES OF ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS There are two basic types of agreement: [1] the arbitration clause and [2] the submission agreement.An arbitration clause looks to the future, whereas a submission agreement looks to the past. The first, which is most common, is usually contained in the principal agreement between the parties and is an agreement to submit future disputes to arbitration. The second is an agreement to submit existing disputes to arbitration. Arbitration clauses are usually short, whilst submission agreements are usually long. This is not because of any particular legal requirement. It is simply a reflection of the practicalities of the situation.An arbitration clause that deals with disputes which may arise in the future does not usually go into much detail, since it is not known what kind of disputes will arise and how they should best be handled. Indeed, although the parties to a contract may agree to an arbitration clause, they hope that there will be no need to invoke it. Usually they insert a short model clause, recommended by an arbitral institution, as a formality. By contrast, a submission agreement deals with a dispute that has in fact already arisen; and so it can be tailored to fit precisely the circumstances of the case.In addition to indicating the place of arbitration and the substantive law, it generally names the arbitrators, sets out the matters in dispute and even, if thought appropriate, provides for exchange of written submissions and other procedure matters. 2. 2ENFORCEMENT OF THE ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS Nigerian Courts have adopted a positive approach to the enforcement of arbitration agreements. A review of the decided cases shows a general recognition by Nigerian Courts of arbitration as a good and valid alternative dispute resolution mechanism. In C. N.ONUSELOGU ENT. LTD. V. AFRIBANK (NIG. ) LTD, the Court held that arbitral proceedings are a recognised means of resolving disputes and should not be taken lightly by both counsel and parties. However, there must be an agreement to arbitrate, which is a voluntary submission to arbitration. Where there is an arbitration clause in a contract that is the subject matter of Court proceedings and a party to the Court proceedings promptly raises the issue of an arbitration clause, the Courts will order a stay of proceedings and refer the parties to arbitration.SECTIONS 6(3) and 21 of the Lagos State Arbitration Law 2009, which â€Å"empowers the Court to grant interim orders or reliefs to preserve the res or rights of parties pending arbitration. †Although the ACA in section 13 gives the arbitral tribunal power to make interim orders of preservation before or during arbitral proceedings, it does not expressly confer the power of preservative orders on the Court and Section 34 of the ACA limits the Courts’ power of intervention in arbitration to the express provisions of the ACA.The usefulness of section 6(3) of the Lagos State Arbitration Law 2009 is seen when there is an urgent need for interim preservative orders and the arbitral tribunal is yet to be constituted. In this regard, such applications find no direct backing under the ACA and have always been brought under the Rules of Court and under the Court’s inherent jurisdiction to grant interim orders. However, in AFRIBANK NIGERIA PLC V HACO, the Court granted interim relief and directed the parties to arbitrate under the provisions of ACA.Upon the publication of the award the parties returned to the Court for its enforcement as judgment of the Court. The Courts in Nigeria are often inclined to uphold the provisions of Sections 4 and 5 of the ACA provided the necessary conditions are met. A live case in point is the case of MINAJ SYSTEMS LTD. V. GLOBAL PLUS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LTD. & 5 ORS, in this case, the Claimant instituted a Court action in breach of the arbitration agreement in the main contract and on the Defendant’s application , the Court granted an order staying proceedings in the interim for 30 days pending arbitration.In NIGER PROGRESS LTD. V. N. E. I. CORP. , the Supreme Court followed section 5 of the ACA which gives the Court the jurisdiction to stay proceedings where there is an arbitration agreement. In the owners of the MV LUPEX V. NIGERIAN OVERSEAS CHARTERING & SHIPPING LTD, the Supreme Court held that it was an abuse of the Court process for the respondent to institute a fresh suit in Nigeria against the appellant for the same dispute during the pendency of the arbitration proceedings in London. In AKPAJI V.UDEMBA, the Court held that where a defendant fails to raise the issue of an arbitration clause and rely on same at the early stage of the proceeding but takes positive steps in the action, he would be deemed to have waived his right under the arbitration clause. 2. 3THE PARTIES TO AN ARBITRATION AGREEMENT The parties to a contract must have legal capacity to enter into that contract, otherw ise it is invalid. The position is no different if the contract in question happens to be an arbitration agreement.The general rule is that any natural or legal person who has the capacity to enter into a valid contract has the capacity to enter into an arbitration agreement. Accordingly, the parties to such agreements include individuals, as well as partnerships, corporations, states and state agencies. If an arbitration agreement is entered into by a party who does not have the capacity to do so, (the law where applicable) may be invoked either at the beginning or at the end of the arbitral process. If it is invoked at the eginning of the process, the party requesting for it would ask the competent court to stop the arbitration, on the basis that the arbitration agreement is null and void. Where the validity of the arbitration agreement is raised at the end of the arbitration process, the requesting party would ask that the competent court to refuse the recognition and enforcement of such an award, on the grounds that one of the parties to the arbitration agreement is â€Å"under some incapacity†under the applicable law. 3. 0MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ARBITRATION ACT a) The Arbitration Clause: The Arbitration and Conciliation Act (â€Å"ACA†) CAP.A18 2004 mandates that all arbitration agreements must be in writing and signed by the parties, in an exchange of letters, telex, telegram or other means of communication; or point of claim or defence. In Nigeria, arbitration clauses are irrevocable except by the leave of court or mutual agreement of parties. Even where parties had no prior agreement, with a submission agreement, parties may still submit to arbitration; b) Subject-matter Arbitrability: The â€Å"ACA†does not stipulate any particular subject matter that may not be referred to arbitration.The question of whether or not a dispute is arbitrable has therefore been left at the discretion of the Courts. In ARAB REPUBLIC V. OGUNWALE(2002 ) 9 NWLR (PART 771) 127,the Court of Appeal held that the test for determining whether a dispute is arbitrable or not is that the dispute or difference must necessarily arise from the clause contained in the agreement. However not all disputes are necessarily arbitrable c) Binding Nature: The â€Å"ACA5†provides that every arbitration award in Nigeria shall be binding on the parties.This is to preclude a recalcitrant party from preventing a successful party from enjoying the fruits of his judgment. d) Number of Arbitrators: In Nigeria, the number of arbitrators is either one or three. The parties to an arbitration agreement may determine their preferred numbers of arbitrators to be appointed under the agreement, but where no such determination is made, the number of arbitrators shall be deemed to be three. e) Challenge of an arbitrator: Parties may determine the procedure to be followed in challenging an arbitrator. Where no such procedure is determined a party who intends t o challenge an arbitrator shall, within ifteen days of becoming aware of the constitution of the arbitral Tribunal or becoming aware of any of the grounds, send to the arbitral Tribunal a written statement of the reasons for the challenge. f) Preservative Orders: The provisions of the ACA cloths the members of a Tribunal with the requisite powers to grant preservative orders during an arbitration reference. These orders however do not include granting injunctions etc. The Act provides that in such circumstance, the Tribunal can remit that portion of the reference to a proper court for the grant of such injunctive relief. ) Language to be used in Arbitral proceedings: In Nigeria, the parties may, by agreement determine the language or languages to be used in the arbitral proceedings. But where they do not do so, the arbitral Tribunal shall determine the language to be used bearing in mind the relevant circumstances of the case. h) Legal Representation: In Nigeria, the parties to an a rbitral proceeding may appear for themselves or be represented or assisted by a legal practitioner of their choice. i) The Award: An Award may be interim, interlocutory, or final. Any award made in Nigeria must adhere to the following: * It must be in writing; It must be signed by all the arbitrators (if they are more than one); * It must be delivered with a reason (except where parties agree otherwise); * The place where the Award was made must be stated on the award. j) The enforcement of an Award: An arbitral award shall, irrespective of the country in which it is made, be recognised as binding on the parties. This is made possible by the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcements) Act, Cap 152, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, which makes foreign arbitral awards registerable in Nigerian Courts if at the date of registration it could be enforced by execution in Nigeria. . 1THE DOCTRINE â€Å"SEPARABILITY†It is also known as the doctrine or principle of autonomy or independence of the arbitration clause. Separability means the arbitrability clause in a contract is considered to be separate from the main contract of which it forms part and as such, survives the termination of that contract. It noteworthy to mention that arbitration agreement can be in form of an arbitration clause in a contract or in a separate agreement addressing disputes that have already arisen.The doctrine of separability is most relevant to arbitration clause in a contract an underlying contract. At the outset it must be recognised that this doctrine is inextricably linked with the doctrine of kompetence-kompetence which empowers the arbitrator to decide his own jurisdiction in the first instance. While kompetence-kompetence empowers the arbitration tribunal to decide on its own jurisdiction, the doctrine of separability affects the outcome of this decision.The doctrine of separability is provided for under Section 12(2) of ACA: For purposes of subsection (1) of this sect ion, an arbitration clause which forms part of a contract shall be treated as an agreement independent of the other terms of the contract and a decision by the arbitral tribunal that the contract is null and void shall not entail ipso jure the validity of the arbitration clause. For arbitral tribunals whose seat is in Nigeria (including under domestic arbitration) the source of this doctrine is article 12(2) of ACA quoted above which is a mandatory provision.Parties cannot therefore as a matter of contract, derogate from this provision and agree otherwise. Finally, separability thus ensures that if, for example one party claims that there has been a total breach of contract by the other, the contract is not destroyed for all purposes. Instead: â€Å"It survives for the purpose of measuring the claims arising out of the breach, and the arbitration clause survives for determining the mode of their settlement. The purposes of the contract have failed, but the arbitration clause is not one of the purposes of the contract. †4. 0DATA AND METHODIn bid to gather information for this study, the secondary source of data collection was utilized, which includes – journals, textbooks and other relevant document from the internet (web sites and e-library). 5. 0CONCLUSION The importance of the arbitration agreement is imperative and vital to the success of an arbitration proceeding. The arbitration agreement represents the wishes of the parties to submit future dispute to arbitration while submission clause attends to disputes that have already arisen. REFERENCES ACA. (2004). Arbitration and Concilation Act CAP A8, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) .Nigeria. National Open University. (n. d. ). Alternative Disput Resolution II. Retrieved 02 23, 2013, from www. noun. edu. ng Oyegbile, S. O. (2000). An Introduction to Arbitration and Conciliation. Minna: Jameson Graphic Publishers. Tolulope, A. (2012). Arbitration in the Emerging Markets. The International Charmber of Commerce Clyde & Co. Conference (pp. 2-4). London: Aron. Udechukwu, C. E. (2008). Professional Practice for Real Estate Professionals. Lagos: Treem Nigeria Limited. Wikipedia. (2013). Web Encylopedia. Retrieved 02 14, 2013, from www. wikipedia. com: http://www. wikipedia. com
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Career Research Paper
This Job Involves many skills. Since physical therapists are always working with people they must enjoy working with all different kinds of people. Touching others is also a large part of this job. They not only have to help a patient get better and help prevent injury. A therapist must have a good understanding of the human body and be able to show patients various exercises.There have been various types of therapy: heat and cold, hydrotherapy, electrotherapist, and massage and exercise according to Churchman. Heat and cold involves heating and cooling the Injury with various tools. Hydrotherapy Includes using hot water to help with various injuries. Electrotherapist Involves using electric shocks to relax the muscles. Massage and Exercise involves using acupressure and electrical stimulation. Today physical therapists make their own history through research. Rather than following everyone else they research to find what works best for them and their patients.The general duties of a physical therapist, according to Churchman, Include transporting patients, make-up of treatment tables, cleaning arioso machines, clerical work, talk with patients to become familiar with them and their injuries. They tend to work 40 hours a week and often-on Saturdays according to â€Å"Physical Therapists†. This article also states therapists tent to work one on one with patients and rarely work in groups since each injury is different they cannot be grouped together.The income off physical therapist ranges from $50,000 to $104,000 according to â€Å"Physical Therapists†and assistants tend to earn an average of $32,000 as stated in Churchman. The education needed for this Job once involved eating a physical education degree but has changed since them. However in 2001 all programs for physical therapy will be at the matters degree level and above. Students will need their undergraduate grades and volunteer experience in physical therapy. The undergraduate classes sh ould have a balanced combination of course that will teach you how to live and how to earn a living.Understand the development of humanity spiritual and social needs as well as physical needs. Therapists must think logically and be able to write and speak effectively. They must learn to have strong relationships with their patients. Tarring In high school they should start taking courses that will help them learn all of these skills. A few classes include biology, English, physics, first aid, and health. In college or university there are many programs to help physical therapists get the requirements they need.Physical Therapist Assistants require a two-year associate degree that gives students theoretical and practical knowledge. Physical therapists mostly work In the field with baccalaureate degrees but most students today earn a master's. Henderson also mentions that all students need some clinical experience while they are studying to et their various degrees. A few ways to get started it taking positions in large teaching hospitals in metropolitan areas to gain experience. The armed forces or the U. S. Public Health Service are also a good place to start.Hospitals or local practices are also available in most areas. Many new graduates tend to go to hospitals first. This Job really Interests me because I enjoy working with people and I always want to freshmen at San Marco's and was studying to become a Sports Medicine Trainer. I have always looked up to her and we have always had similar interests. I looked into Sports Medicine and found it quite interesting but I knew I would not be able to handle that much pressure. Later in my freshman year, my knees started to bother me while I was dancing so I went to an orthopedic surgeon to get a diagnosis.I noticed the physical therapist's office across the lobby but did not know anything about them. When I got home I began to research physical therapy and found it really interesting. I took anatomy and physiology in high school and fell in love with learning how the body moves. I am now in my third year at community college and I till have one more year before I plan on transferring to San Marco's Sinology program. From there I plan to get my master's, possibly Loam Linda, and my PhD from SST. Augustine in San Marco's or Loam Linda.San Marco's will help set up an internship at the new hospital in Tentacle and I am hoping to get a Job there while I finish up my education. Eventually I plan to open my own private practice, possibly specialize in a sport and work with athletes or work with the armed forces. Looking more into working for the armed forces, I could either enlist as an officer or work as a civilian. Enlisting as an officer would involve going through basic combat training, advanced individual training, and officer schooling.If I were to work as a civilian according to Henderson, many civilians hold two Jobs. Rather than only working for the military they tend to work at other pract ices or hospitals in the area. I feel I would also have to be very positive to help all the military men and women stay positive and keep working hard. Another issue with enlisting would be getting certified in each state. According to Henderson a therapist must be certified in the state before they are able to start practicing.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull Events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dietrich Mateschitz - Red Bull Events - Essay Example The Austrian graduate in Business Management and billionaire developed his marketing skills, amongst other things, with the German Blendax company. Since 1987, Dietrich Mateschitz is trading with his â€Å"Red Bull GmbH†to reach world leadership in the Energy-Drink sector. He tried out a different concept which helped him in creating a product differentiation amongst other beverages available in the market. In order to create a market for the product he targeted the health conscious and sports loving youth, and rest is the history. The brand label of â€Å"Red Bull†is ever since associated with strength and endurance in sporting events. In association with a Thai partner, he conceptualized the idea of coming out with catchy slogans and contemporary advertisements, which appealed to the youth segment (Dolan, 2005). In addition this entrepreneur came forward in sponsoring extreme sports sponsorships. Terry and Franklin (1994) say that competence for a leadership job is the product of both inherited and acquired qualities. Therefore the leader has to be a good learner, so that he can acquire ideas and concepts while keenly observing the world around him and capitalize on the stronger points of the business entity while trying to minimize the effects of weaker points. During one of his many business trips to Asia with Blendax, he got to know about the booming market for energy- and adrenaline drinks, which were totally unknown in Europe and the Western part of the World. In 1983 he bought the license for such a drink and founded the business â€Å"Red Bull†together with his Thai partners Chaleo and Chalerm Yoovidhya in 1984. After some changes of the mixture and the development of the marketing concept, the product was launched in Austria in 1987. The Name â€Å"Red Bull†was directly translated from the former Thai name of the product â€Å"Krating Daeng†. ‘Often copied never equaled’ is
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) In Apple Inc Assignment
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) In Apple Inc - Assignment Example Value chain can be described as set of organizations which comes to work together to meet the market demands created by supply in the market. Value chain Apple is responsible for giving out a description of activities conducted or performed by different organizations to create a product or service in the market. The process of creating value chain within an organization in all cases is based on cost incurred in creating a given product or service (Reuvid, 2010). Different Types of Value Chain There are different types of value chain existing in organizations today. The first is the porter’s value chain which highlights nine activities that are responsible for increasing the entire value of an organization. The porter’s value chain model is always composed of both primary and support activities. The primary activities are described as process which is used in the physical construction of product or service (Reuvid, 2010). An example of this may involve the operations of a product or service and outbound logistics used to collect and distribute products or services by an organization. Conversely, support activities are those things which allow or creates infrastructure for primary activities to be made possible in an organization. This may involve departments concerned with ensuring quality or avail finances for primary activities in an organization (Khosrowpour, 2000). The second type of value chain is the customer-centric value chain which is basically concerned with competition and information in an organization.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How to quit smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
How to quit smoking - Essay Example There are several methods that can help to quit smoking. Nicotine gum is one method that can help to quit smoking only when it is used to as a program to change the behavior. Nicotine gum can help to control cravings and also withdrawal symptom. It can help to double the rate of quitting. It can become hard for people to quit smoking when they are addicted towards it. Nicotine gum contains nicotine which makes people to addict towards smoking. Nicotine released after chewing nicotine gum helps to replace some of the nicotine that was stored during smoking cigarettes. Nicotine level in the gun is in less quantity that that of cigarettes. It can help to reduce withdrawal symptoms such as frustration, irritability, anger and anxiety (Krumhol, 2002). Nicotine gum helps to avoid Carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals that acquired from smoking. Most smokers want to quit smoking but the addiction towards it makes difficult. Of course one needs good support to help them quit smoking (Goldberg, 2009). Nicotine gum is the first step that can help to quit smoking (Gansler, 2010). Ultimately it is up to the smoker to decide what is good for them. Smokers who are prepared to quit smoking must have this gum to control their urge to quit smoking (Brannon, 2013). The urge of s moking may evolve only when someone quit smoking. But people who want to quit smoking must be prepared to control their addiction. But if someone don’t plan for their urges then they are most likely to smoke again (Hales, 2008). Nicotine gums helps to remove cravings that are caused by smoking. People must have sufficient willpower to quit smoking. Nicotine gum is helpful when people are strongly tempted towards smoking (Carlson, 2004). Each puff of smoking cigarette emits 4700 different harmful chemical compounds. Information shows that are very fatal and every day millions of people die to smoking (Foody, 2007). In short smokers can get many types of diseases; one of
Monday, August 26, 2019
Ethical Dilemma in Pharmacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethical Dilemma in Pharmacy - Essay Example In some states, pharmacists operate under set rules and regulations and therefore, they face ethical dilemmas when prescribing dangerous medication. This essay relies on the above scenario to discuss how pharmacists find themselves in ethical dilemmas and conclude by giving solutions on how to overcome such dilemmas. Here there is an ethical dilemma because the pharmacist is not aware of what the patient is intending to do with the injecting equipment. The patient may be planning to use the injecting equipment for purposes that may cause serious injuries or harm thus putting the pharmacist into trouble according to NHS Quality Improvement Scotland.The majority of people are currently being prescribed methadone not for drug abuse but for pain. It is true that methadone is the only type of narcotic that works under certain conditions. For instance, methadone is frequently used for relief of cancer pains or peripheral neuropathy. Therefore, the pharmacist is in an ethical dilemma since he does not know the purpose the patient is requesting for the injecting equipment. In addition, the pharmacist cannot assume that the patient is requesting for safer injecting equipment for heroin withdrawal. Now the patient calling back in the same pharmacy for safe injecting equipment can make the pharmacist think that the patient is requesting the injection equipment for something innocent. For instance, the patient’s grandmother may in need of insulin syringes. However, the preparation of methadone itself is such that the drug discourages injection. There is more than the pharmacist should do in such a situation but he should take the appropriate steps. Mostly, the pharmacist should first ask the patient why he is requesting for the injection equipment. In addition, methadone is temporary and supposedly the patient’s way off.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
What are the factor causing the record low of 0.3% inflation and what Essay
What are the factor causing the record low of 0.3% inflation and what are the consequnces - Essay Example Lower prices may also be caused by change in structure of capital markets and decrease in currency supply. Thus factors causing the record low of 0.3% mainly emerge from the fall in prices of widely consumed products or services such as motor fuels and food. A fall in price for the two is the main cause of this extremely low inflation level. This has been observed recently in UK. â€Å"The rate of UK consumer prices Index inflation fell to 0.3% in January; its lowest level since records began. Cheaper petrol and lower food prices helped by a supermarket price war-cut the rate from 0.5% in December†(BBC NEWS). Extreme fall in prices, deflation, results into reduced business revenue. Businesses must significantly reduce the prices of their products in order to stay competitive. As they reduce their prices, their revenue starts to drop. Besides, deflation may cause wage cutbacks and layoffs. Drop in revenue of companies forces them to reduce their expenditure to meet their bottom line. One of the possible ways to cut the expenses is by reducing wages and cutting positions. Additionally, extreme fall in inflation level may increase purchasing power (BBC NEWS). Consumers may substantially take advantage of the lower prices by increasing their
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The recent tendency to reorganize the notion of accused right parallel Dissertation
The recent tendency to reorganize the notion of accused right parallel to the right of the victim, evaluation from the initiativ - Dissertation Example The logic behind the right to a fair trial was implicit in the creation of complicity under the doctrine of command responsibility. Justice Robert Jackson in his opening statement at the Nuremberg Trials essentially reasoned that the International Military Tribunal would confer upon the accused persons, the due process that they refused to confer upon their victims.6 The right to a fair trial is not absolute however, as there are circumstances where that right may be â€Å"derogated from in certain circumstances†.7 This paper focuses on the recent trends in international criminal law in which there is an initiative for balancing the rights of the accused against victims’ rights under the doctrine of command responsibility. ... ce of the charges against him/her.8 The initiative to elevate the rights of victims over the right of the accused was a method by which the International Criminal Court addressed concerns on the part of civilians in zones under conflict and non-governmental organizations. These concerns took the position that the ad hoc international criminal tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda had neglected the input of victims by not permitting their participation in the trials and the appellate process. The International Criminal Tribunal addressed those concerns by making the concerns of victims a priority and by focusing more intently on restorative justice.9 The International Criminal Court is primarily founded on the objective that the administration of justice means justice not only for those who commit international crimes, but also for the victims.10 The Preamble to the ICC informs that: During this century millions of children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities tha t deeply shock the conscience of humanity.11 Trumbull notes that the reference to victims in the ICC’s preamble is not an accident. In fact, Trumbull goes farther to state, that this reference to victims was intentional and aimed at ensuring that the rights of victims occupy a â€Å"high priority†.12 Under the authority of the ICC, the International Criminal Court has made good on the prioritizing of victims’ rights primarily by permitting victims the right to participate in the criminal proceedings. In this regard, victims have the right to express their opinions relative to the authorization of an investigation, whether or not a case is admissible and any other matter that impacts their own interests.13 The ICC and the International Court, Rules of Procedure and Evidence 2000 contain a
Friday, August 23, 2019
An analysis of job opportunities in the finance field for business Research Paper
An analysis of job opportunities in the finance field for business graduates - Research Paper Example Recruitment levels for fresh graduates are still low due to the adverse effects of financial crisis witnessed in all parts of the globe. It is argued that about 10% of fresh graduates stay for over six months without securing a job in their field of study (Oduma 4). This may result into unchanged starting salaries despite rise in the state of living a state that is not good for graduates. With increased number of graduate, some employers are taking advantage of the situation to pay graduates peanuts since they have little alternatives in employment opportunities. Studies shows that competition for job is so fierce those employers receive up to 56 applications for one vacancy, most of which are fresh graduates in dire need of employment opportunities. This scramble for jobs is worse among business opportunities where employers receive approximately 192 applications form one job opportunity advertised. A quarter of these are people with experience in such positions scrambling for the s ame jobs with fresh graduates a condition, which is amazing. Overview of finance field Since the finance field was the hardest hit by the global financial crisis, the employers are very keen on who to employ and whom not to employ. This is because issues dealing with finances are very sensitive thus, only graduates who are up to the task usually have the highest chances of being employed. This is because they want employees who are able to withstand the high expectations from investors thus develop trust and confidence. There is no room for mistakes when dealing with finances this may severely ruin the reputation of firm.... Overview of finance field Since the finance field was the hardest hit by the global financial crisis, the employers are very keen on who to employ and whom not to employ. This is because issues dealing with finances are very sensitive thus, only graduates who are up to the task usually have the highest chances of being employed. This is because they want employees who are able to withstand the high expectations from investors thus develop trust and confidence. There is no room for mistakes when dealing with finances this may severely ruin the reputation of firm (Oduma 3). Graduates in finance field have a variety of places to explore their skills. Some of these places are supermarkets, airlines, large motorcar companies, investment banks, insurance companies, financial advisers, brooking firms, unit and investment trust companies just but to mention a few. Due to this wide career path, graduates with training in finance field have the advantage of having a wide career base to choose form in the field of finance. Those who do not secure places in the above named places still have the opportunities to work in other places in managerial positions due to the nature of their training (Oduma 4). Several factors diminish the chances of a graduate form getting a job in finance field. They include lack of job skills, inability to communicate well in English, negative attitude, lack of awareness on job opportunities and mismatch between industry needs and thee graduate field of study (Ahmad et al 2). The graduate needs to have all the above-mentioned skills in order to be competitive and survive in the job market. This is because skills and
Thursday, August 22, 2019
A View From The Bridge Essay Example for Free
A View From The Bridge Essay The Play A View From The Bridge by Arthur Miller is set in the 1950s in Brooklyn, America in a small cramped apartment, focusing the audiences attention on to the tension in this household. It is a tragedy about an Italian American man called Eddie Carbone. It is a story of self destruction that Miller suggests is inevitable when a strong man like Eddie defies the standards of what his culture holds to be right and wrong. Eddie and his wife Beatrice have brought up Beatrices niece Catherine. Catherine is now old enough to go out for work. Eddie is very protective over her and is reluctant to let her go out for work. When Beatrices cousins Rodolpho and Marco arrive as illegal immigrants, Catherine falls in love with Rodolpho. Eddie becomes jealous as Catherine moves further away from him but never admits it. Throughout the play Eddie tries to destroy Rodolpho and as a final desperate measure he betrays him and his brother to the authorities. In his community this is unforgivable. Marco is so mad that he finally kills Eddie before he is deported. The play ends with everyone losing something. I found it very difficult to decide who I felt most sympathy for in the play because ultimately, everyone lost something. Eddie dies a sad broken man. Beatrice weeps over the loss of her husband. Rodolpho and Catherine are sorry for Eddies death and Marco is deported and loses his goal of earning money to send home. Eddie is a strong, impulsive man. He acts by instinct and prejudice. He is convinced just by looking at Rodolpho that he is a homosexual and unfit to marry his niece, whom he is over protective of. This becomes clear in his conversation with Alfieri about Rodolpho. Eddie says, he aint right and he also says, Hes a blonde guy. Like platinum. Eddie thinks that Rodolpho is homosexual just because he has blonde hair. He suggests that Rodolpho is weak when he says, I mean if you close the paper fast you could blow him over, showing how he believes Rodolpho is not manly enough to marry his niece. In his mind he neither understands nor admits his true feeling towards Catherine. Alfieri confronts him about this, She wants to get married, Eddie. She cant marry you can she? Eddie is shocked by the suggestion and replies furiously, Whatre you talkin about, marry me! I dont know what the hell youre talkin about! He refuses to admit that his feeling for Catherine is more than fatherly. To him, Alfieris suggestion is absurd and unacceptable. In fact, he is only lying to himself and pushing himself one step closer to his own demise.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Children with special educational needs Essay Example for Free
Children with special educational needs Essay The home environment and lifestyle of a child can be influenced from as early as conception. In pregnancy if a mother chooses to drink alcohol they run the risk of alcohol crossing the placenta, which can lead to foetal alcohol syndrome. This condition affects foetal growth and causes delayed development, learning difficulties and congenital abnormalities. In addition there is a risk of miscarriage. Furthermore, increasing hours of work pressured upon parents from their place of work can lead to bad eating habits, for example, fast food takeaways giving children snacks, fizzy drinks, sweets and crisps, which in-turn could lead to obesity and all the health problems that are associated with obesity, such as diabetes and osteo-arthritis. Moreover they could be the subject of bullying at school. The child may become socially excluded because of their size; they may feel depressed and withdrawn hindering their learning potential. Gender influences: Children are aware of their gender identity. Read more: Explain how children and young peoples development is influenced by a range of external factors essay Research indicates: By the age of 21/2 years, children think girls prefer to play with dolls and engage in domestic activities with mum, while boys prefer to play with cars or construction toys and helping dad. (www. geocities/gender. edu. ) Gender stereotyping is damaging to childrens social development and their personality as it damages their self-image, in addition too the identity of girls because it can affect their confidence and lower their self-esteem. Boys too can be limited by gender stereotypes by being forced to behave tough or less caring, in order to conform and by accepted by others. This can be overcome by early years practitioners providing role-play opportunities including dressing-up clothes, which allow children to explore different roles. Furthermore, books and games should be avoided, which demonstrate gender stereotyping. Special Educational Needs: The range of special educational needs, (SEN) is vast and the starting point for looking if a child may have a learning difficulty can be seen through their level of academic attainment. Learning difficulties can be described as moderate, severe or profound and multiple. They can range from a mild hearing impairment, to a severe impairment, for example, Cerebral palsy. This condition affects the part of the brain that controls movement. This may cause disability of all four limbs. Children with this condition may have motor problems, visual and hearing impairments, in addition to speech and perceptual difficulties. Dyspraxia is referred to as, Clumsy child Syndrome in this condition the child has difficulty with physical movement, language development may be delayed. In addition learning difficulties can occur where fine or gross motor skills are needed. Dyslexia is a condition where the child has difficulty with words and learning to read, spell and write. This could cause the child to have low self- esteem and become frustrated, or even disruptive. These examples are just a few of the conditions that may have an impact on a childs ability to learn and develop to their full potential. It is just as important recognising the child has SEN, as to meeting their needs to help them achieve. Communication is of paramount importance, in addition to remembering to put the needs of the child first and then the disability. In conclusion it can be shown that a childs learning and development can be affected by many factors, throughout the human life-span. This is why it is imperative that these factors are highlighted to early years professionals, so they can recognise and act upon them in the childs best interests, to promote their well being and education. REFERENCES: Alcott, M. (2002) Children with special educational needs, 2nd edition, Hodder Stoughton, London. Haralambos, Rice, D. (2002) Psychology in Focus A level, Causeway, Lancs
Health Benefits and Problems of Drinking Green Tea
Health Benefits and Problems of Drinking Green Tea Introduction Green tea was originated from China and has been consumed for thousands of years. It was initially used as a natural remedy and in religious ceremonies before it became a beverage. Heavy green tea drinkers like the monks and Japanese have been known to live longer than average people. It is believe that regular consumption of tea is good because it helps to relax ones mind, decrease his need for sleep, and lightens his weight by reducing fat in the body system. These observations have been gradually proven by scientists. Today, several billion cups of green tea are consumed daily by people around the world. It has become one of the most widely consumed drinks and popular even among younger generations who are health conscious. Although the majority of drinkers are Asians, it is gaining popularity in the West as more people hear how beneficial it can be to human health. Many people who used to drink coffee or black tea with milk are now joining the trend of drinking green tea. Those w ho do not enjoy drinking green tea but want its health benefits can take green tea extracts in the form of supplements. Aims for the dissertation A lot of studies and research have been done on green tea extracts and their effects on health the past few decades. While most scientists confirmed the goodness of green tea, some experts expressed concerns about the potential health risks of consuming too much green tea extracts. The objective of this paper is to look at the benefits and drawbacks of consuming green tea. It also attempts to find out whether green tea is really so good and as safe as so many people claim or think it to be. Methodology There are now many books about green tea, websites designed to inform and update visitors on green tea, as well as thousands of scientific articles, research studies and media reports on the health benefits and potential risks. This paper was based on information and data from secondary source, mainly literature review of books, journal articles searched from the Internet database and newspaper reports. Updates from government and official websites were also used. Overall structure This dissertation looks at the history of green tea, its composition, applications and uses. It then discusses the health benefits and potential risks of the green tea extracts, as well as the controversy about some of the health claims. Background There are different varieties of the tea plants and as many as 500 existing species of tea grown in around 50 different countries, with China having the most species than the others. Most tea specialists prefer to cultivate the species Camellia sinensis which almost all green tea comes from. Green teas are made exclusively from the young leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis plant. This plant is a slow-growing evergreen perennial tree of the genus Camellia, which survives in tropical or sub-tropical rainforest climates and thrives at altitudes of 2,100 meters above sea-level. The two parent strains were originated in Darjeeling, Assam and China. In order to harvest them more easily and conveniently, the trees are kept short as shrubs. There is no uniform grading for green tea. Good quality green tea consists of a leaf and a bud. The eight criteria to determine good green tea are the appearance, shape, colour, completeness, aroma, liquor, flavour and wet leaf. Green tea processing Teas are classified into three major types, depending on how they are processed: green, black and oolong. Green teas are made from unfermented leaves. They are steamed, roasted, or pan-fried almost immediately after being picked. Since there is no time for them to ferment, no chemical change occurred. This is why it tends to be lighter in color and have the delicate green character. Oolong teas are produced when the fresh leaves are subjected to a partial fermentation stage before drying. Black teas undergo post-harvest fermentation stage before drying and steaming. As a result of the fermentation and oxidation, many of the components in the tea leaves that are beneficial for health are destroyed during the production of black tea. Green tea is considered better than black tea or oolong tea for health reasons because it does not go through fermentation or oxidation during its production. It is the purest form of all teas. In China, green tea leaves are allowed to dry naturally before they are roasted or pan-fried. Such treatments prevent fermentation and soften the leaves which will then be rolled and twisted to remove additional moisture. The Japanese use a steaming method before rolling, twisting and drying the leaves. Chinas green tea is known to be the most delicate of all with a sweet and mild grassy taste. Some of the best Chinese green tea like fine Dragonwell could result in five or more infusions. The best green teas are those picked during early spring around the time of the Qing Ming Festival. Modern tea masters could list 500 or more green teas which could be plucked and processed slightly differently to give slightly different taste. History of green tea Green tea has been used by people as a healthy and medicinal drink for thousands of years. There are many different stories about how it was first discovered. The most popular one from China dated as far back as 2737 B.C. The Chinese legend described how Shen Nong accidentally discovered the soothing taste of the beverage after a leaf dropped from a tea plant into a pot of boiling water while he was in the garden. He became very interested in the infusion and began to study about its various healing properties. Other stories of tea link it with Zen Buddhism. Whichever is true, there is no doubt that tea was originated from China. Anthropologists have reasons to believe that prehistoric humans living in the area of Yunnan chewed on the leaves of tea trees to increase their alertness when hunting. Fresh green tea leaves were gradually used by people for medicinal properties such as to treat depression, digestive and nervous conditions. During the Han dynasty, tea plants were known to b e grown by monasteries in Sichuan. Some people started to steam tea leaves and then compressed them into cakes. These tea bricks would be baked and hardened so that they could be prevented from spoiling and be kept for a longer time. By the Tang Dynasty, as tea cultivation improved and trade increased, tea drinking became very popular in the upper class. Tea rules and ceremony were developed during this golden age of tea. Gradually, tea was consumed as a common healthy drink for all levels of society in China and Tibet instead of mainly used as a remedy to treat different health complaints for certain groups of people. Around A.D. 780, a book dedicated to tea called Cha Ching (Tea Classics) written by Lu Yu was published. He described in great details how tea was grown, cultivated and processed. He even wrote about the utensils and proper way of tea consumption. It was Lu Yu who transformed the process of tea drinking into a form of art, which would eventually be passed to Japan by monks who travelled around Asia. As the popularity of drinking tea continued to grow in China, a tea culture began to develop in Zen ceremonies and secular society in Japan, where the tea plant was able to adapt very well. The tradition of drinking green tea involves a wide range of green tea and is still an important part of their society. By the 12th century, tea plants were already exported to Japan on a large scale. It was until the 14th century when the culture of drinking tea was first introduced to Europe via the Silk Road and soon spread to other parts of the world. During the 1600s a Chinese ambassador brought tea to Moscow which led to a flourishing tea trade to Russia. The Manchus were in power when China was the most important trading country in the world and tea trade was a monopoly. The Portuguese were the first traders to bring tea to Europe in large scale. China was able to be a sole exporter of tea by keeping the knowledge of tea cultivation technique for a long time. It was the British, eager to learn how to cultivate tea, who uncovered the secret of growing tea outside China in the 1800s. They sent a man to China who disguised himself as a merchant. The seeds he collected in China were brought to India but efforts to cultivate them failed. However, experiments using the Chinese techniques to grow loca l India tea plant were successful. Since the 19th century, the British began to cultivate tea on plantations in the colonies of India and Sri Lanka. It was only then when black tea, mass-produced and sold in packets, became more popular in the rest of the world. Nowadays, the tea plant is cultivated in many countries around the world, with China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka being the greatest producers. About 3.1 million tons of dried tea is produced every year, 20% of which is green tea. Although green tea has been consumed by the Chinese and Japanese for such a long time, its popularity increased only gradually in the West as the health benefits became more widely known. This is because green tea research has been widely conducted only in recent years by scientists. In fact, well-publicized results of research on green tea have been available only since the early 1990s. Green tea is now one of the most popular beverage consumed by people besides water. In some places, brewed tea steeped from carefully harvested green tea leaves of delicately grown tea tree is treated like prized wine or rare coffee. As studies continue to show evidence of its benefits, green tea will continue to be sought after by more and more people everywhere. The use of green tea and its extracts by manufacturers will continue to increase as green teas reputation keeps growing. Green tea components While the history of green tea is long and interesting, its chemistry is complex and studied by scientists only quite recently. To understand more about green tea extracts and their effects on health, it is necessary to look at the composition as well as chemical and biochemical properties of green tea. The composition of green tea leaf is very similar to that of other fresh leaf since green tea, being the most natural form of tea, is made from unfermented leaves from the tea plant. Only a few changes to the enzymes of the leaves occur right after they are plucked from the plant and some new volatile substances are produced when they are dried. The buds and leaves of the tea plant contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes and the genetic material necessary for growth and photosynthesis. The main constituents of the leaves are polyphenols, the catechin and catechin-derived antioxidants; caffeine; theobromine; theophylline; and theanine. Other compounds in green tea that affect the human health are fluoride, minerals, vitamins such as B1, B2 and C, and trace elements such as chromium and manganese. Table 1 Mean Composition (%) of Green Tea Compound Green tea* Phenolic compounds** 30 Fibre 26 Proteins 15 Others carbohydrates 7 Lipids 7 Minerals 5 Amino acids 4 Pigments 2 Oxidised phenolic compounds*** 0 *Data referred to dry weight of tea leaves. **Especially flavonoids. ***Especially thearubigins and theaflavins. [Sources: Belitz DH, Grosch W(1997), Qu?mica de los Alimentos. Zaragoza: Acribia] The amount of these ingredients differs according to where the green tea is cultivated and age of the leaves. Young leaves and buds contain more caffeine while older leaves have larger amount of tannin (flavonols).[2] Fresh green tea buds and leaves contain 75-80% water while the polyphenol components make up the remaining 20-25% of solid matter. Careful drying could prevent changes to the active ingredients of the green tea leaves whereas fermentation and oxidation that occur when black tea is processed would cause chemical changes. This leads to the major difference in the effects and taste between black tea and green tea. Green tea extracts are herbal derivatives from green tea leaves which are used or taken orally by people. The extracts can be divided into 4 categories: a) Strong infusions Green tea leaves are processed by soaking in alcohol solution; b) Soft extracts the solution made by strong infusion is concentrated to 20 25%; c) Dry extracts the solution from strong infusion is further concentrated to 40 50% solids and turned into dehydrated extract powder; d) Partly purified extracts techniques such as solvent extraction, column chromatography, membrane extraction and separation are used to acquire more purified derivatives of green tea in order to produce supplements like green tea tablets and capsules. Tea Polyphenols The color of green tea is partly due to chlorophyll and partly due to a kind of naturally occurring compound in it, called polyphenols. These compounds are responsible for the pungency and unique flavor of green tea. They are antioxidants which is a type of phytochemical compounds found in most plants, vegetables and fruits as well as coffee, cocoa, wine and tea. Polyphenols are the most biologically active group among the tea components, with antioxidative, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effects. Exposure to oxygen during enzymatic process reduces polyphenols levels. Green tea has unaltered polyphenols because unlike oolong or black tea, they do not undergo oxidation. Because of this, green tea has the greatest effect on health among all teas. In green tea, polyphenols are in the form of flavonoids. The main flavonoids present in green tea are the green tea catechins (GTC) which comprise four major derivatives: (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) (represents approximately 59% of the total of catechins); (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) (19% approximately); (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) (13.6% approximately); and (-)-epicatechin (EC) (6.4% approximately). Catachins have a carbon structure C6-C3-C6 composed of two aromatic rings. [Source: V. Jane, et al. (Jan 2003), Tea Catechins and Polyphenols: Health Effects, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Functions, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43(1):89-143] The catechin content of green tea depends on how the leaves are processed, the geographical location and growing conditions (e.g. soil, climate, agriculture, practices and fertilizers), the type of green tea and the infusion (e.g. brew time, temperature) Green tea polyphenols are important for their ability to halt the damaging effects of oxidation which is a process of molecular DNA damage caused by the formation of toxic molecules called free radicals that develop in the human body. Individual catechins have different antioxidative and health properties. Other compounds found in different plants also have antioxidative action. Catechins found only in green tea however have been proved to be more effective than many well-known antioxidants. Professor Catherine Rice-Evans of the Guys Hospital in London carried out tests and determined that green tea catechins have greater effects as antioxidants than the same quantity of Vitamin C and E, or beta-carotene. She also ranked the catechins according to the proportion of their presence in green tea. According to her study, EGCG was the most active of the catechins, responsible for 32% of the antioxidant property of green tea. The order from most antioxidative to least antioxidative are: 1) EGCG 2) EGC 3) ECG and 4) EC. Caffeine Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant belonging to the family of chemicals called methylxanthines. It can be found in more than sixty different plants. [8] Most of them have been utilized as foods or beverages by people since ancient times. Caffeine is a trimethyl derivative of purine 2,6-diol. It was first discovered in coffee by Runge in 1820 and later isolated from tea by Nakabayashi. Caffeine content is usually 2.5-4.5% in dry green tea leaves. The amount of caffeine in green tea drink is about 1/10 to 1/5 of that in brewed coffee. [Source: V. Jane, et al. (Jan 2003), Tea Catechins and Polyphenols: Health Effects, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Functions, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43(1):89-143] Caffeine has a strong effect on the brain and muscles which is why drinker will experience a mental boost shortly after drinking tea. The amount of caffeine varies among different types of tea. Black tea has the greatest amount whereas green tea contains only one-third the caffeine of black tea. It has been shown in many studies that caffeine improves cognitive performance and certain aspect of memory. Besides mental health, caffeine may also helps to enhance ones emotional health, for example, making the drinker feel energized and motivated to work. Caffeine is known to be a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. It also stimulates the cerebral cortex, causing excitation in the central nervous system. However, it may have adverse effects on some people and its intake could cause health risks instead of benefits. Because of that, this component is often removed and excluded when green tea is extracted for applications such as health supplements. Nutrients Besides polyphenols and caffeine, the two most commonly known components, green tea also actually contains many nutrients, including different kinds of vitamins and inorganic compounds. Vitamins Commercial green tea leaves contain about 280mg of Vitamin C (VC, ascorbic acid) per 100g of dried leaves. The content of Vitamin C in green tea can be ten times that in black tea because the vitamin is partly destroyed during fermentation, which green tea does not undergo. Other vitamins found in green tea in different amounts are Vitamin B2, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and carotenoids. Inorganic elements There are many minerals in green tea such as calcium, iron, copper, sodium, zinc and potassium. Green tea can also be a rich source of selenium if it is grown in a soil rich in this essential mineral. Another important mineral found in green tea is manganese which is used by the body in digesting protein as well as maintaining healthy bones and connective tissue. Green tea also contains a lot of fluoride the mineral known for fighting dental cavities. The amounts of aluminum in green tea leaves are higher than any other plants. Fortunately, the tea plant is able to biochemically neutralize the toxicity of aluminum, which exists mainly in a chelate form, which is less absorbable than the ionic form, with less potential to cause adverse effect on health. Experiments on animals and people also confirm that tea catechins can prevent the damage caused by accumulation of aluminum in the bones. Some specific inorganic compounds in the tea plant are aluminum, fluorine, and manganese. Table 2 Inorganic Elements and their contents in green tea leaves (per 100g dried leaves) ElementContent ElementContent N3.5 7.1 Â Â (g)Â Â Al420 3,500 Â Â (ppm)Â Â P0.2 0.7 Â Â (g)Â Â As0.20 0.42 Â Â (ppm)Â Â K1.6 2.5 Â Â (g)Â Â Ba1.3 5.1 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Ca0.12 0.57 Â Â (g)Â Â Br7.8 25.0 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Mg0.12 0.30 Â Â (g)Â Â F17 260 Â Â (ppm)Â Â S0.24 0.48 Â Â (g)Â Â Na20 33 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Fe100 200 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Ni1.3 5.9 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Mn500 3,000 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Pb2.2 6.3 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Cu15 20 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Rb8 44 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Mo0.4 0.7 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Sc0.2 Â Â (ppm)Â Â B20 30 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Se1.0 1.8 Â Â (ppm)Â Â [Source: Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan, Resources Council, Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, 1991] Other Components Amino Acids The content of total nitrogen in green tea extracts ranges from 4.5 to 6%. Half of that are free amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. The amount of amino acids in tea leaves harvested during spring time is larger than that during other seasons. Green tea contains some common amino acids like aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, tyrosine etc. as well as an amino acid that is unique to it: theanine. Green tea has four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. There is in fact a fifth taste known as unami which is contributed by the amino acid l-theanine. This constituent was only identified in 1949, by a Japanese who discovered that theanine makes up about 50% of the free amino acids present in tea. Young tea buds harvested in early spring contain a lot more theanine than tea leaves harvested later in the year because the theanine are converted into catechins as the leaves mature. Green tea experts rate the unami taste most highly and consider it to be the most important factor in determining the quality of the tea. High grade green tea is more soothing to drink than lower grade ones because the l-theanine can decaffeinates tea naturally, making it taste less bitter. Scientific studies using electroencephalography show that if 8 times more theanine is present than caffeine, the effect of caffeine will be blunted. Studies have also shown that theanine increases production of d opamine in the brain, giving the drinker the sense of alertness while feeling relaxed. Aromatic Oils Aromatic oils play a major role in determining the fragrance of green tea. The oils accumulate as the tea leaf grows and evaporate during and after harvest of the leaf. For green tea, some aromatic oils remain in the final tea product, contributing to the taste of the tea. About 500 different aromatic oils have been identified in tea leaves. Carbohydrates Total carbohydrates in green tea leaves are about 40%, one third of which is cellulosic fiber. Starch is also contained in green tea. Tea leaves harvested in the morning when there is less starch are considered to be better in quality. Lipids Green tea leaves has an average of 4% oil by weight. The seeds of tea also contain oil of around 20-40% by weight. The oil is nondrying and has a solidifying temperature of -5 to + 15?C.>/p> Health Benefits Since the 1990s, scientists in different countries, particularly Japan, have almost suggested that every system of the body can be benefited by green tea consumption. The polyphenols are known to reduce the risk of cancer before genetic mutations occur by neutralizing free radicals, prevent cardiovascular disease by preventing LDL cholesterol from changes that promote heart disease, and protect the body from various other illnesses. As more people around the world hear about these benefits, it has become increasingly popular for those who want a healthy life style to drink green tea as beverage or take green tea extracts as supplements. Antioxidant Effects Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that could damage the body and lead to many diseases if left alone. They take an electron form another molecule, turning it into another electron-deficient free radical that can take an electron from a third molecule and so on, leading to a chain reaction. The human body has a number of antioxidant molecules that help to defend it against degenerative diseases, but sometimes they may be overwhelmed by the free radicals. Antioxidants are substances that patrol the body and quench free radical reactions. [8] The antioxidant property of green tea extract is the most basic of all the health benefits of green tea. Many plant foods provide an abundant source of antioxidant nutrients. Polyphenols in green tea are among the most effective. Gramza Anna et al. examined the antioxidative activity of several biologically active components from plants to find which are safe for people and showing high antioxidant activities if added to food with lipids such as lard. Results show that the 1000ppm green tea ethanol extract inhibited the oxidation process most strongly among samples of green and black tea leaves. It was observed that the antioxidant activity was higher in tea extracts containing high levels of ECG, EC and C. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) analysed nearly 400 foods for their EGCG content and published a report in 2007. It showed that regular green tea contains the highest concentration of antioxidants, followed by decaffeinated green tea, flavored green tea and instant or bottled green tea. That USDA study also showed why green tea is the best way to ingest antioxidants. One gram of green tea steeped in 100 millimeters of water yields 127 milligrams of catechins whereas 100 grams of dark chocolate contains only 54 milligrams, blueberries 52 milligrams and black grapes just 22 milligrams. Since tea contains higher levels of antioxidants than many fruits and vegetables, green tea consumption can protect the cells in the human body from damage caused by free radicals. Flavonoids, act as antioxidants, through four possible mechanisms: 1) as reducing agents, disarming free radicals. 2) by donating hydrogen molecules to prevent the formation of free radicals. 3) by quenching singlet oxygen that would otherwise act as a free radical in the body. 4) by binding with metals that could otherwise initiate the creation of free radicals. Among the four polyphenols in green tea, EGCG has been found to be particularly effective as an antioxidant. Researchers from Rutgers University concluded that the strong antioxidant activities of green tea are mainly due to the higher content of EGCG after comparing the antioxidant effect of various polyphenols in green tea and oolong tea. [23] Studies of the effects of tea consumption in people confirm evident that green tea is the most effective scavenger of free radicals among the different types of tea. In one study, five adults each drank two cups of green tea while five others drank the same amount of black tea. Both green and black teas improve the antioxidant capability of the blood, but green tea was found to be six times more powerful. Scientists also found that fresh green tea extracts is a better scavenger of singlet oxygen than stale green tea extract. Green tea polyphenols are also effective in quenching other free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide and superoxide. Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is known to affect the structure and function of myocardium, causing increased collagen in the heart and reducing cardiac function. Babu and his team from India found that the antioxidant enzymes of diabetic rats are not sufficient and efficient enough to reduce the oxidative stress caused by hyperglycemia. In 2006, their investigation showed that green tea treatment is effective in controlling the antioxidant system in the heart and aorta by alleviating lipid peroxidation. In 2007, their studies suggested that administration of green tea extract may improve myocardial collagen changes in diabetic rats. They believe that the antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and hypolipidemic effects of green tea catechins may be responsible and concluded green tea may provide a therapeutic option for the treatment of cardiovascular complications in diabetes. HIV The majority of the worlds 33 million HIV cases were infected through heterosexual sex with 96% of new infections occurring in developing countries. Therefore ways to fight the spread of HIV in poor countries are extremely necessary. Previously, scientists have carried out lab tests and reported that EGCG may prevent HIV from binding to the T-cells in the immune systems protecting them from HIVs damage. Although they knew that EGCG inhibited HIV in test tubes, they did not know if the findings would be useful beyond the lab. [26] Just recently, researchers in Germany have found a practical way to use EGCG to help prevent the spreading of AIDS. The researchers found that EGCG was capable of neutralizing a protein in sperm that served as a vector for the transmission of the virus that causes AIDS during sex. They say that the use of green tea in vaginal creams could provide a simple and affordable way to reduce cases of HIV infection. Neuroprotective Effects Parkinsons Disease Parkinsons disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the central nervous system resulting from loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. A research team led by Professor Zhao affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biophysics using an animal model of Parkinsons disease discovered that green tea polyphenols can protect dopamine neurons. He hopes that green tea polyphenols may eventually be developed into a safe drug for Parkinsons disease in humans. Alzheimers Disease In an article published by the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers from University of South Florida reported that EGCG prevented Alzheimers-like damage in the brain of mice genetically programmed to develop the neurodegenerative disease process. They work by decreasing production of the Alzheimers-related protein called beta-amyloid which causes nerve damage and memory loss when accumulated abnormally in the brain. The researchers think that a new generation of dietary supplements containing pure EGCG might be beneficial for treating Altheimers disease. Huntingtons Disease Like Alzheimers and Parkinsons, Huntingtons disease is also a type of neurodegenerative disease caused by protein misfolding characterized by jerky and uncontrolled movements. Mutant proteins are accumulated in the brain of sufferers and become toxic to the nerve cells in the brain. A res Health Benefits and Problems of Drinking Green Tea Health Benefits and Problems of Drinking Green Tea Introduction Green tea was originated from China and has been consumed for thousands of years. It was initially used as a natural remedy and in religious ceremonies before it became a beverage. Heavy green tea drinkers like the monks and Japanese have been known to live longer than average people. It is believe that regular consumption of tea is good because it helps to relax ones mind, decrease his need for sleep, and lightens his weight by reducing fat in the body system. These observations have been gradually proven by scientists. Today, several billion cups of green tea are consumed daily by people around the world. It has become one of the most widely consumed drinks and popular even among younger generations who are health conscious. Although the majority of drinkers are Asians, it is gaining popularity in the West as more people hear how beneficial it can be to human health. Many people who used to drink coffee or black tea with milk are now joining the trend of drinking green tea. Those w ho do not enjoy drinking green tea but want its health benefits can take green tea extracts in the form of supplements. Aims for the dissertation A lot of studies and research have been done on green tea extracts and their effects on health the past few decades. While most scientists confirmed the goodness of green tea, some experts expressed concerns about the potential health risks of consuming too much green tea extracts. The objective of this paper is to look at the benefits and drawbacks of consuming green tea. It also attempts to find out whether green tea is really so good and as safe as so many people claim or think it to be. Methodology There are now many books about green tea, websites designed to inform and update visitors on green tea, as well as thousands of scientific articles, research studies and media reports on the health benefits and potential risks. This paper was based on information and data from secondary source, mainly literature review of books, journal articles searched from the Internet database and newspaper reports. Updates from government and official websites were also used. Overall structure This dissertation looks at the history of green tea, its composition, applications and uses. It then discusses the health benefits and potential risks of the green tea extracts, as well as the controversy about some of the health claims. Background There are different varieties of the tea plants and as many as 500 existing species of tea grown in around 50 different countries, with China having the most species than the others. Most tea specialists prefer to cultivate the species Camellia sinensis which almost all green tea comes from. Green teas are made exclusively from the young leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis plant. This plant is a slow-growing evergreen perennial tree of the genus Camellia, which survives in tropical or sub-tropical rainforest climates and thrives at altitudes of 2,100 meters above sea-level. The two parent strains were originated in Darjeeling, Assam and China. In order to harvest them more easily and conveniently, the trees are kept short as shrubs. There is no uniform grading for green tea. Good quality green tea consists of a leaf and a bud. The eight criteria to determine good green tea are the appearance, shape, colour, completeness, aroma, liquor, flavour and wet leaf. Green tea processing Teas are classified into three major types, depending on how they are processed: green, black and oolong. Green teas are made from unfermented leaves. They are steamed, roasted, or pan-fried almost immediately after being picked. Since there is no time for them to ferment, no chemical change occurred. This is why it tends to be lighter in color and have the delicate green character. Oolong teas are produced when the fresh leaves are subjected to a partial fermentation stage before drying. Black teas undergo post-harvest fermentation stage before drying and steaming. As a result of the fermentation and oxidation, many of the components in the tea leaves that are beneficial for health are destroyed during the production of black tea. Green tea is considered better than black tea or oolong tea for health reasons because it does not go through fermentation or oxidation during its production. It is the purest form of all teas. In China, green tea leaves are allowed to dry naturally before they are roasted or pan-fried. Such treatments prevent fermentation and soften the leaves which will then be rolled and twisted to remove additional moisture. The Japanese use a steaming method before rolling, twisting and drying the leaves. Chinas green tea is known to be the most delicate of all with a sweet and mild grassy taste. Some of the best Chinese green tea like fine Dragonwell could result in five or more infusions. The best green teas are those picked during early spring around the time of the Qing Ming Festival. Modern tea masters could list 500 or more green teas which could be plucked and processed slightly differently to give slightly different taste. History of green tea Green tea has been used by people as a healthy and medicinal drink for thousands of years. There are many different stories about how it was first discovered. The most popular one from China dated as far back as 2737 B.C. The Chinese legend described how Shen Nong accidentally discovered the soothing taste of the beverage after a leaf dropped from a tea plant into a pot of boiling water while he was in the garden. He became very interested in the infusion and began to study about its various healing properties. Other stories of tea link it with Zen Buddhism. Whichever is true, there is no doubt that tea was originated from China. Anthropologists have reasons to believe that prehistoric humans living in the area of Yunnan chewed on the leaves of tea trees to increase their alertness when hunting. Fresh green tea leaves were gradually used by people for medicinal properties such as to treat depression, digestive and nervous conditions. During the Han dynasty, tea plants were known to b e grown by monasteries in Sichuan. Some people started to steam tea leaves and then compressed them into cakes. These tea bricks would be baked and hardened so that they could be prevented from spoiling and be kept for a longer time. By the Tang Dynasty, as tea cultivation improved and trade increased, tea drinking became very popular in the upper class. Tea rules and ceremony were developed during this golden age of tea. Gradually, tea was consumed as a common healthy drink for all levels of society in China and Tibet instead of mainly used as a remedy to treat different health complaints for certain groups of people. Around A.D. 780, a book dedicated to tea called Cha Ching (Tea Classics) written by Lu Yu was published. He described in great details how tea was grown, cultivated and processed. He even wrote about the utensils and proper way of tea consumption. It was Lu Yu who transformed the process of tea drinking into a form of art, which would eventually be passed to Japan by monks who travelled around Asia. As the popularity of drinking tea continued to grow in China, a tea culture began to develop in Zen ceremonies and secular society in Japan, where the tea plant was able to adapt very well. The tradition of drinking green tea involves a wide range of green tea and is still an important part of their society. By the 12th century, tea plants were already exported to Japan on a large scale. It was until the 14th century when the culture of drinking tea was first introduced to Europe via the Silk Road and soon spread to other parts of the world. During the 1600s a Chinese ambassador brought tea to Moscow which led to a flourishing tea trade to Russia. The Manchus were in power when China was the most important trading country in the world and tea trade was a monopoly. The Portuguese were the first traders to bring tea to Europe in large scale. China was able to be a sole exporter of tea by keeping the knowledge of tea cultivation technique for a long time. It was the British, eager to learn how to cultivate tea, who uncovered the secret of growing tea outside China in the 1800s. They sent a man to China who disguised himself as a merchant. The seeds he collected in China were brought to India but efforts to cultivate them failed. However, experiments using the Chinese techniques to grow loca l India tea plant were successful. Since the 19th century, the British began to cultivate tea on plantations in the colonies of India and Sri Lanka. It was only then when black tea, mass-produced and sold in packets, became more popular in the rest of the world. Nowadays, the tea plant is cultivated in many countries around the world, with China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka being the greatest producers. About 3.1 million tons of dried tea is produced every year, 20% of which is green tea. Although green tea has been consumed by the Chinese and Japanese for such a long time, its popularity increased only gradually in the West as the health benefits became more widely known. This is because green tea research has been widely conducted only in recent years by scientists. In fact, well-publicized results of research on green tea have been available only since the early 1990s. Green tea is now one of the most popular beverage consumed by people besides water. In some places, brewed tea steeped from carefully harvested green tea leaves of delicately grown tea tree is treated like prized wine or rare coffee. As studies continue to show evidence of its benefits, green tea will continue to be sought after by more and more people everywhere. The use of green tea and its extracts by manufacturers will continue to increase as green teas reputation keeps growing. Green tea components While the history of green tea is long and interesting, its chemistry is complex and studied by scientists only quite recently. To understand more about green tea extracts and their effects on health, it is necessary to look at the composition as well as chemical and biochemical properties of green tea. The composition of green tea leaf is very similar to that of other fresh leaf since green tea, being the most natural form of tea, is made from unfermented leaves from the tea plant. Only a few changes to the enzymes of the leaves occur right after they are plucked from the plant and some new volatile substances are produced when they are dried. The buds and leaves of the tea plant contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes and the genetic material necessary for growth and photosynthesis. The main constituents of the leaves are polyphenols, the catechin and catechin-derived antioxidants; caffeine; theobromine; theophylline; and theanine. Other compounds in green tea that affect the human health are fluoride, minerals, vitamins such as B1, B2 and C, and trace elements such as chromium and manganese. Table 1 Mean Composition (%) of Green Tea Compound Green tea* Phenolic compounds** 30 Fibre 26 Proteins 15 Others carbohydrates 7 Lipids 7 Minerals 5 Amino acids 4 Pigments 2 Oxidised phenolic compounds*** 0 *Data referred to dry weight of tea leaves. **Especially flavonoids. ***Especially thearubigins and theaflavins. [Sources: Belitz DH, Grosch W(1997), Qu?mica de los Alimentos. Zaragoza: Acribia] The amount of these ingredients differs according to where the green tea is cultivated and age of the leaves. Young leaves and buds contain more caffeine while older leaves have larger amount of tannin (flavonols).[2] Fresh green tea buds and leaves contain 75-80% water while the polyphenol components make up the remaining 20-25% of solid matter. Careful drying could prevent changes to the active ingredients of the green tea leaves whereas fermentation and oxidation that occur when black tea is processed would cause chemical changes. This leads to the major difference in the effects and taste between black tea and green tea. Green tea extracts are herbal derivatives from green tea leaves which are used or taken orally by people. The extracts can be divided into 4 categories: a) Strong infusions Green tea leaves are processed by soaking in alcohol solution; b) Soft extracts the solution made by strong infusion is concentrated to 20 25%; c) Dry extracts the solution from strong infusion is further concentrated to 40 50% solids and turned into dehydrated extract powder; d) Partly purified extracts techniques such as solvent extraction, column chromatography, membrane extraction and separation are used to acquire more purified derivatives of green tea in order to produce supplements like green tea tablets and capsules. Tea Polyphenols The color of green tea is partly due to chlorophyll and partly due to a kind of naturally occurring compound in it, called polyphenols. These compounds are responsible for the pungency and unique flavor of green tea. They are antioxidants which is a type of phytochemical compounds found in most plants, vegetables and fruits as well as coffee, cocoa, wine and tea. Polyphenols are the most biologically active group among the tea components, with antioxidative, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effects. Exposure to oxygen during enzymatic process reduces polyphenols levels. Green tea has unaltered polyphenols because unlike oolong or black tea, they do not undergo oxidation. Because of this, green tea has the greatest effect on health among all teas. In green tea, polyphenols are in the form of flavonoids. The main flavonoids present in green tea are the green tea catechins (GTC) which comprise four major derivatives: (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) (represents approximately 59% of the total of catechins); (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) (19% approximately); (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) (13.6% approximately); and (-)-epicatechin (EC) (6.4% approximately). Catachins have a carbon structure C6-C3-C6 composed of two aromatic rings. [Source: V. Jane, et al. (Jan 2003), Tea Catechins and Polyphenols: Health Effects, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Functions, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43(1):89-143] The catechin content of green tea depends on how the leaves are processed, the geographical location and growing conditions (e.g. soil, climate, agriculture, practices and fertilizers), the type of green tea and the infusion (e.g. brew time, temperature) Green tea polyphenols are important for their ability to halt the damaging effects of oxidation which is a process of molecular DNA damage caused by the formation of toxic molecules called free radicals that develop in the human body. Individual catechins have different antioxidative and health properties. Other compounds found in different plants also have antioxidative action. Catechins found only in green tea however have been proved to be more effective than many well-known antioxidants. Professor Catherine Rice-Evans of the Guys Hospital in London carried out tests and determined that green tea catechins have greater effects as antioxidants than the same quantity of Vitamin C and E, or beta-carotene. She also ranked the catechins according to the proportion of their presence in green tea. According to her study, EGCG was the most active of the catechins, responsible for 32% of the antioxidant property of green tea. The order from most antioxidative to least antioxidative are: 1) EGCG 2) EGC 3) ECG and 4) EC. Caffeine Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant belonging to the family of chemicals called methylxanthines. It can be found in more than sixty different plants. [8] Most of them have been utilized as foods or beverages by people since ancient times. Caffeine is a trimethyl derivative of purine 2,6-diol. It was first discovered in coffee by Runge in 1820 and later isolated from tea by Nakabayashi. Caffeine content is usually 2.5-4.5% in dry green tea leaves. The amount of caffeine in green tea drink is about 1/10 to 1/5 of that in brewed coffee. [Source: V. Jane, et al. (Jan 2003), Tea Catechins and Polyphenols: Health Effects, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Functions, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43(1):89-143] Caffeine has a strong effect on the brain and muscles which is why drinker will experience a mental boost shortly after drinking tea. The amount of caffeine varies among different types of tea. Black tea has the greatest amount whereas green tea contains only one-third the caffeine of black tea. It has been shown in many studies that caffeine improves cognitive performance and certain aspect of memory. Besides mental health, caffeine may also helps to enhance ones emotional health, for example, making the drinker feel energized and motivated to work. Caffeine is known to be a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. It also stimulates the cerebral cortex, causing excitation in the central nervous system. However, it may have adverse effects on some people and its intake could cause health risks instead of benefits. Because of that, this component is often removed and excluded when green tea is extracted for applications such as health supplements. Nutrients Besides polyphenols and caffeine, the two most commonly known components, green tea also actually contains many nutrients, including different kinds of vitamins and inorganic compounds. Vitamins Commercial green tea leaves contain about 280mg of Vitamin C (VC, ascorbic acid) per 100g of dried leaves. The content of Vitamin C in green tea can be ten times that in black tea because the vitamin is partly destroyed during fermentation, which green tea does not undergo. Other vitamins found in green tea in different amounts are Vitamin B2, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and carotenoids. Inorganic elements There are many minerals in green tea such as calcium, iron, copper, sodium, zinc and potassium. Green tea can also be a rich source of selenium if it is grown in a soil rich in this essential mineral. Another important mineral found in green tea is manganese which is used by the body in digesting protein as well as maintaining healthy bones and connective tissue. Green tea also contains a lot of fluoride the mineral known for fighting dental cavities. The amounts of aluminum in green tea leaves are higher than any other plants. Fortunately, the tea plant is able to biochemically neutralize the toxicity of aluminum, which exists mainly in a chelate form, which is less absorbable than the ionic form, with less potential to cause adverse effect on health. Experiments on animals and people also confirm that tea catechins can prevent the damage caused by accumulation of aluminum in the bones. Some specific inorganic compounds in the tea plant are aluminum, fluorine, and manganese. Table 2 Inorganic Elements and their contents in green tea leaves (per 100g dried leaves) ElementContent ElementContent N3.5 7.1 Â Â (g)Â Â Al420 3,500 Â Â (ppm)Â Â P0.2 0.7 Â Â (g)Â Â As0.20 0.42 Â Â (ppm)Â Â K1.6 2.5 Â Â (g)Â Â Ba1.3 5.1 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Ca0.12 0.57 Â Â (g)Â Â Br7.8 25.0 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Mg0.12 0.30 Â Â (g)Â Â F17 260 Â Â (ppm)Â Â S0.24 0.48 Â Â (g)Â Â Na20 33 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Fe100 200 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Ni1.3 5.9 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Mn500 3,000 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Pb2.2 6.3 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Cu15 20 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Rb8 44 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Mo0.4 0.7 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Sc0.2 Â Â (ppm)Â Â B20 30 Â Â (ppm)Â Â Se1.0 1.8 Â Â (ppm)Â Â [Source: Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan, Resources Council, Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, 1991] Other Components Amino Acids The content of total nitrogen in green tea extracts ranges from 4.5 to 6%. Half of that are free amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. The amount of amino acids in tea leaves harvested during spring time is larger than that during other seasons. Green tea contains some common amino acids like aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, tyrosine etc. as well as an amino acid that is unique to it: theanine. Green tea has four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. There is in fact a fifth taste known as unami which is contributed by the amino acid l-theanine. This constituent was only identified in 1949, by a Japanese who discovered that theanine makes up about 50% of the free amino acids present in tea. Young tea buds harvested in early spring contain a lot more theanine than tea leaves harvested later in the year because the theanine are converted into catechins as the leaves mature. Green tea experts rate the unami taste most highly and consider it to be the most important factor in determining the quality of the tea. High grade green tea is more soothing to drink than lower grade ones because the l-theanine can decaffeinates tea naturally, making it taste less bitter. Scientific studies using electroencephalography show that if 8 times more theanine is present than caffeine, the effect of caffeine will be blunted. Studies have also shown that theanine increases production of d opamine in the brain, giving the drinker the sense of alertness while feeling relaxed. Aromatic Oils Aromatic oils play a major role in determining the fragrance of green tea. The oils accumulate as the tea leaf grows and evaporate during and after harvest of the leaf. For green tea, some aromatic oils remain in the final tea product, contributing to the taste of the tea. About 500 different aromatic oils have been identified in tea leaves. Carbohydrates Total carbohydrates in green tea leaves are about 40%, one third of which is cellulosic fiber. Starch is also contained in green tea. Tea leaves harvested in the morning when there is less starch are considered to be better in quality. Lipids Green tea leaves has an average of 4% oil by weight. The seeds of tea also contain oil of around 20-40% by weight. The oil is nondrying and has a solidifying temperature of -5 to + 15?C.>/p> Health Benefits Since the 1990s, scientists in different countries, particularly Japan, have almost suggested that every system of the body can be benefited by green tea consumption. The polyphenols are known to reduce the risk of cancer before genetic mutations occur by neutralizing free radicals, prevent cardiovascular disease by preventing LDL cholesterol from changes that promote heart disease, and protect the body from various other illnesses. As more people around the world hear about these benefits, it has become increasingly popular for those who want a healthy life style to drink green tea as beverage or take green tea extracts as supplements. Antioxidant Effects Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that could damage the body and lead to many diseases if left alone. They take an electron form another molecule, turning it into another electron-deficient free radical that can take an electron from a third molecule and so on, leading to a chain reaction. The human body has a number of antioxidant molecules that help to defend it against degenerative diseases, but sometimes they may be overwhelmed by the free radicals. Antioxidants are substances that patrol the body and quench free radical reactions. [8] The antioxidant property of green tea extract is the most basic of all the health benefits of green tea. Many plant foods provide an abundant source of antioxidant nutrients. Polyphenols in green tea are among the most effective. Gramza Anna et al. examined the antioxidative activity of several biologically active components from plants to find which are safe for people and showing high antioxidant activities if added to food with lipids such as lard. Results show that the 1000ppm green tea ethanol extract inhibited the oxidation process most strongly among samples of green and black tea leaves. It was observed that the antioxidant activity was higher in tea extracts containing high levels of ECG, EC and C. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) analysed nearly 400 foods for their EGCG content and published a report in 2007. It showed that regular green tea contains the highest concentration of antioxidants, followed by decaffeinated green tea, flavored green tea and instant or bottled green tea. That USDA study also showed why green tea is the best way to ingest antioxidants. One gram of green tea steeped in 100 millimeters of water yields 127 milligrams of catechins whereas 100 grams of dark chocolate contains only 54 milligrams, blueberries 52 milligrams and black grapes just 22 milligrams. Since tea contains higher levels of antioxidants than many fruits and vegetables, green tea consumption can protect the cells in the human body from damage caused by free radicals. Flavonoids, act as antioxidants, through four possible mechanisms: 1) as reducing agents, disarming free radicals. 2) by donating hydrogen molecules to prevent the formation of free radicals. 3) by quenching singlet oxygen that would otherwise act as a free radical in the body. 4) by binding with metals that could otherwise initiate the creation of free radicals. Among the four polyphenols in green tea, EGCG has been found to be particularly effective as an antioxidant. Researchers from Rutgers University concluded that the strong antioxidant activities of green tea are mainly due to the higher content of EGCG after comparing the antioxidant effect of various polyphenols in green tea and oolong tea. [23] Studies of the effects of tea consumption in people confirm evident that green tea is the most effective scavenger of free radicals among the different types of tea. In one study, five adults each drank two cups of green tea while five others drank the same amount of black tea. Both green and black teas improve the antioxidant capability of the blood, but green tea was found to be six times more powerful. Scientists also found that fresh green tea extracts is a better scavenger of singlet oxygen than stale green tea extract. Green tea polyphenols are also effective in quenching other free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide and superoxide. Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is known to affect the structure and function of myocardium, causing increased collagen in the heart and reducing cardiac function. Babu and his team from India found that the antioxidant enzymes of diabetic rats are not sufficient and efficient enough to reduce the oxidative stress caused by hyperglycemia. In 2006, their investigation showed that green tea treatment is effective in controlling the antioxidant system in the heart and aorta by alleviating lipid peroxidation. In 2007, their studies suggested that administration of green tea extract may improve myocardial collagen changes in diabetic rats. They believe that the antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and hypolipidemic effects of green tea catechins may be responsible and concluded green tea may provide a therapeutic option for the treatment of cardiovascular complications in diabetes. HIV The majority of the worlds 33 million HIV cases were infected through heterosexual sex with 96% of new infections occurring in developing countries. Therefore ways to fight the spread of HIV in poor countries are extremely necessary. Previously, scientists have carried out lab tests and reported that EGCG may prevent HIV from binding to the T-cells in the immune systems protecting them from HIVs damage. Although they knew that EGCG inhibited HIV in test tubes, they did not know if the findings would be useful beyond the lab. [26] Just recently, researchers in Germany have found a practical way to use EGCG to help prevent the spreading of AIDS. The researchers found that EGCG was capable of neutralizing a protein in sperm that served as a vector for the transmission of the virus that causes AIDS during sex. They say that the use of green tea in vaginal creams could provide a simple and affordable way to reduce cases of HIV infection. Neuroprotective Effects Parkinsons Disease Parkinsons disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the central nervous system resulting from loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. A research team led by Professor Zhao affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biophysics using an animal model of Parkinsons disease discovered that green tea polyphenols can protect dopamine neurons. He hopes that green tea polyphenols may eventually be developed into a safe drug for Parkinsons disease in humans. Alzheimers Disease In an article published by the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers from University of South Florida reported that EGCG prevented Alzheimers-like damage in the brain of mice genetically programmed to develop the neurodegenerative disease process. They work by decreasing production of the Alzheimers-related protein called beta-amyloid which causes nerve damage and memory loss when accumulated abnormally in the brain. The researchers think that a new generation of dietary supplements containing pure EGCG might be beneficial for treating Altheimers disease. Huntingtons Disease Like Alzheimers and Parkinsons, Huntingtons disease is also a type of neurodegenerative disease caused by protein misfolding characterized by jerky and uncontrolled movements. Mutant proteins are accumulated in the brain of sufferers and become toxic to the nerve cells in the brain. A res
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