Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Work Place Rewards
Introduction Organizations and companies experience a lot of challenges in attracting and retaining quality productive work force. They are faced with the problem of wanting to maintain and to make their employees satisfied to tap their optimum productivity and their ideas while at the same time make them creative and satisfied while keeping them motivated and satisfied.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Work Place Rewards specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations have been widely studied and there has been an understanding that they can bring change in organizations. There are various forms of motivation techniques that are employed by companies like motivational salary and fewer hours of working. Other factors such as strong communication in the organization, recognition, added responsibility and achievement are also factors that can motivate employees (Reeve, 2009). Workplace environme nt impacts on the engagement, productivity, and morale of employees positively and negatively. In the modern work environment, companies cannot afford to waste their potential workforce. The primary factors in the workplace that can impact on the performance and the productivity of the employees are rewards and motivation. These affect the productivity, morale and engagement. In order to motivate employees, various companies have implemented several practices like performance-based employment and salary increase as the primary incentives. The workplace factors that affect performance are illustrated in the following diagram. (Oyedele, 2011)Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Assessment of a department according to goal setting, performance evaluation and reward My analysis of my company or organization will be focused on the sales department: sales department and its staff are mainly responsible for the public relations of the company, customer services, client relationship as well as sales and promotion of the company. Working in the sales department requires candidates who are highly skilled, particularly in the areas of communication, understanding of various concepts and ability of an individual to interact and network. It also demands for enthusiasm and sales and marketing skills. The organization utilizes the one-on-one oriented reward system whereby the manager rewards a person or individual team member for achieving the sales target. Other reward incentives for the company are the rewarding of the sales team of the month which serves to motivate employees who work well as a team and who realize their sales target. In the organization, goals are set by individuals as opposed to the team members’ or the team leaders. The goals set should be operational, realistic and applicable. Individual sales members can collaborate and decide on the rele vant goals that are appropriate for their work function. The organization’s reward system is effective but there is a problem of enforcing the rules and the regulation that are needed in the promotion of prosperity and reward system. The managers in the organization should move beyond the reward system and reinforcement, and instead they should find out as what can intrinsically motivate employees. Extrinsic rewards are an indication that personal gain is imminent and the situations taken are considered to be a turn for the better (Reeve, 2009). Major tasks of the department of the job: does it cultivate intrinsic motivation Motivation is a process that can arouse, energize, stimulate and sustain a behavior as well as performance. It is considered as a way of stimulating people to action and work towards the realization of a particular goal. Effective motivation is the best way of stimulating people, and money is considered to be an unmatched motivator together with other inc entives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Work Place Rewards specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the greatest aspects of intrinsic rewards is job satisfaction and if an individual is not satisfied with his job then the performance will drop and get affected hence damaging and impacting negatively on-the-job performance of the team and the organization. Praise and recognition are given to an employee for any task or job that is well and positively done, but it should be noted that the existence of an autonomy and responsibility is a form of extrinsic motivation and reward. Consequently, individual development both at the career and personal levels is considered to be a form of intrinsic reward (Reeve, 2009). Employees engage in certain behaviors in order to receive rewards and people expect rewards when they take part in a particular behavior; when people expect rewards, then it undermines their intrinsic moti vation but unexpected rewards do not undermine intrinsic motivation. Rewards have the ability to interfere with the quality of performance, but it can affect the flexibility of the work since when rewards are stopped, the employees quit after attaining the criterion. Incentives, rewards and consequences have benefits but extrinsic rewards do not have any impact or facilitating effect. Intrinsic motivation has the effect of making uninteresting task interesting. When the employees are motivated, they get to have a conceptual understanding of what they are expected to do, this is because intrinsic motivation enhances flexibility in the thinking of the employees. When employees are extrinsically motivated they get to learn how to integrate information in a flexible and conceptual manner (Reeve, 2009). There is the believe that intrinsic motivators have a high psychological cost and impact in terms of intrinsic motivation, process of learning, self-regulation and quality of learning. Mo tivation in the workplace may be realized by maintaining a strong reward system. Every individual or employee demands a particular degree of motivation in order to perform their tasks in the workplace environment.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Absence of motivation makes procrastination worse and reduces employee morale, and it might cause conflict. Motivation enables workers to work efficiently and productively (Grant Shin, 2011). The company-wide rewards like bonus or profit sharing, praise or recognition Motivation is a necessity in life situation, in a workplace; motivation plays a critical role in leadership performance and success. Salary and promotion have been considered as the main two ways of motivating employees. Employees also get motivated when they are treated well. Loyalty and recognition are the key element in the motivation of workers in order to motivate productivity. Employees are also motivated through praise. Motivation is a psychological process, and it is therefore, an important element of behavior, and it can be used to predict or regulate or model a behavior (Reeve, 2009). Rewards are portrayed to have direct relationships and ability to attract, retain and motivate employees. Employee behavior s hould be reflected in work satisfaction and performance (Grant Shin, 2011). Praise functions as an extrinsic event that has the effect to motivate and motivate individual behavior and serve to inform the competence about a job well done. Any supervisor who uses praise to communicate to its workers and congratulate the employees for a job well done will act as a motivator. Praise can be communicated in a controlled manner and will have the effect of tagging a tone of pressure among the employees. Praise itself does not have a motivational effect, but it is the way it is administered that brings the motivational effect (Reeve, 2009). Bonus can instigate good performance. Employees are provided with bonus when they exceed expectations in order to motivate them to work higher (Oyedele, 2011). The very tangible way where the employers can motivate their employees is through the institutionalizing of the incentive and reward system. These serve to pay performance. Monetary incentives are considered the best by managers since it reinforces performance and good ideas. With the incentives system, the employees can record high levels of performance and job satisfaction. Bonuses, for example, are made under the system and basis of employee output (Oyedele, 2011). Using goals: what goals are set, how they are set and how effective can they be Goals and the setting of goals is a very important task for the organization. People with goals outshine those without goals, and people perform better when they have goals that motivate them. There is always a need for goal specificity, which should guide the performer about what he intents to do. Vague goals are irrelevant and there is a need to specify the goal in good and realistic numerical time frames. Goals should be specific because they draw attention to what needs to be done and at what time, it also helps in reducing the ambiguity in thought and the variability in employee performance. Goals are necessary because they inf orm the performer on what to do specifically and where and when to concentrate. Goals are fundamental because they enable an individual to revise an already tested strategy through undertaking and creating an improved strategy. Goals motivate as well as increasing the ability and capability of the individual (Reeve, 2009). Goal setting translates into an effective and increased performance based on the context of feedback; they enable the individual to keep track on what is happening and their progress towards the set goals. For an employee to perform better there is a need for feedback and a goal that will enable him to maximize performance. Goal acceptance is a critical variable in the setting of goals, and it is undertaken in the context of interpersonal relationships where individual attempts to provide others to the goal. Goals improve performance only once they are internalized. Workplace leaders, for example, improve the capability of their employees by providing or drafting a compelling vision for the company’ future. Goals can be realized when there are incentives or rewards that are extrinsic. Incentives like money, scholarship and public recognition have the power to influence the witness by assigning measurable goals. Goals can be short-term or long term. The following are necessary considerations in the setting of goals: identify the goals to be established or accomplished and define goal difficulty. One main aim of attaining objectives is to establishing goals or goal setting. Effective goal setting entails the following sequential procedure (Reeve, 2009). Mental simulation is not fantasies for success or wishful thinking. There is a difference between goal content and the process of attaining the goal. Mental simulation focuses on the production of goal-oriented action. For any goal to be accomplished, a lot of time must be spent in planning how to attain them since planning is an integral part of a goal-oriented performance. Several peop le fail to realize their goals because they do not establish the specific action plans on how to attain the goals, they also fail to specify on when to initiate the goal-oriented action as well as failing to specify how they can ensure their goal-oriented persistence in face and times of interruptions and disruptions. Goals that are set should be implementable and there should be an implementation intention before they are established or set in order to bring them into fruition. There are goal setting and goal striving strategies and sequences that should be followed, the sequences in the realization of goal setting are: specifying the objectives, defining the difficulty, clarifying the goal specificity and specifying the time frame. The steps on goal striving strategies are: check on the acceptance of the goal, discuss the goal, attainment strategies, create the implementation intentions and provide the performance feedback. Regular tracking of goals provides an opportunity for imm ediate feedback and enables the workers to make adjustments in the performance plans and to tackle any emerging obstacles (Oyedele, 2011). Conclusion The performance of the employees is related to the degree of their motivation, and this has led to various employees’ management methods like the Gantt’s task and bonus wage. Motivation acts as a catalyst that can spur the eagerness of en employee to work. Motivation can be positive or negative. Motivation can be effective to an employee or to a group of employees. It should be understood that work motivation is psychological, and it only serves to direct, to energize and to maintain action-oriented job, task or project. Reward system should be designed in a manner that can be in conformity with the strategies of a company in question. A rewarded behavior is prone to be repeated. References Grant, A. M., Shin, J. (2011). Work motivation: Directing, energizing, and maintaining effort (and research). Forthcoming in R. M. R yan (Ed.), Oxford handbook of motivation. London, UK: Oxford University Press. Oyedele, O. (2011). How Managers can motivate their Employees. Science Topics. Web. Reeve, J. (2009). Understanding motivation and emotion. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. This essay on Work Place Rewards was written and submitted by user Deborah Vega to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Do Third-Party Social Media Tools Impact Facebook Organic Reach
Do Third-Party Social Media Tools Impact Facebook Organic Reach â€Å"So, does Facebook penalize posts from your tool?†This is a common question we get asked. Typically, it’ll be sparked by underperforming posts. Or, a curious marketer will stumble upon rumor claiming posts third-party tools receive diminished organic reach. It’s easy to see why this issue causes concern. You put a lot of work into building your social media presence. While scheduling posts manually is very nearly impossible at scale, you don’t want to risk your business with tools that hurt more than help. Let’s answer this question once and for all. What You Need to Know about Social Media Tools and Facebook Organic ReachCan I Get a Yes Or No Answer? If you’re busy, the short answer is no. Facebook does not penalize posts from third-party tools. The posts you create with (or any other tool) will perform as well as those posted manually. While it’s true that Facebook used to penalize such tools, that changed in 2011. When that announcement came out, the folks at Buffer had it covered. Here’s what Facebook development consultant Matt Trainer had to say: â€Å"†¦we recently made a fix that added more signals to detect good quality posting behavior. This should improve the situation with the distribution of posts coming from third-party apps in the News Feed.†*cue deep sigh of relief* And with that, we’ll let you get back to work. *cue deep sigh of relief* And with that, we’ll let you get back to work. The Source of the Problem Facebook organic reach has been declining on brand pages for a long time. That much isn’t a secret. In fact, Marketing Land reported back in August of 2016 that organic reach was down 52% for brands at that time. It certainly hasn’t gotten any better since then, either. What brands can actually do about it, though, is another matter. The fact is there are no easy solutions for marketers to succeed on Facebook. It takes strategy, creativity, and a lot of hard work. No short cuts. When it comes time to report metrics though, marketers need answers for their organizations. â€Å"Reach is down, and we don’t know why†isn’t something any business owner wants to hear. Even if your organic reach is hitting the slopes, you still need two things: A compelling answer for what’s going on. A plan to mitigate the technical challenges to marketing on Facebook. In trying to address the issue, the tools involved are bound to be questioned. Sometimes, rumors die hard. The old yarn about Facebook penalizing third-party tools refuses to go away. And as long as reach declines, it’ll likely remain in the discussion. The truth is that Facebook has explicitly said posts from third-party tools aren’t penalized. In fact, data from Buffer and this report from AgoraPulse supports this. So, If My Reach Still Looks Low, What’s the Real Issue? There could be at least a couple factors at play. Everyone’s situation is different, though. It’s tough to guess at why one page may underperform while another excels. But, here are two different areas where we’d recommend taking a look. Do People Like Your Content? Engagement (likes, clicks, and shares) can help give your reach a post. Facebook wants to reward content people enjoy, after all. If people aren’t interested in your posts, engagement is naturally going to drop. In this case, it might be worth reassessing your Facebook content strategy. Mixing it up with different types of messaging, or different forms of content might help. For example, you might try posting more videos. Or, perhaps multi-image posts might be more appealing. These are just some examples. Of course, there could be other intangible elements of your content to investigate, too. Here are some things to consider: Are my images strong? Visual content is important on Facebook. Analyze images that have done well in the past, and reverse-engineer your own success. Is my copy off-target? It’s possible your messaging might not be resonating with your audience, either. Try approaching this the same way you would with your visuals. Take a look at posts that have done well in the past, and see if you can identify any common themes. Do all of my posts include links? Facebook is an important platform for driving traffic back to your blog or website. However, not every post necessarily needs to have a link. Facebook wants you to spend more time on their own platform, right? So, feed Facebook creative content that can stand on its own without a link. You might not always get referral traffic, but you can still reinforce your brand message. Are You Posting At the Best Times? If reach is partially influenced by engagement, then you need to be posting when your audience is most active. So, if your social posts are underperforming, it could be that your posting times aren’t optimized for your audience. mitigates this problem with our Best Time Scheduling feature, which intelligently schedules posts at the best times for your audience. Take a look at your Facebook Insights and see which times appear to perform best. Or, if you’re setting times manually for your posts in , take a look at your Social Engagement Reports. Dig through your past 20 or 30 posts or so (to have a decent sample size), and make note of which times appeared to perform best. You might learn your audience is more active at certain times, or on certain days. Recommended Reading: What 16 Studies Say About the Best Times to Post on Social Media How to Use Social Media Analytics to Create the Best Content How to Make the Best Social Media Images the Easy Way (+84 Free Images) How to Write for Social Media to Create the Best PostsIs your #Facebook #reach declining? Heres what to do about it.Are Your Posts Overly Promotional? Facebook cracked down on promotional posts back in late 2014. What is a promotional post exactly? Promotional posts are most easily categorized as organic posts that sound like ads. If your posts Include hard calls-to-action (ex: Buy Now, Read This, etc.). Incorporate dollar signs or other dead giveaways that youre directly selling something. Promote contests without creative context (ex: Like this post to win a free iPad) then you can expect your posts to be demoted in the newsfeed. Heres the official word from Facebook: According to people we surveyed, there are some consistent traits that make organic posts feel too promotional: Posts that solely push people to buy a product or install an app Posts that push people to enter promotions and sweepstakes with no real context Posts that reuse the exact same content from ads And heres an example of what Facebook considers a promotional post: So, whats a marketer to do? Put your users first. Think, What would my audience want to see on Facebook? Get creative. Create Facebook content thats entertaining and connects with your audiences interests. Pay to promote posts or run Facebook ads. If you want to directly push products on Facebook, then pay for those posts. If youre just getting started with Facebook advertising, check out this guide from Neil Patel. We also recommend this guide from Convince And Convert on promoting posts, too. There You Have It, Another Case Closed You now know that third-party tools aren’t penalized by Facebook. In addition, you now have some starting points to help you improve your organic reach on the platform, too. If you have any lingering questions, comments, or concerns, drop us a comment below!
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