Monday, September 30, 2019
Process Essay
Jeana Hughes English 101 Process Essay Draft February 19, 2013 No Bake Cookies Peanutbutter Chocolate No Bake Cookies recipe is one of the most easiest recipe I have ever made. My reason for saying this is because there is no baking involved. The steps for making is really quite easy. I am going to first start out with a list of ingredients and supplies I use. ? Cup Milk 2 sticks butter 2 Cups sugar ? Cup cocoa ? tsp vanilla 3 Cups quick oats ? Cup peanutbutter 8 Qt pan, 2 sheets waxpaper, and two spoonsI start out going ahead and laying out waxpaper so that it is ready when the cookie dough is done. I then get my pan on the stove. I add the milk, sticks of butter, sugar and cocoa. Once I have added all the ingredients I turn the stove on high. I stir constantly until mixture comes to a boil. I then let it boil without stirring for 1 minute. Then I remove from heat. Thus will bring me to my second step. I will then add the vanilla, quick oats, and peanutbutter, stirring mixture well. I consider this my third step. I bring my pan with the cookie dough over to where I have my wax paper layed out.I then use two teaspoons one for scooping and one for scraping off. I start getting teaspoonfuls of cookie dough and dropping it on wax paper. I continue doing this till all cookie dough is used. My final step is waiting. Usually if I have boiled the ingredients long enough the cookies will be ready in 30 minutes to an hour. I can tell this by pulling one of the cookies off the wax paper and it does not stick. I find this recipe to be very quick and easy. I hope if you attempt this recipe you will feel the same way. Process Essay Jeana Hughes English 101 Process Essay Draft February 19, 2013 No Bake Cookies Peanutbutter Chocolate No Bake Cookies recipe is one of the most easiest recipe I have ever made. My reason for saying this is because there is no baking involved. The steps for making is really quite easy. I am going to first start out with a list of ingredients and supplies I use. ? Cup Milk 2 sticks butter 2 Cups sugar ? Cup cocoa ? tsp vanilla 3 Cups quick oats ? Cup peanutbutter 8 Qt pan, 2 sheets waxpaper, and two spoonsI start out going ahead and laying out waxpaper so that it is ready when the cookie dough is done. I then get my pan on the stove. I add the milk, sticks of butter, sugar and cocoa. Once I have added all the ingredients I turn the stove on high. I stir constantly until mixture comes to a boil. I then let it boil without stirring for 1 minute. Then I remove from heat. Thus will bring me to my second step. I will then add the vanilla, quick oats, and peanutbutter, stirring mixture well. I consider this my third step. I bring my pan with the cookie dough over to where I have my wax paper layed out.I then use two teaspoons one for scooping and one for scraping off. I start getting teaspoonfuls of cookie dough and dropping it on wax paper. I continue doing this till all cookie dough is used. My final step is waiting. Usually if I have boiled the ingredients long enough the cookies will be ready in 30 minutes to an hour. I can tell this by pulling one of the cookies off the wax paper and it does not stick. I find this recipe to be very quick and easy. I hope if you attempt this recipe you will feel the same way.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Unique Person
If you just take short look at the people around you,you'll find a lot of cases that you can talk about their creativity or unique personality. But I want to break words about a man who defined unique personality in such a way that was not like other definitions of unique which people know. And I am proud of myself that I had such an honor to live and spend the best 4 years of my life with him. A man with creative mind,manly pride and high ambition in an ordinary appearance had reached the things which no one has ever thought he could.But He always took advantage of what he had and that made him a commander of 2 thousand soldiers ,master of explosion team and designer of military plans at the age of 19. After a while, he was recognized as one of the most skillful commanders in his army and lots of more things that I don't want to talk about due to the fact that it's not my main topic. I intend to describe his uniqueness in a way that his family and friends defined for me. Although he was suffering from some old wounds for years,he would always laugh and was thankful of god; because those scars and wounds were the recollection of his sweet memories.And two manifest features that made him remarkable for his family and friends were his patience and generosity which I have witnessed a lot and I can't deny. I decided to write down about a person who may not have been so creative or unique in others' opinion but had done a lot of good things for us. We somehow owe him and the people like him. Those people let us know that our fate is something you can never cheat but there are some ways to do so that you can change it in the way you like. So one thing that I can say for sure is that he succeeded in redeeming himself on those nights of redemption
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Making the Most of the Doha Opportunity Assignment
Making the Most of the Doha Opportunity - Assignment Example The purpose of this term paper is to distinguish out the Indian Economy, while studying the special aspects, along with the trade and ventures between Canada and India. The second part of the paper as discussed above is about the prospects of the Indian market for the promotion of tumble dryers and in this context, the civilizing and community needs of the society and their impacts are researched. Further, a marketing strategy after analyzing the needs and barriers that are imposed by the Indian market are studied, a marketing plan is suggested to promote the product. Indo-Canadian trade - History and Recent initiatives During the modern period, India has turned out to be one of the most influential economies around the globe and is set to become an emerging power for centuries to come. The political arena contained by the Indian subcontinent has become stable to a big amount thus serving the country to footstep towards a contemporary culture, with the Indian market escalating at an incredible rate. Ever since India has emerged as a developing nation, it has taken help from a number of countries to expand its market which also incorporated Canada to an immense level. In spite of a number of strategic differences between the two countries, India has been offered continuous financial aid by Canada. During the late seventies, both the countries had strained relationships, however with the start of the early nineties, as India was set to become an influential player in the world economy, the situation got eased up. The growing trend of the Indian market was soon realized by Canada and the two countries stepped forward to bring about some major reforms in their market strategies with each other. Canada became mindful of the call for expanding its roots within Asia and recognized that India was the most favorable place which could offer vast markets for Canadian products. With the start of the later nineties, Canada initiated the progress to recuperate the two-sided associations amid the two nations. Since then there have been a number of reciprocated visits at the political level since thus moving forward the trade growth.
Friday, September 27, 2019
GAAP Rule effect on International Accounting Essay
GAAP Rule effect on International Accounting - Essay Example According to this model revenue will not be recognized unless the performance requirement is satisfied. The FASB and IASB proposed an approach for recognition of revenue which will form one single standard in all industry for accounting. These newly developed standards need better disclosure in balance sheet. This will help an accountant by making their job much easier because they don’t have to follow other standards. FASB has developed five steps that a company must follow for the new process of recognition of revenue. 1. A company must recognize the contract for revenue recognition. This will supply goods and services to its customer. Contracts can be in written format or may be oral. Company required segmenting the contract if the value of some goods or services is prepared independently. 2. The goods and services of contract should be accounted as different performance obligations because the goods or services are sold independently and they have different profit margin. If the good or service is similar then it must be combined with other good or service until a different performance obligation is created. 3. This is the third step in recognition process. In this process company has to determine the transaction price.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Initial business idea Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Initial business idea - Term Paper Example These people are those who appreciate a good healthy snack, and would have the purchasing power to patronize my products. A specialty tea shop needs as much above the line advertisements as below the line efforts. I will select proper media exposure in local newspapers and radio stations, and would go heavy on leaflets and billboards, and in store promotions. Target Market will be identified by first enumerating the qualities of each product to be offered. What are the products and variations to be served? What are the key benefits of these products? Do we put premium on its commercial appeal by engaging competitors in a price war and creating advertising plans that challenge the benefits of other similar products? Or do we want to maintain a certain brand image, and preserve the quality of the products notwithstanding other factors such as pricing? Having done all these, I came to the conclusion that I would like my business to appeal to a certain niche market, but not alienating the popular crowd. I would be serving health products – specialty tea, coffee and confectionaries. I would like my target market to find appeal in the thought that they would be enjoying cost efficient but highly healthy snacks in my tea shop. My target market covers a wide age range. These may be college students who would want to spend quiet time catching up on notes and lessons while having good snacks. I also consider young professionals and adults who now have the capacity to pay for a type of snack that would greatly be beneficial to their health. Since the young professionals and adults are more health conscious nowadays due to the rise in the number of health drinks in supermarkets, they are the kind of market that would enjoy the products that I would offer. Lastly, those belonging to the 40s to 60s age bracket are those who are partic ularly conscious about the food they eat, and would find joy in this new alternative being offered to
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Arts and Crafts Movement in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Arts and Crafts Movement in America - Essay Example Many eminent designers and their works have contributed to the success of Arts and Crafts movements in America. As Boehm points out, in Cincinnati, socially prominent women, like Mary Louise McLaughlin engaged in overglaze decoration of ceramic pieces at the Cincinnati School of Art. Her works were sent to the Centennial Exposition where she expanded her knowledge into Oriental pottery and French barbotine with underglaze decoration in colored slips. Later in 1879, McLaughlin started the Women’s Pottery Club, and flourished in the crafting field. There were other women too taking the initiative in the reform, like the Newcomb College Pottery, started in 1895. Another designing group that got flourished before the Arts and Crafts movement was the Rookwood Pottery. It was founded by Maria Longworth Nichol, the granddaughter of Cincinnati real-estate millionaire, Longworth, in an old schoolhouse in 1880 and named it after their family estate. Within a few years from its birth, th e Rookwood Pottery started to succeed and thrive. They produced several thousand pieces and held a dominating place in the market. The pragmatic attitude in production boosted up the developments of the organization into becoming a commercially successful one with obtaining gold medal at the World’s Fair in Paris In 1889. Realistic attitudes taken by the Rookwood Pottery had a great influence on the Arts and Crafts Movement in America. Prominent potters such a George Ohr had demonstrated his skills on the formation.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
I plan to determine what influences achievement on students in special Research Proposal
I plan to determine what influences achievement on students in special education, between those who have used technology and those who have not used technology - Research Proposal Example Lahm (2003) supports this concern by pointing out that professional concern for special needs classes has not been packed by equal political or administrative effort. A situation that she believes is leaving little facility to implement or measure the impact of the adoption of technology in special education curriculums. Determining what influences achievement of students in special education who have used technology over those who have not requires first the identification of technology use, methodology and evaluation measures used. At the same time, there is an equal need to develop performance standards that will be able to attribute variance in performance directly with the use of the technology. It should be noted that the correlation between students’ technological competency is not to be equated with student proficiency or achievement. Therefore, determining variance in proficiency or achievement among students due to the utilization of technology should entail control over the type of curriculum, students or instructors (Gardner et al, 2003). Concentrating on special education students, studies will also need to account for the client conditions and health. Subsequently, there is also a need to identify what factors may limit the impact of technology use from socio-cultural, political, economic or medical perspectives. Moreover, there is also a need to account for the nature of technology adaptation itself such as productivity paradoxes, rates of adaptation and competency requirements among others (â€Å"Technology and Education†, 2006). The technology-focused educational reform emerged as major agenda in the 1990’s. Initial programs were designed as support social services but eventually, efforts became the prerogative of educational institutions. Programs transitioned from general programs to enhance the well-being of vulnerable groups identified through schools then became more specific
Monday, September 23, 2019
Project Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project Assessment - Essay Example Heseltine, the former deputy prime minister, criticized the cost-benefit analysis of the HS2 high-speed railway line. He even suggested that the expected cost of  £42.6 billion could be reduced by  £10 billion. The comment came after the heightened debate about the certainty of the estimated benefits of the HS2 project. Heseltine also pointed out that the analysis did not consider consequential growth in the project these included later expansion to connect London and Birmingham in 2026, and Manchester and Leeds by 2033. This attracted undying criticism from many quarters. However, the government was insistent that the benefits the project will bring outweighs the project’s cost. One of the latest criticisms was that the government overestimated the value of time that people travelling for business would save for short journeys. The assumptions at the time did not consider that a person could still work on transit using their laptops or other mobile devices. This has seen the time savings on business travel cut down by about a third (Mason & Watt 2013).
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Is the American presidency too powerful Why or why not Essay
Is the American presidency too powerful Why or why not - Essay Example A president has the constitutional power to either assent or dissent a bill that has been approved by the Congress. The president acts as the last ‘process’ through which a bill passes before being adopted as a law. All the citizens in America are governed by the same standard laws and, apparently, they are under the spell of the presidency. Despite the Congress having similar powers of revoking a presidency’s initiative, it is the Congress that is constitutionally required to make laws. Intrinsically, the presidency has trivial contravention in the making of laws (Lowi 2012, p.177). Moreover, the presidency is better positioned if its party dominates both houses. The presidency’s influence in the appointment of the bureaucratic positions is a vital element. In order to mitigate the conflicts of opinion in between the presidency and the Agencies, the presidency can appoint his top supporters into the bureaucratic appointments. In essence, the presidency will be commanding power through the automatic support that is anticipated from his supporters in the bureaucracy (Lowi 2012, p.195). The support grants his excessive powers. Even with least congressional and public support, the presidency’s powers are still a notch higher. The presidency has the option of expanding the roles of the direct presidential governance and executive orders. Similarly, the presidency has the capacity to increase the control of the White House over the federal the bureaucracy (Lowi 2012, p. 195). This tactic of power works in the presidency’s advantage by enabling it influence the decisions of the bureaucracy, indirectly Executive agreements are excessive powers granted to the presidency. In the normal diplomatic powers of the presidency, more than two-thirds of the senate is required to have vote for a treaty before it becomes legally practicable. However, in executive agreements, there is neither regulation nor restrictions encountered by the presidency
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Juvenile Correctional Officers Essay Example for Free
Juvenile Correctional Officers Essay When a person is charged for a crime that was committed and is sentenced to serve time in a facility, a correctional officer is responsible for the supervision and safety of the detainee. Correctional officers work in adult and juvenile detention centers, though in each facility their responsibilities differ pertaining to whether the detainee is an adult or a juvenile. Because of the ages of the detainees a correctional officer at a juvenile detention facility are greater than if they were dealing with adults. To understand what the differences are in regards to a juvenile, one must know, child development, punishment, and deterrence play a part in the unique situations pertaining to a juvenile detainee. Every child that commit’s a crime has their very own unique situation behind the crime. Some children were taught the crimes they commit by a trusted adult, or television. Some may have an underlying mental or psychological defect that brought them to commit the crime. There are also situations where a child was neglected, abandoned, or abused by an adult they cared about, thus bringing violence among the child. A child’s development can play a very important role in corrections. There may be a violent child that may need to be restrained or put in separate quarters to protect themselves as well as other detainees from harm. A child may also need to be medicated because of an underlying condition or disease. All of these factors can not only affect how a child is taken care of in a facility, but also before that when they are arrested and tried. All of the above factors can either help or hurt a child. If there is no proof of abuse or an mental condition, the courts may be less lenient on their charge and sentence, then a troubled child with underlying factors, in which a judge may take those factors into consideration and gives a lesser charge, House them in a mental facility instead, or provide extra programs or services to help the child once detained. Through punishment a court can show the juvenile what happens if they commit a crime and keep them off the street and from the community by taking away their freedom. Most juveniles are punished by a fine, community service, probation, home electronic monitoring, or incarceration in a juvenile detention center. While there they will be under close supervision of correctional officers and therapists in some facilities. There are occasions for serious crimes that a judge will sentence a juvenile to an adult detention center if they have been tried as an adult. The juveniles that are occasionally tried as adults are ones that commit crimes such as manslaughter, sex crimes, or murder. While a juvenile is in a detention center, they can have visitors as long as it is an immediate family member and this is usually on certain days. In some facilities, recreation, religious, and educational programs are given while they are detained as well. â€Å"Increased punishment of juveniles reduces the amount of crime they commit in a way similar to the impact punishment has for adults, according to a new paper by Steven Levitt, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Chicagoâ€Å". â€Å"The evidence suggests that juvenile crime is responsive to harsher sanctions,†Levitt writes. â€Å"The estimated decrease in crime associated with incarcerating an additional juvenile is at least as large as the corresponding reduction in crime for adult offenders†, (Levitt, S, 1998). â€Å"In an effort to strengthen the sanctions for serious juvenile crimes, a number of states have enacted laws increasing the types of offenders and offenses eligible for transfer from the juvenile court to the adult criminal court for trial and potential sentencing†, (Redding, R, 2010). These laws are created to try and set precedent to deter juveniles from following certain crime trends and teach them what is in store for them if they do offend. Deterrence has became a popular practice in the criminal justice system. With success of a deterrence, jails and detention centers do not get overcrowded, and more money of the individual states can go to fund therapeutic programs and services to assist troubled individuals. In some instances, a juvenile can be given an opportunity to make heir offense right by attending therapy and psychological meetings, thus helping them cope with whatever issues they may have. This can aid in deterring the individual from committing a crime. Juveniles are our future and it is the responsibility of us adults to help them grow up into fine law abiding individuals and not into a life of crime. To help adults teach juveniles they , must know the juvenile corrections department and educate their children. Knowing how a child develops, how punishment can help, and ways to deter the juvenile are good practices for any parent and adult to learn. For us to safely say we raised our kids right, we must keep the world free of crime and full of love. Resources Redding, Richard, Juvenile Justice Bulletin, US Dept of Justice, Juvenile Transfer Laws, 2010, Right Margin Steven Levitt, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, Juvenile Delinquents, University of Chicago News Office, December 21, 1998, Para. 1.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Mill And Taylor On Equality And Marriage Philosophy Essay
Mill And Taylor On Equality And Marriage Philosophy Essay John Stuart Mills The Subjection of Women is an argument in favor of political equality between the sexes. He claims that no society could hope to approach justice so long as half its people were in subjection and laments that women were deprived of freedom and dignity. In this paper we argue that the perfect equality between the sexes, which Mill calls for in the first paragraph of The Subjection, is vitiated by his views on the position of women in marriage and family. In section I, we show that perfect equality is consonant with his liberal philosophy in On Liberty. In section II, we show that his views on marriage and family make his equality imperfect. If Mills position on perfect equality is correct, and his liberal political philosophy argues that it is, then he drew the wrong consequences for marriage and family. In section III, we show that Harriet Taylor, in The Enfranchisement of Women, drew more egalitarian consequences for family life. I According to Mill happiness is the center of the moral life, the most desirable goal of human conduct. His utilitarian goal, the greatest happiness for the greatest number, cannot be realized apart from the greatest possible moral and intellectual advancement of the human race. Consequently, one of the principal purposes of social and political institutions is to develop human potential to the highest possible stage. Laws and social arrangements should connect the happiness of every individual with the common good. Education and public opinion, which form human character, should be used to establish individual happiness and thereby the good of all. In On Liberty, Mill presents a theory of human nature which stresses individuality and self-development as characteristic traits of a progressive individual, which is what a good society should foster. Individuals ought to derive their views from experience and develop them with reason; they should seek truth, not follow dogma. Only human beings can strive for truth and attain dignity, the ideal and mark of the progressive individual, who epitomizes the dignity of a thinking being, who seeks truth rationally and exercises conscious choice among alternatives, rather then blindly following custom or prejudice. It is such an autonomous individual who expresses individuality, creativity, originality, and self-developmentanything less than truth seeking makes one less than a human person. Machines can reproduce good copies, but this is not true of humans. An individual would not have personal worth if forced to copy a good model, for the notion of conscious choice between alternatives wou ld be lost. This is central to Mill: our ideas and our characters are the products of our own choice. Mills argument for civil and social liberty is firmly based on the notion of utility in the largest sense, grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being. (1) Mill uses man in the generic sense and is concerned throughout with the individual-the person, the human being, the citizen-irrespective of gender. In Chapter 3, he cites Wilhelm von Humbolts view that the end of manà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦is the highest and most harmonious development of his powers to a complete and consistent whole. (2) and for this, freedom and variety of situation are necessary. Early in The Subjection Mill makes it clear that the existing relations between the sexes violate principles of freedom and justice. The principle of subordination of one sex to the other is wrong in itself, (3) and should be replaced by a principle of perfect equality. In Happiness, Freedom, and Justice Fred Berger claims that Mill does not advocate strict equality but rather that there is no basis for differential treatment. Instead, rewards and punishments should be apportioned according to desert. There may be areas where some will exercise power over others, but policy requires that competence be the basis for higher status. What this means is that the system of male domination over females violates a basic principle of justice because regard and advantage are based on birth, not merit or personal exertion. (4) Mill denounces the injustice of denying to women the equal moral right to choose their occupations: Would it be consistent with justice to refuse them their fair Share of honor and distinction, or to deny them the equal Moral right of all human beings to choose their own occupations (short of injury to others) according to their own preference, at their own risks? (5) His expanded utilitarianism stresses that the importance of the change toward sexual equality would benefit individuals and society. By implementing sexual equality, there would be a doubling of mental faculties available for the higher service of humanity. He puts the argument in terms of the waste involved in a society that refuses to use one half of the talent it possesses. It is not only freedom but also the opportunity to do something useful that is required for the development of individuals. Mills conception of the nature and needs of the individual human being emerges clearly: If there is anything vitally important to the happiness of human beings, it is that they should relish their habitual pursuitsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Few persons are aware of the great amount of unhappiness producedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦by the feeling of wasted lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Every restraint on the freedom of conduct of any of their fellow human creaturesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦dries upà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the principal fountain of human happiness, and leaves the species less richà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in all that makes life valuable to the individual human being. (6) It is this idealistic conception of the nature and needs of the individual human being, and its integral relation to happiness, that is the ultimate justification of Mills argument against the unjust and arbitrary situation of the subjection of women. His conception of the individual is thus the ultimate justification of Mills case for sexual equality. This presupposes that women, as well as men, given better education and more opportunities, will flourish and be happy living a life in which they can freely and usefully exercise their talents. II Subjection is being under the power and control of another in a state of obedience and submissiveness. Mill argues that patriarchy, the subjection of women to men, is a theory unsupported by experience because no other principle has ever been tried. Patriarchy is not the result of fair experiment, trial, and refutation. (7) The adoption of a system of inequality was not the result of any deliberation or forethought but arose from the physical power of men over women. Mill contends that womens smaller degree of muscular strength renders them subject to the principle of force: in less advanced societies it is expressed as might makes right, (8) and in civilized cultures as paternalism. Paternalism is subtler since control by men is based on chivalry and generosity. Bribery and intimidation are used instead of brutality to secure obedience; deference and gratitude for protection render women economically and morally dependent on men. The law completes the intimidation with discriminatory statutes. Like other forms of slavery and domination, patriarchy serves the interests of the dominant. Only one could be king and only a few owned slaves, but every man could dominate women. Power is nice, especially over those closely tied to ones interests, and it is also gratifying when one has so little power over larg er social matters. (We may be powerless over the environment, the economy, or nuclear war, but at least we have some power-over women.) Women are in a peculiarly bad position since, unlike slaves and workers, they are more dispersed and isolated, which makes them more difficult to organize. Further, men want more than mere obedience; they want women to be happy in the process. (9) Not only is the superiority of patriarchy unsupported by experience, but the entire course of human progress provides evidence against a principle of inequality. In past societies people were born to roles, positions, and stations. The salient feature of modern societies is the idea that people should be free to employ their faculties and to choose their roles, positions, and stations. It is not that all processes are supposed to be equally good, or all persons to be equally qualified for everything; but that freedom of individual choice is now known to be the only thing which procures the adoption of the best processes, and throws each operation into the hands of those who are best qualified for it. (10) Even if women are, as a group, less strong than men, there are many exceptional and overlapping cases. Any sex-biased social policy that excluded women is an injustice to those who can perform the task. The subordination of women stands out as a glaring injustice in modern society, a breach of what has become a fundamental rule, a relic of an old-world of thought and practice. Since we have tried only the principle of domination, we cannot argue for it from comparative experience. For the same reason, that we have tried only domination, we cannot argue for it by appealing to the nature of women. Since we have not seen women in different social arrangements, we do not know what their nature is. What is now called the nature of women is an eminently artificial thing-the result of forced repression in some direction, unnatural stimulation in others. (11) Mill insists that nobody is in a position to know anything about womens nature because so far we have not seen anything that we could call natural; all we have seen is manifestations of the altogether understandable desire to conform to a stereotype. We do know a great deal more about psychology today but nowhere near enough to answer with certainty the questions of human nature. However, what we do know suggests that the differences that relate to political equality are largely socially conditioned. But suppose we discover the contrary, that women are fitted by nature for subordinate social roles. Could this be used as an argument to support social policies of domination? Such arguments, although surprisingly common, are incoherent. If women are fitted for those roles by nature, restrictive social policies are unnecessary. This is Mills coup de grace. What he argues for is a society without such restrictions, a society of perfect equality where every individual, regardless of sex, is free to choose his or her own role on the basis of individual talents and exertion. III Though Mill was overtly arguing for womens right to self-development and the assertion of their human capacities, their functions in the household remained unrevised in his thought: he advocates freedom of choice but favors the traditional division of labor within the family. It cannot be casually dismissed as an acceptable tension between advocacy of sexual equality in the area of civil rights for women, and simultaneously an implicit acceptance of traditional sex roles. Mill believes that women ought to have a choice of career or marriage but assumes that the majority of women are likely to continue to prefer marriage and that this choice is the equivalent of choosing a career. Unless equality extends to the family, however, Mills perfect equality between the sexes is limited. Although Mill urges that the shackles of custom be lifted from unmarried women and from women whose children have grown up and left home, he complacently relies on such custom to keep married women in their place. (12) The sex-based division of labor within marriage can be safely trusted to social opinion, which rightly directed will support it; women will by and large continue to prefer the one vocation to which there is no competition; and thus continue to perform those tasks which cannot be filled by others, orà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[which] others do not think worthy of acceptance. (13) If it is customary for women to be child-rearers, and if, on the basis of their nature, society assigns this role to women, then it seems that being born female does affect their opportunities and prescribes choices throughout a considerable part of their lives. Their education, for example, will be affected by this customary destiny. Hence, demands for sexual equality become problematic. Mill falls prey to the same argument from nature that he criticizes. Mill argues in favor of equal property rights for married women, rights to property inherited or earned by the woman herself, not rights to equal shares in family income. According to Mill, The rule is simple; whatever would be the husbands or wifes if they were not married, should be under their exclusive control during marriage. (14) Hence, the income of the male earner is his, as much after marriage as before; Mill does not seem to recognize that since womens work in the home is unpaid labor, their freedom of choice is severely restricted and equality becomes a sham. (15) Harriet Taylors Enfranchisement of Women takes a stronger stand: women must earn a living because if they do, their position in society and the family would improve significantly. (16) Mill agrees that married women must be able to support themselves, but he explicitly rejects the idea that they should actually do so because it is liable to lead to the neglect of the household and children. Consequently, Taylors view is more attuned to present day feminism than Mills. She recognizes, as he does not, the importance to women of continuous economic independence, both within the marriage and in case of its disintegration. The Enfranchisement is more radical and speaks more strongly than the Subjection in favor of the married womens need to have a life and career of their own and be more than a mere appendage of a man, attached to him for the purpose of bringing up his children and making his home pleasant. Liberals such as Mill proposed that each individual should be able to rise in society just as far as her or his talents permit, unhindered by restraints of law or custom. What qualities should count as talents and how they should be regarded is to be determined by the support of and demand for those talents within the market economy. In order to guarantee that the most genuinely talented individuals are identified, it is necessary to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to develop his or her talents. Women discover self-respect and equality of standing with men only if they earn an income. This seems much more important to a sound relationship between the sexes than mere economic improvement in the family. Mills timid assertion that women should draw self-respect from an ability to earn, of which in fact they make no use, when married is sentimental; Taylor is more aware of the realities of power. If women as wives will largely be confined to the small circle of family, they will find it hard to use their vote to protect their interests. Women will not be able to learn what their interests are without experience outside domestic life. For Mill it is unthinkable that men would want to manage their households and care for their children. Yet the jobs need doing. Since women who bear children and live in the household will have a natural interest in doing the job well, they will do a better job than uninterested hired hands. The solution, according to Mill, is to keep up the public opinion that teaches women that if they marry, they are freely choosing the duties of the family mistress. Mills defense of traditional sex roles within the family amounts to a denial of freedom of opportunity and individual expression of talents to the majority of women who he assumes would always choose to marry. Mill is aware that care of a household is an incessantly preoccupying duty, and that this is a major reason why, comparatively, women lack achievement in the arts and sciences; in fact, he condones the continuance of this barrier for most women. Mill refuses to concede that the tiresome details of domestic life should be shared by both sexes, and his failure to question the social institutions that make such sharing practically impossible is interesting because he recognizes that the principal means by which the world recognizes equals is by success in fields monopolized by men. The only way of dispelling prejudicial beliefs about womens inferiority is proof by examples. If a majority of women are going to remain practically, if not legally barred from such achievements, how wi ll deep-seated prejudices change? The Enfranchisement is both frank and clear about the claim that liberation will lead to greater happiness for women. Even if women in general do not experience frustration or feel that their position is intolerable, this cannot be used to argue for the status quo. Taylor claims, for example, that Asian women do not mind being in purdah and that they find the thought of going about freely shocking. However, this does not mean that they should not be liberated from seclusion, or that they would not appreciate freedom once they had it. Custom hardens people: it prompts them to adhere to situations by deadening that part of their nature that would resist it. How does the objector know that women do not desire equality and freedom? (17) It would be overly simple to suppose that if they do desire it, they would say so. Taylor claims their position is like that of the tenants or labourers who vote against their own political interests to please their landlords or employers; with the unique addition, that submission [for women] is inculcated in them from childhood, as the peculiar grace and attraction of their character. (18) Taylor is not committing the brutal political fallacy of discounting peoples expressed desires in favor of those they would have if their natural selves (according to the privileged ideology) had not been corrupted. (19) She is not suggesting that any restrictions be imposed; she is arguing that restrictions be lifted so that people can pursue and satisfy their desires. It is because of his assumptions and convictions about the family and its traditional role that Mills feminism falls short of advocating true equality and freedom for married women. Although he does reject the legalized inequalities of its patriarchal form, he regards the family itself as essential for humanity and assures his readers that the family has nothing to lose, but much to gain, from the complete political and civil equality of the sexes. Mill attempts to apply the principle of liberalism to women. He eschews patriarchy within the family and views the legal and political subordination of women as anachronisms in the modern age, a gross violations of liberty and justice. However, although Mill is a forward-looking feminist in many ways, he fails to perceive the injustice involved in situations and practices which allow a man to have a career and economic independence, and a home life and children, but which force women to choose between the two. It is Mills failure to questi on the traditional family and its demands on women which limits his liberal feminism. Mill thought equalizing access to the vote, to property, to education, and to public occupations was enough, but he underestimated the importance of economic power, as well as revisions of the roles in the family. Merely providing more equal opportunities for women outside the family would not suffice, without revision of the underlying structures-both private and public-that reinforced and perpetuated the very subjection of women that the essay was denouncing. In the Subjection Mill is genuinely concerned about the harm caused by men to women behind the closed doors of the family home. The government could act, not to restrict the behavior of individuals, but to promote the development of progressive individuality. If one takes liberty seriously, however, state intervention may well be required to secure its conditions. This would be a matter of justice, for it would be wrong to deprive women of the necessary conditions of freedom, of independence, of equal opportunity. Genuine equality of opportunity requires radical change in the way women are raised and educated and in social opinion about their proper place. If women are to have equal freedom of opportunity, they cannot be channeled by education, public opinion, and the economic structure into the belief that they have but one useful vocation in life-dutiful mother and obedient wife. We must instead restructure our social institutions for the free development of originality in women as well as in men. It may seem a bit unfair to criticize Mill. He wrote the Subjection over a hundred years ago and his views and personal behavior were far in advance of his time. He also made it poignantly clear in his Autobiography that his intellectual debt to both his wife and daughter was great. But in the Enfranchisement Taylor shows that she was aware of the shortcomings: with respect to the place of women in marriage and the family Mill held views far less liberal than what follows from his general political position. Feminists have ranged far into biology and psychology, history and anthropology, religion and literature. They have offered a myriad of alternative lifestyles and social systems. But with the exception of his discussion on marriage and the family, no one has articulated the fundamental feminist case as clearly or argued it as well as John Stuart Mill: The object of this Essay is to explain as clearly as I am able, the grounds of an opinion which I have held from the very earliest period when I formed any opinions at all on social or political matters, and which, instead of being weakened or modified, had been constantly growing stronger by the progress of reflection and the experience of life: That the principle which regulates the existing social relations between the two sexes-the legal subordination of one sex to the other-is wrong in itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human improvement; and that it ought to be replaced by a principle of perfect equality, admitting no power or privilege on the one side, nor disability on the other. (20) [Emphasis added.] Lynn Gordon and David Louzecky University of Wisconsin Colleges NOTES Mill. On Liberty, 70. In On Rawls On Mill On Liberty and so on, Marcus Singer claims that the views presented in On Liberty are so strongly influenced by Harriet Taylor that they are fundamentally different from Mills own views in Utilitarianism. This is an interesting idea that we would like to pursue at another time. In the Subjection, also influenced by Taylor, Mill often appeals to justice in ways that seem to be uncharacteristic of utilitarianism. Fred Berger also discussed this point at some length in Happiness, Freedom, and Justice. Nevertheless, Mill moved some distance from Bentham and, in Chapter V of Utilitarianism, did account for justice in terms of utility. As he says, he is appealing to utility in the largest sense. Still, the question remains whether utilitarianism can justify absolute equality between the sexes in all circumstances-which is what justice would require. Mill, On Liberty, 121. Mill, Subjection, 1. Berger, 197. Mill, Subjection, 77. Mill, Subjection, 186. Mill, Subjection, 8. Mill, Subjection, 10-17; Taylor, 12-13. Mill, Subjection, 26. Mill, Subjection, 32. Mill, Subjection, 38. For Mill, the actual position of married women in his day resembled that of slaves in several ways: the economic and social system gave women little alternative to marriage; once married, the legal personality of women was subsumed in that of their husbands and the abuses of human dignity permitted by custom and law within the marriage were egregious. Mill, Subjection, 172. Mill, Subjection, 86. Goldstein, 319-34. We have referred to Harriet Taylor as the author of Enfranchisement of Women, although it was first published anonymously (see page iii, New Introduction in Mills Subjection, Virago Press). Although there is some uncertainty about who the author is, in the introduction to the Subjection Mill says it is Harriet Taylors work. However, we do not wish here to engage in a complicated debate about the extent of Taylors contribution of Mills work. Taylor, 19. Taylor, 39. Taylor, 40. Mill, Subjection, 1.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
July’s People by Nadine Gordimer Essays -- Julys People Nadine Gordim
"July’s People" by Nadine Gordimer In July’s People, Nadine Gordimer gives a very detailed and knowledgeable explanation of the political turmoil within South Africa. By expressing the emotions of a family involved in the deteriorating situation and the misunderstandings between blacks and whites, she adds a very personal and emotional touch, which allows the reader to understand the true horror and terror these people experienced. Gordimer writes of how the Smales family reacts, survives, and adjusts to this life altering experience. She makes obvious throughout the book that prejudice plays a major role in uncovering the reactions of Bamford and Maureen Smales. The Smales were a suburban, upper middle class, white family living in Southern Africa until political turmoil and war forced them to flee from their home and lives. Rebel black armies in Soweto and other areas of Southern Africa revolted against the government and the minority white race, attacking radio and television stations and burning the homes of whites. The Smales needed to get out quickly. Their servant July, whom they had always treated well and had a very uncommon relationship with, offered to guide the family to his village. The Smales, having no other options, accepted July’s offer and ran in haste and confusion to the dearth village. They knew little of the drastic adjustments they would have to make in order to survive in July’s rustic village. These adjustments would soon threaten their relationships with one another and their family’s structure. The three Smales children, Victor, Royce and Gina, had not experienced, and therefore had not expected to live a life of luxury amongst people of their â€Å"own†kind. This innocence contributes greatly to the rate and comfort in which they adjust to living in July’s village. Bam and Maureen may not have felt prejudice towards the black race, but were certainly prejudice about the lifestyle in which they must now live, a lifestyle completely stripped of any and all luxuries they once enjoyed. All of the family members, facing a new way of life, adjust to their situation in radically different ways. Each one drifts in their own direction in search of comfort and acceptance throughout their experiences living amongst July’s people. The first adjustment the Smales family had to make was the realization that they no longer had all of ... ...and towards the sound of the helicopter, towards the hope of renewal. Because of Maureen’s flight from the village and from any responsibilities she once had, Bam must now become the mother figure of the family, nurturing his children and taking on what was once her role. July’s People is a story of the reactions, adaptations, and survival of Bamford and Maureen Smales to the life they have found in a black village after being thrown from their middle-class white neighborhood. Bam’s adjustment to their new life in the village was much better than Maureen’s because he handled the situation rationally by attempting to become a part of the community without letting his emotions get the best of him. Maureen, on the other hand, could not adjust to the situation and went almost completely insane because she could not accept a life without racial and gender structures. This alteration in her lifestyle was completely unbearable and she couldn’t survive without the power, control, and luxuries she once had. As a result of the radically different reactions and adaptations of Bam and Maureen to the life in July’s village, their relationship with one another was completely disintegrated.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Human Cloning - Up to the Individual :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Human Cloning - Up to the Individual To consider the cloning of another human being forces me to question the very concepts of right and wrong that make us all human. Until the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be successfully cloned, it was thought that the ability to clone an adult human was impossible or would only be possible somewhere in the distant future! But that has all changed with the birth of Dolly and the explosion of advances in the field of Embryology and genetic screening. These advances are leading the way forward for the cloning of an adult human, which brings up many new ethical and complicated questions that I feel must be addressed by the scientific community and the public, before these advances can reach there full potential. As with any scientific or technological advance, it brings around questions that I feel must be answered: Do the pros out weight the advantages, and more importantly; is it right? Will Human Cloning become a brave new step in fighting disease and improving the quality of life, or will it lead to dehumanisation and a new genetic underclass? People say and strongly believe that biologists are cloning human embryos only to see how far they can push the scientific barriers. However not all things are corrupt, I believe, as do the leaders of Great Britain, that it is possible that the reasons behind Human Cloning, Embryology and genetic screening may be legitimate. Cloning could help improve the life of future generations. Although I still prefer the idea of these scientists spending all this money and their effort on finding a cure for a disease that has or will affect many of us in one way or another: cancer! I still keep an open mind about this subject as most of the embryologists and biologist's claim that they are doing this as they feel that they have a duty to the improvement of our society, or even perhaps a moral obligation. To this end the techniques have been offered to society as an option for the improvement of humanity. The human race is in the early stages of defining human cloning and what it means. The huma n race is defining it as a science as opposed to an art or religion, specifically a kind of science that is called Biotechnology. Biotechnology is the study into the design and manufacture of the human body.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: A Freudian Interpretation -- Candide Essa
A Freudian Interpretation of Candide  Voltaire’s Candide is a humorous work depicting the misadventures of a German man who has fallen from pseudo-nobility and is forced to roam the world in search for his love and his identity. In his adventures, he encounters massive fits of violence, both inflicted by himself onto others, and by those around him. This huge amount of violent behavior brings about startling questions about morality and justice in Voltaire’s time. It becomes apparent that Candide, among other things, is a satire which focuses on justice. Sigmund Freud, the noted psychologist, came up with the idea three states of consciousness: the id, which is the instinctive quality of humans; the ego, which is human rationale; and the superego, which is a person’s morality, or conscience. The characters and actions of Candide can easily be classified into these three states of consciousness to determine much of what Voltaire satirized in his work.    The middle group of the conscious states, the ego, is the medium of the brain. It is the bridge from the outside world to the inner workings of the mind. It is also the rational portion of the psyche, relying on reason. From the narrative, which is notably biased toward Candide’s point of view, the obvious symbol of the ego is Pangloss, the philosopher. He is Candide’s idol, and the model of right-thinking among the main characters, despite appearing as an utter buffoon to both the audience and the other characters with his hypotheses that all things are â€Å"for the best.†Also distorted views of the ego are apparent in most of the major characters, including Candide and Cunegonde, most notably. Although they are hardly the pictures of rationale, the... ...p in their own personal El Dorado, the microcosmic garden. An Edenic farm becomes their new home. On the other hand, the rest of society is forced to live with the monstrosity that it has created of itself. Candide and his friends can live in peace for the rest of their existence while the rest of humanity, including perhaps even the real El Dorado, must suffer its own set of consequences.    Voltaire is obviously satirizing the period’s view of justice. He makes his points through biting sarcasm using the reversed roles of what he feels should be. These points are unstated, but painstakingly simple and clear. He was obviously hoping to reform the systems of the time. These ideas of reform are made even clearer by Freud’s ideas. Voltaire tries to refocus society’s efforts on morality and thinking, rather than tradition and blind submissions.  Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: A Freudian Interpretation -- Candide Essa A Freudian Interpretation of Candide  Voltaire’s Candide is a humorous work depicting the misadventures of a German man who has fallen from pseudo-nobility and is forced to roam the world in search for his love and his identity. In his adventures, he encounters massive fits of violence, both inflicted by himself onto others, and by those around him. This huge amount of violent behavior brings about startling questions about morality and justice in Voltaire’s time. It becomes apparent that Candide, among other things, is a satire which focuses on justice. Sigmund Freud, the noted psychologist, came up with the idea three states of consciousness: the id, which is the instinctive quality of humans; the ego, which is human rationale; and the superego, which is a person’s morality, or conscience. The characters and actions of Candide can easily be classified into these three states of consciousness to determine much of what Voltaire satirized in his work.    The middle group of the conscious states, the ego, is the medium of the brain. It is the bridge from the outside world to the inner workings of the mind. It is also the rational portion of the psyche, relying on reason. From the narrative, which is notably biased toward Candide’s point of view, the obvious symbol of the ego is Pangloss, the philosopher. He is Candide’s idol, and the model of right-thinking among the main characters, despite appearing as an utter buffoon to both the audience and the other characters with his hypotheses that all things are â€Å"for the best.†Also distorted views of the ego are apparent in most of the major characters, including Candide and Cunegonde, most notably. Although they are hardly the pictures of rationale, the... ...p in their own personal El Dorado, the microcosmic garden. An Edenic farm becomes their new home. On the other hand, the rest of society is forced to live with the monstrosity that it has created of itself. Candide and his friends can live in peace for the rest of their existence while the rest of humanity, including perhaps even the real El Dorado, must suffer its own set of consequences.    Voltaire is obviously satirizing the period’s view of justice. He makes his points through biting sarcasm using the reversed roles of what he feels should be. These points are unstated, but painstakingly simple and clear. He was obviously hoping to reform the systems of the time. These ideas of reform are made even clearer by Freud’s ideas. Voltaire tries to refocus society’s efforts on morality and thinking, rather than tradition and blind submissions. Â
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Secret Life of Bees – Hero’s Journey Essay
Kc Keppler January 13, 2012 Block D – English Lily’s Journey Towards Self Discovery and Maturity – Bees In the novel, The Secret Life of Bees written by Sue Monk Kidd, there is one particular motif that one might call ‘all important,’ this motif is the bees that fit into Lily Melissa Owen’s, the main character and protagonist of books, heroic journey towards self discovery and finding a way to open up to others.The bees in this story represented and lead her, piece by piece, to her finding herself and accepting the imperfections in her life. The book is initially set in Sylvan, South Carolina where Lily was born and raised by her father and mother before her mother’s untimely death. But the setting quickly changes to Tiburon, South Carolina when bees that Lily had kept in a jar give her a call to her journey when she glanced over at the open jar – representing her own freedom as well as the bees.The sign of the bees departure fro m her holding them captive gave Lily a sense that someone was speaking to her only to help her understand the â€Å"her jar is open. †This sets off her journey to save her wrongly accused housekeeper from jail cell and runaway to Tiburon in search for information on her mother. This event immediately shows an initial step forward in Lily’s search for self-discovery. Although the bees give Lily her call to journey they help her in several ways that bring her to happiness, acting as almost a subtle guide to her.The initial steps Lily takes with the bees’ help are in the first few chapters but after her call to journey, her prized possession, a picture of her mother with the word ‘Tiburon’ on the back and a picture of a black Mary are what leads Lily to a lake right by Tiburon, South Carolina. The honey label brings Lily to a bright pink house owned by the Boatwrights, a group of black sisters called the calendar sisters, August, June, and May, who li ve together and make a living off of honey. Lily is welcomed to stay and work on the Boatwright land for a while as she states that she is on her way to her aunt Bernie’s in Virginia.One her earliest moments while in the house that the bees help her forward is when Lily is just starting out in the black household and August asks her what she love most in the world. Immediately August, one of the calendar sisters and guardians of Lily in the story, is portrayed as a symbol for Lily’s exploration of new things and urging Lily to think of something she truly loves and to discrver a aspect of herself is one of the challenges that she, as a young woman, has not yet faced.Lily happens to list multiple things but the bees are among the highest on the list. This is because in Lily’s story the bees mean her personal growth as a human and exploration into new things, staying as a beekeeper in the Boatwright house is just one of those explorations that she undergoes along this journey. While in the house the writer begins to create Lily an infatuation with an older boy named Zachary Taylor, or for these purposes, Zach.But the feelings aren’t one sided as Zach, the African American, 16 year old boy begins to grow feelings for Lily too. Zach almost acts as a guardian but he also takes some of the part of the bees as from early on he attempts to nudge Lily to be more open about herself but her lack of confidence in herself and the people that care for her initially keeps her fairly timid about helping people to better understand her.Although Zach makes attempts to guide Lily and help her mature and grow as a person it is the bees that lead her to another step in sexual maturity when she informs Zach of her feeling towards him after licking the honey off his finger. This showed Lily moving forward in her emotional and sexual maturity as a young woman and understanding new aspects of what she can feel. These three occasions are few of many check po int in the book that the bees help Lily and one way or other to begin understand her actions and why she feels the things she does.By the end of the book she shows a fully mature side of her when she manages to come to terms with the fact that her mother had left them before she died and wasn’t perfect as she had suspected for the majority of the story. Learning these things about her mother took courage on her behalf but without the bees couldn’t have happened. August acts as a mentor and guardian and a conversation speaks to her telling her, â€Å"Most people don’t have any idea about all the complicated life going on inside a hive. Bees have a secret life we don’t know anything about. This helps Lily to identify with the lives of the working bees. The bees are said to have a way of continuing to work hard and have a strong love for their mother (the queen of the hive) much like Lily. Of course the bees have a strong hold on a female community somethin g that Lily thrives on in the Boatwright and benefits from, this shows Lily the true power that and community can have when working together. But most of all, through everything, the bees always manage to inspire her to do something or understand another thing.By the end of story Lily chooses not to return home but to remain in the Boatwright house but when speaking to her father finds a way to mature and almost forgive him for his imperfections as a person, there is in no way that she would have found a way to take a step forward like this without the guidance of the bees on her journey. They help understand why things have happened to her and hold a very important place not only in the novel but in Lily’s heart too.Because the bees are the true inspiration of the story as told by the title, they assume the position of the main point of all the motifs that guide Lily through her journey. Everyone is like Lily, in that aspect of wanting to find him or her, and reading this bo ok we learn that in order to find yourself you need one thing to inspire you and help you push forward. Finding our own bees in our life is a journey that will make out to help us discover ourselves just as Lily did.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Colorflex and Temperature Measurement in Coffee Production
Coffee industry represents the colour of roasted java as a individual value such as SCAA or HCCI colour criterion. PT. ACI uses Colorette 3b with a graduated table of 0 to 200 to stand for the colour between visible radiation into dark. This instrument can non mensurate the debasement of java colour during roasting which has a wider colour scope. This survey applied the ColorFlex that is designed with CIE criterion colour measuring by using a particular visible radiation beginning and a standard perceiver angle. The samples were measured with the standard visible radiation beginning of Daylight ( D65 ) and the normal observer angle of 100. In some instances, the colour is frequently represented as chrome values but in this survey we used the colour difference ( & A ; Delta ; E ) which was calculated from the CIEL*a*b* co-ordinate to stand for the java colour. The CIEL*a*b* is calculated with following equation. where Ten, Y, Z as the Tristimulus values ;are changeless values of 94.811, 100, and 107.3 severally matching to the light and observation angles. The co-ordinate of L* describe the degree of brightness, a* is the colour strength of ruddy ( + ) to green ( – ) , and b* describe the strength of yellow ( + ) to blue ( – ) . The & A ; Delta ; E is defined as follows. where the indexes of 2 and 1 represent the object being measured and the mention. By presuming a black organic structure as mention ( the colour values are severally close to nothing ) , the & A ; Delta ; E is merely determined by the colour of the object. Therefore, eq.5 can be written as follows. Fig. 3 presents the relationship between the & A ; Delta ; E measured by the ColorFlex with colour value provided by Collorete 3b for the same sample. The consequence indicates a additive relationship ( high value of correlativity coefficient ) between both graduated tables and hence, this ColorFlex can be applied to mensurate the colour of roasted java. The experimental information for each measuring can be illustrated in Fig. 4. The figure presents informations of detector response, grain colour, and points of three roast-degrees ( light-medium-dark ) for each measuring. The response of detectors was so processed into olfactory property forms captured at 3 min interval harmonizing to the observation clip of the colour parametric quantity. After that, the olfactory property form was analyzed to the colour and temperature informations. The same method was applied to the olfactory property form at the three critical points. The effectual detector responsewas presented as a series of an effectual electromotive force detector at t-time after it was subtracted with an initial electromotive force for a mention. In this instance, the response of each detector in the first measuring ( t=180 s ) was considered as the mention. Thecan be written as follows. PCA is a statistical method that is widely used for analysing the distribution of an experimental information. PCA is besides known as the Karhunen-Loeve or Hotelling transmutation which is one based on statistical analysis of extraneous transmutation for change overing a set of experimental informations which may incorporate of correlative variables into a set of new informations which contain of non linearly correlative variables known as chief constituent ( Personal computer ) . Personal computer on the first sequence contains the greatest variant value of the experimental information followed by the 2nd Personal computer, the 3rd, and so on. Mathematically, PCA algorithm can be solved by the method of Covariance. The algorithm is besides described in [ 15 ] [ 14 ] . The covariance matrix of an experimental information is defined as follows. where Ten is the matrix of the experimental informations with size of M x N, M is the figure of informations variable ( e.g. figure of detectors ) and N is the figure of the information, I and J are the index of the informations variable and the figure of experimental informations,is the norm of the informations for each variable,is a individual vector of the form informations containing of the M variable, andis the nothing mean informations. Based on Eq. 8, the covariance matrix of C is an extraneous matrix with size of M x M. PCA algorithm dramas to happen the characteristic root of a square matrix () and eigenvector () of the matrix, which can be described as follow. Eq. 9 can be solved by the Jacobian method. The obtained characteristic root of a square matrix represents the figure of discrepancies of informations stored in each corresponding eigenvector. The eigenvector is besides called as a characteristic vector being used to transform the observation informations. Vector Personal computer as the consequence of this transmutation can be calculated by the undermentioned equation. where I is the index of the input vector variable, J is the index of Personal computer matching to the sequence of the characteristic vector. The distribution of the experimental informations can be visualized by plotting the Personal computers on the Cartesian vector graph for either 2D or 3D. The distribution of the experimental information is visualized on the graph with the degree depending on the sum of discrepancy from the selected Personal computers. In many instances, the usage of the top of 2 or 3 Personal computers already represents more than 80 % of the discrepancy of the analyzed information, and so that the distribution have reflected the existent distribution of the informations. Fig. 5 presents the deformation of java grain colour ( a ) and roasting temperature ( B ) as map of roasting clip. The colour profile tends to travel down demoing the colour debasement from the yellow-green colour for green bean into the brownish colour for roasted bean. This alteration indicates an addition in degree of roasted java along with the length of the procedure. In add-on gives information that shows the colour alteration of a downward tendency, the chart besides provides scope of the colour values at each trying. From the consequence, it appears that the scope colour value of the grain in the early stages tends to be little for all replicates. The longer roasting clip be givening to widen the scope of colour values indicates a difference degree of adulthood of the roasted java. A similar consequence is besides performed by the profile of temperature. In the early stages, the roaster membranophone was set at the same temperature of 2000C before the java sample was inserted . The temperature will drop about 40-500C in the beginning of roasting and so easy traveling up once more as the clip of roasting occur. This is apprehensible because of the dramatic differences between roaster room temperature with the get downing java grain. At that point, the heat will be absorbed rapidly into the java grains. Although the warming component stays on but this soaking up is greater than the supply of thermal. In short, this temperature is profiled by a lessening in the initial stages so the procedure will slowly rise until it reaches a temperature of 2000C. In line with old consequences with the ascertained scope of temperature values for each sampling clip, it is seen an addition in the scope of values. This shows that even though the procedure fixes the initial conditions of roasting, uses top-quality java bean, and adjusts an equal blower gap but the ripeness of the java grains is non equal for each sampling clip among experiment reproductions. These consequence s prove that the both parametric quantity can non be used to reflect the joint degree though with homogenous stuffs. Furthermore, in existent conditions, the java grains as natural stuff in industry are obtained from providers with heterogenous for footings of quality, shelf life, wet content, and denseness. Therefore, the both parametric quantities have restriction to be used as an index of the degree of roasted java.
Akamai Case Study Ecommerce
1. Why does akamai need to geographically disperse its servers to deliver its costumers' web content? Akamai allows its costumers to move their web-based products closer to their end users (local). Meaning that an Akamai website can deliver from 4 to 10 times faster as non-Akamai website, due to the 73. 000 servers around the world. 2. If you wanted to deliver software content over the Internet, would you sign up for Akamai’s service? Why or why not? Yes we would sign up for the Akamai service due to the following advantages * Reliability * Availability * Speed * Security Reporting tools with regards to problems or traffics * Scalability (the possibility of having many users and large files) 3. What advantages does an advertiser derive from using Akamai’s EdgeScape service? What kinds of products might benefit from this kind of service? The main advantage of this EdgeScape service is the tracking possibility of online shopping behaviour. This way an advertiser can pin p oint buyers based on geographic locations, and validate an end user’s location. 4. Why don’t major business firms distribute their videos using [email protected] networks lie Bittorent?P2P means the sharing of files between users of the P2P service such as Bittorent or Bitlord. But this also means that all users are actually servers meaning that it is not easy to collect user data. Also major firms might want to use Akamai instead of P2P as it is more reliable, secure and stable. With the underlying infrastructure of the Internet major companies will most likely not benefit from p2p services. Due to the slow loading of websites companies will most likely chose for a web-streamed based content. These content are often saved on a local server and are most likely quicker distributed to their costumers. . Do you think Internet users should be charged based on the amount of bandwidth they consumer, or tiered plan where users would pay in rough proportion to their usage? No, we believe that the Internet must remain free without people paying for the use of bandwidth. When you are charging people for the use of bandwidth then many people will avoid certain websites that use up allot of bandwidth such as video streaming which uses up allot of bandwidth. It might even result in people avoiding the high use of the internet due to the costs, which is bad news for many online businesses.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Radiotherapy – One World Essay
What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Radiotherapy? Cancer is one of our planets most concerning illnesses at this time. It is the uncontrollable growth and forming of malignant tumours. In 2007, it was said to cause about 13% of all human deaths worldwide (Kleinsmith, Lewis J. M. D). Some cancers may be cured and this depends on certain variables such as the type of cancer, where the cancer is, and how early it has been detected. One method of treatment for cancer is Radiation therapy (Radiotherapy). This is the medical use of ionizing radiation to control or kill these malignant cells.However, there is doubt among society about the use of radiotherapy. This is mainly because some long-term side effects include the growth of scar tissue, infertility and damage to other areas of the body, depending on the location of the radiation treatment. Another major reason for doubting this treatment is because in some cases, people may also develop a secondary cancer as a result of exposure t o radiation. Therefore this is a global issue and in the following essay, the social and economic factors involved in this topic will be discussed. Radiation therapy is commonly applied to the cancerous tumor because of its ability to control cell growth. Ionizing radiation works by damaging the DNA of exposed tissue leading to cellular death. To spare normal tissues (such as skin or organs which radiation must pass through to treat the tumor), shaped radiation beams are aimed from several angles of exposure to intersect at the tumor, providing a much larger absorbed dose there than in the surrounding, healthy tissue. †(Cancer Research U. K. ). There are two main types of radiotherapy, internal and external.The one being discussed in this topic will be external radiotherapy because it is most related to the electromagnetic spectrum, while the other is based more on placing radioactive material inside patients. External radiotherapy uses radiation aimed at a cancer from a mach ine to destroy the cancer cells. The types of radiation used include high energy X-ray beams, cobalt irradiation or particle beams, such as protons or electrons. The most common types of external radiotherapy, use photon beams (either as x-rays or gamma rays).A machine called a linear accelerator focuses high-energy X-rays or other high-energy beams (gamma rays) at the cancer. It is concentrated so that the radiation destroys the cancer cells and not the healthy cells around them. Although, healthy cells may be damaged, the cancer cells will take most of the damage and the healthy cells should be strong enough to repair themselves afterwards. â€Å"The linear accelerator uses microwave technology (similar to that used for radar) to accelerate electrons in a part of the accelerator called the â€Å"wave guide,†then allows these electrons to collide with a heavy metal target.As a result of the collisions, high-energy x-rays are produced from the target. These high energy x-ra ys are shaped as they exit the machine to conform to the shape of the patient's tumor and the customized beam is directed to the patient's tumor. The beam may be shaped either by blocks that are placed in the head of the machine or by a multi-leaf collimator that is incorporated into the head of the machine. The patient lies on a moveable treatment couch and lasers are used to make sure the patient is in the proper position.The treatment couch can move in many directions including up, down, right, left, in and out. The beam comes out of a part of the accelerator called a gantry, which can be rotated around the patient. Radiation can be delivered to the tumor from any angle by rotating the gantry and moving the treatment couch. †(Radiological Society of North America, Inc. ) There are numerous advantages to having radiotherapy in comparison to other treatments to cancer. Using linear accelerators is more efficient than using ring-type accelerators. This is because; linear acce lerators can generate and maintain stronger light rays.This is crucial so that the cancer can be completely destroyed and so that the blasts are concentrated enough to not overly damage the healthy cells surrounding the cancerous ones. The other main advantage of using radiotherapy over other cancer treatments is because it is a focused treatment. Other treatments such as chemotherapy affect the entire body. Therefore, radiotherapy has fewer adverse effects on the rest of the body compared to other treatments. Radiotherapy also has several disadvantages and limitations. Firstly, this treatment can only be used if the cancer has been diagnosed at an early stage.Once the cancer has spread over several areas, this treatment cannot be used. Also, the linear accelerators require large power supplies, increasing the construction and maintenance expense of the machines. Radiation therapy delivers cancer-killing doses of radiation at the tumor site, the National Cancer Institute explains, b ut doesn't travel throughout the body to destroy cancer cells that have spread as chemotherapy treatment can do. Therefore, radiotherapy cannot be used after the cancer has spread to a certain degree. As mentioned, some people may also develop a secondary cancer as a result of exposure to radiation.There are numerous social factors that question the use of radiotherapy to treat cancer. A major social concern is developing secondary cancer as a result to the treatment. Though possible, this is a very rare situation. Developing a secondary cancer is more likely when being treated with chemotherapy or sometimes internal radiotherapy. Unfortunately, many are unaware of these facts and therefore they refuse to take these treatments. However, this therapy (along with chemotherapy) has been a revolutionary breakthrough in medicine.Radiotherapy, as mentioned before, would act as an alternative to chemotherapy for patients who have been diagnosed with a cancer in its early stages. Referring to one of the main advantages, this is a very beneficial treatment as it limits exposure to radioactivity, and out of the different treatments, it has the least probability of causing a secondary cancer. Also, because of its accuracy, we have been able to completely irradiate cancerous cells while barley harming the surrounding ones. There are also several economic factors that account to us using radiotherapy.Firstly, there are major costs for the maintenance of machines such as the linear accelerator, which is crucial for radiotherapy. Because of these expenses, not all hospitals have these equipment and also not many patients can afford to get this treatment. This too is a major limitation of using radiotherapy. However, these machines also benefit the economy as it provides better healthcare (In those hospitals and for patients who can afford it), it also creates more jobs. This is because there must be technicians to fix these machines whenever they are broken, and as said befo re, they are very high maintenance.For that reason, there must be regular check-ups on how the systems are running. Especially when considering these machines if run improperly, and at an overdose, can cause cancer. Therefore, this opens more job opportunities. Referring back to the availability of resources such as radiotherapy much depend on location. Unfortunately, people in Ghana do not have the same access to treatments such as radiotherapy to those in the Netherlands. This is mainly to do with the two countries different economical stand points. Most resident of MEDC’s have the chance of receiving such treatments, while many others do not.Also, seeing as how cancer is a growing problem which caused 13% deaths worldwide in 2007, it is clear that radiotherapy is a viable treatment which should be considered over the globe, so that other people have accessibility to these treatments. This will not only save more lives in the future, but also increase economy due to the rea sons stated previously. Throughout this essay, radiotherapy has been discussed. Radiotherapy is a treatment for cancer, by which powerful x-rays are blasted into cancerous tumors, to destroy them, eliminating the cancer.Though presented with possible side-effects, as well as being expensive, radiotherapy is a viable choice for a treatment to an early caught cancer. This is an example of how science (using x-rays) and technology (creating equipment such as linear accelerators) can work together to create a possible solution for globe issues such as cancer. Two factors affecting the use of radiotherapy has also been discussed, and in conclusion, one can say that radiotherapy is not without limitation; however it can be considered one of the best treatments for early caught cancer.Bibliography * â€Å"About External Radiotherapy. †: Cancer Research UK : CancerHelp UK. Cancer Research UK, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. cancerresearchuk. org/cancer-help/about-cancer/treatm ent/radiotherapy/external/about-external-radiotherapy;. * â€Å"Advantages & Disadvantages of Radiation Therapy. †LIVESTRONG. COM. LIVESTRONG, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. livestrong. com/article/513783-advantages-disadvantages-of-
Friday, September 13, 2019
Projecting Financial Trends 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Projecting Financial Trends 1 - Assignment Example For a company to the existence, for a longer period it needs to consider all the surrounding factors that tend to affect the environment where it is located. These helps in approximating the trends and reduce the risk of running out of the business or being unable to cope up with prevailing economic times that are dynamic (Sullivan & Steven, 2007). Economic factor helps in determining the future economic trend of a business based upon facts that are present and affect the output of a business. For example if the region that the business is located is experiencing a high level of inflation the output of the business will be affected negatively. These will influence financial projection and will be reflected in a downwards trend. Projection is influenced by the prevailing outcomes that will either make the business has a hard time with its operations or friendly environment (Clark, 2008). Companies that are located in friendlier financial environment tend to have a higher projection due to reduced cost of running and a better environment for doing
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Applying Organizational behavior when motivating employees Research Paper
Applying Organizational behavior when motivating employees - Research Paper Example In relation to the rapidly growing global business environment, marketers have been widely witnessed to implement a number of strategic measures in order to keep the workforce more optimistic with regard to their specific roles and responsibilities within the organisation. In this regard, Organisational Behaviour (OB) has long been observed to play an essential role for the entrepreneurs to develop strong workforce in accordance with the vision and postulated business goals (Tishman et al., 2012). Emphasising the notion of OB to play as an essential role in employee motivation, the primary objective of this report is to critically analyse the practice of OB by United Healthcare (UHC) while empowering performance and long-term relationship of the employees within the organisation. In this regard, the report intends to critically assess the key principles and practices of OB that are highly practiced by UHC to keep the employees satisfied within their respective job roles. In order to critically identify the importance of OB in employee motivation, the report would also ascertain key influencing factors that can enable UHC to successfully satisfy its employees along with their expected performance within the organisation. UnitedHealth Care (UHC) is considered as one of the largest and prominent health carriers across the United States. The organisation is a major part of the UnitedHealth Group Inc., one of the largest and diversified healthcare organisations in the global managed health care industry. Founded in the year 1977, UHC tends to involve a wide array of advanced healthcare systems and procedures to provide extensive services to the clients located in different regions across the globe (1UnitedHealth Group, 2013). With respect to the recent financial year, the group has been recognised to ascertain revenue earnings of US$ 111 billion in the financial year 2012,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Yemaya Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Yemaya - Essay Example I like Verbena Perfume. I am a wise and virtuous mother and the real time as I enjoy dancing. When I am dancing I start slowly and gratefully but I swirls and moves my skirts to demonstrate the rhythm of the waves (Hudes, Quiara Yemayas Belly 29). I build up speed and intensity that shows my immense power. I like seashells, fish, nets, sea horses, anchors and anything associated with the sea. I associate with the stars and the full moon, ducks, and peacocks. My realm is part of the ocean inhabited by plants, fish, and other marine life used by human for food. I am efficient at divination and leaned consultas through hiding behind the door and spying on my husband, Orula. I listen and offer maternal love to any person that needs a mother. I am the great mother who lives and rules of the seas. I control water (part of the sea known to humans) that is vital to life and without me, and life on earth is impossible. No one can defeat me in wars on behalf of my children as I wield a machete with expertise. I control the creative and nurturing forces of the sea (LachatanÃŒÆ'ereÃŒ , Crombet, Christine, Castellanos, Curbelo, and Siegfried 54). I do consultas for clients with epuele (divination chain used by babalawos) despite being a reserved for men. I am the Patron of pregnant women and a spiritual mother of those who feel lonely and lost. I rule over the surface of the Ocean where life is concentrated. I am worshiped in Haitian Vodou as a Moon Goddess, and I protect mothers and their children. Orula is my husband that made a pact with me and told me that I could use the dilogun (cowrie shells) to divine. Through this arrangement, I was able to usher in the custom of using the dilogun shells. Santeros and Santeras employ conduct consults with the cowries while babalawos (priest of Orula) like me use the epuele chain. I am the daughter of Olokun and times Obatala, Orula, Agayu, babalu Aye, Orisha, Oko and Ogun were my husbands at different times. I am the elder
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Airport Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Airport - Article Example The website shows the importance of a realistic airport design for purposes of safety, emergency and coordination of operations. The website insists on the importance of development as a measure of stability and growth (Federal Aviation Administration, 2009). The development of any small airport lies greatly on how it aligns its operations. This is with due respect to the overall management of finances through efficient public relations. The relations result in the trickling in of clients who have become regular’s as a result of the reliable service. It is clear that there is need to carefully foresee current and future problems in all airports. This is one sure way of ensuring that the operations run as smoothly as they are expected. The reality of how finances are applied in the airport is also defined as a crucial point. This is because if current finances are put to maximum use, then airport operations are enhanced. The website highlights the need to form a budget, and how to channel all the existing revenues to internal and external projects (Federal Aviation Administration, 2009). As a result of the nature of airport operations, the website also goes ahead to educate on aspects that should come into play when dealing with liabilities and insurance. In conclusion, the website greatly advocates for the need to ensure that airport designs, operations, developments and finances are in order for any airport which has a clearly set objective. Federal Aviation Administration (2009). Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP 16): Guidebook for managing small airports. Washington: Retrieved from
Monday, September 9, 2019
An Analysis of Mrs. Sirleaf's Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
An Analysis of Mrs. Sirleaf's Speech - Essay Example Pathos influences the addresses to through eliciting emotions. The speakers and audiences do this through a careful use of language. The speakers or the authors use their personal stories to paint a good picture of their speech. This illuminates the truth and legitimacy of the conversation in hand. Logos involves use of reasoning to back up one’s ideas or claims. The speaker or the author gives sufficient reasons that explain a subject matter. Logos incorporates both inductive and deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning examines a specific representative of facts and then the speaker draws general conclusions from them. However, in deductive reasoning, the speaker starts with general implications of a fact then narrows down to specifics (Metcalfe 3). The well use of the three rhetorical appeals describes the effectiveness of a speaker or an author. This paper will analyze Mrs. Sir Leaf’s Speech which she delivered in the graduation ceremony in Harvard University in Jun e 17th 2011. The dialogue had some political connotations because this is the period when there was an imminent election in Liberia. The paper will endeavor to seek whether the speech uses the Ethos, Pathos, and Logos sufficiently to persuade the audience. The paper is organized into three sections. The first paragraphs will examine the use of Ethos in the speech. The middle section looks at the application of pathos in the conversation in hand. The last section will describe the employment of logos in Mrs. Sirleaf’s speech. Ethos in speech ensures that audience is attentive, listening, and ready to speaker’s coaxing ideas. Ethos is about the audience perception of the speaker. This entails trustworthiness, reputation, association, and authority of the presenter. In Sirleaf’s speech, the speaker presents herself as a likeable character in several parts. Ellen opening remarks of the speech draw the attention of the audience that she is an honorable person. This c reates an impression of respected person in the minds of the listeners. The audience is set to capture the conversation and they can associate with her. Therefore, it means that the addressee will have a keen interest of the ideas that Mrs. Sirleaf puts across. Ellen gives the precedence of the events that culminated to her current position. Her interest to lead Liberia stems from the conference she attended as a subordinate employee in the Liberian Department of Treasury. National Planning Council and advisors from Harvard sponsored the conference. The core agenda of the symposium was to forge development projects in Liberia. In this meeting, the politician expresses displeasure about the unlovable status of things in her country. She points out that direct attack on the Liberian authority plunged her into a political mess (Yifeng). This paints a picture of a bold and patriotic lady who has the interest of her country at heart. In this way, the speaker persuades the audience to kee p a firm grip of the speech as it unfolds. Audience is enthusiastic to get the flow of events that culminates in her political achievements. The speech acknowledges the leadership program at Harvard University that shaped her. The poise she got from this university makes her make another attempt to challenge the Liberian authority ever the long and expanding gap between the poor and the rich. The result of her activities was an expulsion from her country.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Tom Monaghan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Tom Monaghan - Assignment Example His is a story of determination and hard work. His success story greatly inspired me and I felt the need to dig deeper to get more inspiration (Soucy & Huber 2006). Peter Drucker was a popular economist who was born in 1909 in Vienna, Australia. He was born and raised in a well cultured family where his father worked as a lawyer and his mother as a doctor. He did his studies in the best schools and completed his undergraduate at the University of Frankfurt in 1931. He left Germany and moved to London. He spent four years in the new country and later moved to the United States where he was finally elevated to U.S citizen status in 1943. Drucker has written over 40 books, most of his books have been recognized internationally owing to the fact that they have been translated into more than 20 languages. He was called the father of management. He was awarded the presidential Medal of Freedom in July 2002 by President George W. Bush in recognition for his great works in the field of management. He died on 11th November 2005 in the state of California (Drucker 2007). Peter Drucker is the father of management and he has excellent knowledge in the field. Retrieving lessons from his famous books would be of great help us to understand the subject more. His life experiences in the field of management can be related to the current experiences we are facing in our world today. His excellent knowledge from the books he has written will help us to tap the goodness he has brought forward in his many books. The knowledge is practical and it is applicable in the day to day activities that take place in our modern world. This famous business author and consultant had so much knowledge which has shaped so many lives in our modern world today; this is very essential in our studies (Drucker 2007). While conducting the research, I have learnt how to work in a team, to delegate tasks and to arrive at a
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Edit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Edit - Essay Example The main challenge of managing more flourishing and a stable economy in Qatar is that most of the citizens living in this region are foreigners who usually come because of employment related businesses. It is important to note that Qatar has an overall population of about 1.8 million people, whereby 1.5 million of them are expatriates (QFINANCE, 2013). Therefore, the government has been forced to rely mainly on oil and gas in meeting its budget needs. In order for the Qatar government to maintain a healthy and a stable economy in the future, it ought to expand revenue sources, utilize its assets to hedge against instability and create a legacy for the future in by measures mentioned below. Firstly, the government needs to apply a tax on water and electricity as part of expanding its revenue sources. In this case all the households should pay a given fraction of tax to the state so that it can continue sustaining provision of the water and electricity to the people of Qatar. The revenue raised from the water and electricity will be useful in maintaining and expanding the country’s national power grid in the future to cater for the growing demand for electricity from investors in the recent years (QFINANCE, 2013). Additionally, given Qatar is a desert country the taxes on water will be critical in digging more boreholes. This idea will in turn improve the national water supply with an end goal of handling the increasing demand for water used for domestic and commercial purposes. Secondly, the government needs to lease its land for 99 years whereby those who rent the land will be expected to pay a certain percentage of annual rates to the government. It is important to note that the government will be leasing land to expatriates who plans to use the land for various economic activities. Given that currently most of the land in Qatar is not leased to any expatriate, renting the
Friday, September 6, 2019
Physician And Managed Care Contracts Essay Example for Free
Physician And Managed Care Contracts Essay A contract is a legal binding agreement between two parties that is aimed to execute a certain objective. It is a kind of arrangement wherein a certain action is pledged in exchange for a specific proposition or offer. In order for a contract to be valid, four essential elements must be present in a contract. Firstly, two parties should exist in the contract. One party is presenting an offer while the other party is accepting the offer as a form of return for whatever specifications are requested in the contract. Secondly, the contract should indicate that both parties give their consent or are willing to enter into such an arrangement. Such intention should show that the person giving the offer is capable of providing the offer, while the party accepting the offer should be able to clearly show his/her acceptance of the offer. In addition, both parties must be willing to enter an agreement without any other hidden conditions. Thirdly, a purpose or objective should be indicated in a contract. The purpose should be detailed enough to clearly show what is requested or expected in exchange for the specific offer. And lastly, adequate consideration or an adequate value must be indicated as offer in the contract, in the form of money or in kind. The consideration or compensation can not be given to the accepting party prior to the acceptance of the offer. The act of accepting an offer constitutes a deal. Certain offers have a limited time of availability, wherein an expiration date is indicated and the offer can not be accepted after the said date, unless the offer is renewed or stands indefinitely. In addition, the party presenting the offer has the right to withdraw its offer, but only before an acceptance is received. Once an offer is accepted, the contract may not be modified or revised. Changes in the offer may only be incorporated during the negotiation stage of the agreement, which then makes a contract some kind of a bargain. Similarly, physicians enter contracts with managed care organizations (MCOs) or health management organizations (HMOs) in order to promote their services. The four essential elements of a contract should be carefully studied before accepting any offer or signing any contract. For example, as for the element of willingness and capability to enter a contract, a physician should initially must find out the MCO/HMO’s length of operation and financial stability, because this will give the physician an idea whether the company is capable to pay him at a regular schedule. In addition, it would be good to contact some colleagues who have signed contracts with the same company, in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and to unearth any unwritten conditions or policies. The physician should also investigate the identity of the MCO/HMO, and any other parties in the contract, should there be more than two parties indicated in the contract. The most overlooked element of a contract between a physician and an MCO/HMO is the purpose or objective of the contract, which describes a several definitions of services and people that will be covered by the health plan, both during emergency and out-patient consultation events. A comprehensive study of the contract may possibly prevent misunderstandings between the two parties and therefore provide a clear-cut description of the services that the physician is expected to deliver. Another important element of a physician-MCO/HMO contract is the obligations of each party. It is usually indicated in the contract that the physician will actively maintain his/her medical practice documents such as licenses, certifications, registrations and permits in order to provide his/her services to patients. The physician should also inform the MCO/HMO of any modifications on his/her status as a practicing physician. In turn, the MCO/HMO presents its rules and regulations to the potential physician or health care provider working under their company. All policies, guidelines, reviews and appeals should be revealed in order to have its physicians working at the standardized efficiency and competency. The physician’s compensation should be indicated in a physician-MCO/HMO contract. Details including the amount and schedule of payment should be clearly stated in the contract. Payment modes may be in form of per diem, per case, per service or a certain percentage of the premiums. The physician, in turn, should understand the protocol for filing claims and any other arrangements or coordination with the MCO/HMO, including the limited time when these documents may be filed. The MCO/HMO should also indicate in the contract that the physician will receive his/her salary on a regular basis. A physician-MCO/HMO contract may be terminated by either mutual agreement of both parties, or with sufficient cause or reason from the physician, or without cause or reason from the physician. However, a 30-day notice is usually required before any termination takes effect, to provide ample time for the physician to finalize any current patients, cases, services and/or referrals. Contracts are legally binding documents which must be carefully studied and considered before pursuing an agreement and letting the contract take full effect. Every contract has its specific details and all sections of the contract should be well understood and explained.
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