Thursday, October 31, 2019
Hospital Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Hospital Management - Essay Example This hospital is isolated from the public during the rainy seasons since the roads are impassible. It receives funds for running its affairs from various organizations. The bed management system is a system that involves crucial issues that improve on the rate of efficiency at the hospitals projects. The problems within the hospital can be solved though implementing the bed management system. With the introduction of the bed management system, an auditor may be in a position to audit the transactions taking place in the right way in the institution. The value of this system is to provide the organization with proper management techniques through determining the hospitals capacity and having a current and forecasted program that indicates the number of beds that are demanded by the source and the status of the pending discharges. The incorporation of sophisticated workflow system and rules that are tailored towards improving the status of the organization should also be incorporated within the organization. It has been observed that the hospital looses their patients due to diversion, delay, cancellations and isolations during the rainy seasons but the problem can be solved through optimally utilizing the beds turns, eliminating the hidden costs and unnecessary holds as well as accelerating the rate of the discharges within the hospital. ... The implementation of the management or the patient in ternary module can be used to reduce the unnecessary delays through having a central expediting care process and also help in the discharge of the tasks of the hospital in the right way. The patient management system can be used to ensure that tasks are completed at the right time through making proper coordination programs, real-time communications, task queuing and the escalation of the notifications in the appropriate way (Wolper, 2004: 866). Electronic management system would ensure that the hospital is in a position to cut the cost of operations and ensure that the affairs of the organization are undertaken in the right manner. The operation would ensure that the response time required to process the patient's information is indeed the right one and therefore the process of collating, collecting and retrieving of information would be undertaken in the right way. The system helps in the provision of the process management tools such as the modeling, analysis and simulation of information within an organization. The usefulness of implementing the above systems is that it would provide proper delivery of services to the patients, improve the health status of the patients, increase the rate of productivity of the nurses and the doctors and it reduces the time spent when filling in the patients details in the forms. The patients may also be given proper care at the hospital and this would enable it to reduce its costs of operation. The auditor would be in a better position to understand the way the transactions take place to reduce time spent while tracking hospitals activities. The
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The urinary system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The urinary system - Assignment Example The change of color in the urine strip that occurs in the segment of the strip is then compared to a color chart in order to come up with conclusive outcome (Tortora & Derrickson 2010). To complete a conclusive urinalysis, it is imperative to have a clean catch sample which is collected after cleansing the urethral midstream. Such samples collected via these methods are extremely important in urine culture analysis. As a first examination method urinalysis is undertaken macroscopically in order to ascertain the visual properties of the urine sample. Usually, cotton gauze soaked in benzalkonium hydrochloride is used for collection purpose because it is a non-irritant. In normal conditions, fresh urine is pale to dark yellow or amber in color. Additionally, the urine sample is clear and normally the urine volume is between 750 to 2000mililitres per 24 hour (Mundt & Shanahan 2010). Urine analysis via dipstick is a chemical procedure that examines the potential gradient on the levels of acid and alkaline conditions. The renal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney usually have an acidic impact on the glomerular filtrate. This potential gradient is usually between 6.0 and 7.4 in the final urine. Exceptionally, this potential difference in the level of acidity or alkalinity may vary depending on the status of the homeostatic environment. Dipstick method measures the specific gradient. Imperative to note is that specific gradient is directly proportional to osmolality which examines the concentration of solute. This measurement is carried out using a refractometer in a majority of clinical laboratories (Tortora & Derrickson 2010). Dipstick urine analysis also measures protein presence in urine samples. This can be achieved through whole urine sample or via semi-quantitative tests for the presence of urine proteins. This is normally performed after the centrifugation of supernatant of the urine sample. Dipsticks are able to identify proteins by production of color using an indicator mostly bromophenol blue, a most sensitive indicator to albumins. Additionally, precipitation of the urine sample by heat can be used in the detection of proteins. Normal total protein concentration in urine usually does not exceed 150 milligrams in 24 hours or 10ml/100ml of the urine sample. In cases where the concentration is higher than 150ml/24h, the condition is called protenuria and in severe cases it is referred to as nephritic syndrome. Dipsticks are also capable of examining the glucose concentration in urine. This is achievable because the technique employs the glucose oxidase reaction that is capable of screening glucose group of sugars including other reducing sugars. Conditions where glucose occur in quantities greater than 130mg/24hou indicating diabetes mellitus is generally termed as glycosuria (Funnell & Lawrence 2008). Dipsticks are also effective in the detection of ketones including beta-hydroxybutyric acid, acetone and acetoacetic acid. Such ke tones arise from diabetic conditions or in cases of starvation. Dipsticks through the nitrite test can be positive to indicate the presence of bacteria usually in large quantity. Gram negative bacteria such as a E.coli usually indicate a positive nitrite test in urine samples. The presence of white blood cells in urine is called pyuria and can be detected by the leukocyte esterase test. This condition results from
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Hypertension And Blood Pressure
Hypertension And Blood Pressure Hypertension is a common and major cause of stroke and other cardiovascular disease. There are many causes of hypertension, including defined hormonal and genetic syndromes, renal disease and multifactorial racial and familial factors. It is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world and will increase in worldwide importance as a public health problem by 2020 (Murray and Lopez 1997). Blood pressure (BP) is defined as the amount of pressure exerted, when heart contract against the resistance on the arterial walls of the blood vessels. In a clinical term high BP is known as hypertension. Hypertension is defined as sustained diastolic BP greater than 90 mmHg or sustained systolic BP greater than 140 mmHg. The maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart is called systolic BP and minimum arterial pressure during relaxation and dilation of the ventricle of the heart when the ventricles fill with blood is known as diastolic BP (Guyton and Hall 2006). Hypertension is commonly divided into two categories of primary and secondary hypertension. In primary hypertension, often called essential hypertension is characterised by chronic elevation in blood pressure that occurs without the elevation of BP pressure results from some other disorder, such as kidney disease. Essential hypertension is a heterogeneous disorder, with different patients having different causal factors that lead to high BP. Essential hypertension needs to be separated into various syndromes because the causes of high BP in most patients presently classified as having essential hypertension can be recognized (Carretero and Oparil 2000). Approximately 95% of the hypertensive patients have essential hypertension. Although only about 5 to 10% of hypertension cases are thought to result from secondary causes, hypertension is so common that secondary hypertension probably will be encountered frequently by the primary care practitioner (Beevers and MacGregor 1995). In normal mechanism when the arterial BP raises it stretches baroceptors, (that are located in the carotid sinuses, aortic arch and large artery of neck and thorax) which send a rapid impulse to the vasomotor centre that resulting vasodilatation of arterioles and veins which contribute in reducing BP (Guyton and Hall 2006). Most of the book suggested that there is a debate regarding the pathophysiology of hypertension. A number of predisposing factors which contributes to increase the BP are obesity, insulin resistance, high alcohol intake, high salt intake, aging and perhaps sedentary lifestyle, stress, low potassium intake and low calcium intake. Furthermore, many of these factors are additive, such as obesity and alcohol intake (Sever and Poulter 1989). The pathophysiology of hypertension is categorised mainly into cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistant, renin- angiotensin system, autonomic nervous system and others factors. Normal BP is determined and maintained the balance between cardiac output and peripheral resistant. Considering the essential hypertension, peripheral resistant will rise in normal cardiac output because the peripheral resistant is depend upon the thickness of wall of the artery and capillaries and contraction of smooth muscles cells which is responsible for increasing intracellular calcium concentration (Kaplan 1998). In renin-angiotensin mechanism endocrine system plays important role in maintain blood pressure; especially the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney secrete renin in order to response glomerular hypo-perfusion. And also renin is released by the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system which is later convert to angiotensin I then again it converts to angiotensin II in the lungs by the effect of angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor and also it released aldosterone from the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland which is responsible for sodium and water retention. In this way, renin-angiotensin system increases the BP (Beevers et al 2001). Similarly, in autonomic nervous system sympathetic nervous system play a role in pathophysiology of hypertension and key to maintaining the normal BP as it constricts and dilates arteriolar. Autonomic nervous system considers as an important in short term changes in BP in response to stress and physical exercise. This system works together with renin-angiotensin system including circulating sodium volume. Although adrenaline and nor-adrenaline doesnt play an important role in causes of hypertension, the drugs used for the treatment of hypertension block the sympathetic nervous system which had played proper therapeutic role (Beevers et al 2001). Others pathophysiology includes many vaso active substance which are responsible for maintaining normal BP. They are enothelin bradikinin, endothelial derived relaxant factor; atrial natriuretic peptide and hypercoagulability of blood are all responsible in some way to maintain the BP (Lip G YH 2003). The seventh report of the Joint National Committee (JNC-VII) on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure defines some important goals for the evaluation of the patient with elevated BP which are detection and confirmation of hypertension; detection of target organ disease (e.g. renal damage, congestive heart failure); identification of other risk factors for cardiovascular disorders (e.g. diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia) and detection of secondary causes of hypertension (Chobanian et al 2003). Most hypertensive patients remain asymptomatic until complications arise. Potential complications include stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure, aortic aneurysm and dissection, renal damage and retinopathy (Zamani et al 2007).The drug selection for the pharmacologic treatment of hypertension would depend on the individual degree of elevation of BP and contradictions. Treatment of non-pharmacologic hypertension includes life-style, weight reduction, exercise, sodium, potassium, stop smoking and alcohol, relaxation therapy and dietary improvements, followed by pharmacology therapy. Commonly used antihypertensive drugs include thiazide diuretics, ÃŽ ²-blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, direct vasodilators and ÃŽ ±-receptor antagonists which are shown in the following table. Diuretics have been used for decades to treat hypertension and recommended as first-line therapy by JNC-VII guidelines after antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trail (ALLHAT) success. They reduce circulatory volume, cardiac output and mean arterial pressure and are most effective in patients with mild-to- moderate hypertension who have normal renal function. Thiazide diuretics (e.g. hydrochlorothiazide) and potassium sparing diuretics (e.g. spironolactone) promote Na+ and Cl- excretion in the nephrone. Loop diuretics (e.g. furosemide) are generally too potent and their actions too short-lived, however, they are useful in lowering blood pressure in patients with renal insufficiency, who often does not respond to other diuretics. Diuretics may result in adverse metabolic side effects, including elevation of creatinine; glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride levels, hypokalemia, hyperuricemia and decreased sexual function are potential side effects. The be st BP lowering response is seen from low doses of Thiazide diuretics (Kaplan 1998). Î’-blocker such as propranolol are believed to lower BP through several mechanisms, including reducing cardiac output through a decrease heart rate and a mild decrease in contractility and decreasing the secretion of renin, which lead to a decrease in total peripheral resistant. Adverse effects of b-blockers include bronchospam, fatigue, impotence, and hyperglycemia and alter lipid metabolism (Zamani et al 2007). Centrally acting ÃŽ ±2-adrenergic agonists such as methyldopa and clonidine reduce sympathetic outflow to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Methyldopa is safe to use during pregnancy. Side effect includes dry mouth, sedation, drowsiness is common; and in 20% of patients methyldopa causes a positive antiglobulin test, rarely haemolytic anaemia and clonidine causes rebound hypertension if the drug is suddenly withdrawn (Neal M J 2009). Systemic a1-antagonists such as prazosin, terazosin and doxazosin cause a decrease in total peripheral resistance through relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. Calcium channel blockers (CCB) reduce the influx of Ca++ responsible for cardiac and smooth muscle contraction, thus reducing cardiac contractility and total peripheral resistant. Thus long-acting members of this group are frequently used to treat hypertension. There are two classes of CCB dihyropyridines and non- dihyropyridines. The main side effect of CCB is ankle oedema, but this can sometimes be offset by combining with ÃŽ ²-blockers (Lip G YH 2003). Direct vasodilators such as Hydralazine and minoxidil lower BP by directly relaxing vascular smooth muscle of precapillary resistance vessels. However, this action can result in a reflex increase heart rate, so that combined ÃŽ ²-blocker therapy is frequently necessary (Neal M J 2009). ACE inhibitors works by blocking the renin-angiotensin system thereby inhibiting the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. ACE inhibitors may be most useful for treating patients with heart failure, as well as hypertensive patients who have diabetes. Using ACE inhibitors can lead to increased levels of bradikinin, which has the side effect of cough and the rare, but severe, complication of angioedema. Recent study demonstrated that captopril was as effective as traditional thaizides and ÃŽ ²-blockers in preventing adverse outcomes in hypertension (Lip G YH 2003). Angiotensin II antagonists act on the renin-angiotensin system and they block the action of angiotensin II at its peripheral receptors. They are well tolerated and very rarely cause any significant side-effects (Zamani et al 2007). Another helpful principle of antihypertensive drug therapy concerns the use of multiple drugs. The effects of one drug, acting at one physiologic control point, can be defeated by natural compensatory mechanism (e.g. diuretic decrease oedema occurring secondary to treatment with a CCB). By using two drugs with different mechanisms of action, it is more likely that BP and its complication are controlled and with the low dose range of combined drugs also help to reduce the side-effects as well (Frank 2008) . The following two-drug combinations have been found to be effective and well tolerated which are diuretic and ÃŽ ²-blocker; diuretic and ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor antagonist; CCB (dihydropyridine) and ÃŽ ²-blocker; CCB and ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor antagonist; CCB and b-diuretic; ÃŽ ±-blocker and ÃŽ ²-blocker and other combinations (e.g. with central agents, including ÃŽ ±2-adrenoreceptor agonists and imidazoline- I2 receptor modulators, or between ACE inhib itors and angiotensin receptor antagonists) can be used (ESH and ESC 2003). If necessary, three or four drugs may be required in many cases for the treatment. The use of a single drug will lower the BP satisfactorily in up to 80% of patients with hypertension but combining two types of drugs will lower BP about 90%. If the diastolic pressure is above 130 mmHg then the hypertensive emergency is occurred. Although it is desirable to reduce the diastolic pressure below 120 mmHg within 24 hours in accelerated hypertension, it is usually unnecessary to reduce it more rapidly and indeed it may be dangerous to do so. This is because the mechanisms that maintain cerebral blood flow at a constant level independent of peripheral BP are impaired in hypertension. However, it is important to reduce the BP quickly by giving the intravenous drugs but caution should be taken to avoid cerebrovascular pressure inducing cerebral ischemia (Grahame-Smith and Aronson 2002). In conclusion, hypertension emerges as an extremely important clinical problem because of its prevalence and potentially devastating consequences. The major classes of antihypertensive drugs: diuretics, ÃŽ ²-blockers, CCB, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists, are suitable for the initiation and maintenance of antihypertensive therapy which helps in reduction of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Depression :: essays research papers
The Great Depression began in October 1929, when the stock market in the United States dropped rapidly. Thousands of investors lost large sums of money and many were wiped out, lost everything. The crash led us into the Great Depression. This period was the longest and worst period of high unemployment and low business activity, people went along with only the bear necessities, and the families that where hit the hardest where the middle class families.      People stopped buying gods during the depression, because they had no money. The decline in sales of goods caused many factories to close causing unemployment, and worsening the depression, because industries must sell in order to continue. Unemployment was higher than ever many white men where working black men jobs for black men wages. Many men would leave there families and go look for jobs after they had found jobs the would send money back to their families, but some of the men would leave and never be heard from again. Wages where also dropping, companies could not pay as high as wages as they did in the 1920’s because they where not selling good like they where in the 1920’s.      For the average American living in the city, The Great Depression was a time to cut back on luxuries, and find ways to cut cost on even the most basic items. Appliances, jewelry, and furniture were some of the first items that Americans stopped buying. During The Great Depression, people had to find ways to save money on even the bare necessities. One example of this was the widespread use of vacant lots to grow food. Americans now had to live in the manner of their ancestors, making their own clothing, growing their own food, and again depending on their family.      The great depression hit middle class families the hardest. It did effect the poor but there where already accustom to not having things and there was not much of an effect on the rich, although there where a some rich families that lost everything in the stock market. The middle class families where already in debt dew to new installment plans.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
What Is Software Defined Radio?
What is Software Defined Radio? With the exponential growth in the ways and means by which people need to communicate – data communications, voice communications, video communications, broadcast messaging, command and control communications, emergency response communications, etc. – modifying radio devices easily and cost-effectively has become business critical. Software defined radio (SDR) technology brings the flexibility, cost efficiency and power to drive communications forward, with wide-reaching benefits realized by service providers and product developers through to end users.Defination of SDR Simply put Software Defined Radio is defined as : â€Å"Radio in which some or all of the physical layer functions are software defined†A radio is any kind of device that wirelessly transmits or receives signals in the radio frequency (RF) part of the electromagnetic spectrum to facilitate the transfer of information. In today's world, radios exist in a multitude o f items such as cell phones, computers, car door openers, vehicles, and televisions.SDR defines a collection of hardware and software technologies where some or all of the radio’s operating functions (also referred to as physical layer processing) are implemented through modifiable software or firmware operating on programmable processing technologies. Benefits of SDR For Radio Equipment Manufacturers and System Integrators, SDR Enables: 1. A family of radio â€Å"products†to be implemented using a common platform architecture, allowing new products to be more quickly introduced into the market. 2. Software to be reused across radio â€Å"products†, reducing development costs dramatically. . Over-the-air or other remote reprogramming, allowing â€Å"bug fixes†to occur while a radio is in service, thus reducing the time and costs associated with operation and maintenance. For End Users – from business travelers to soldiers on the battlefield, SDR technology aims to: 1. Reduce costs in providing end-users with access to ubiquitous wireless communications – enabling them to communicate with whomever they need, whenever they need to and in whatever manner is appropriate. National Defence University Of Malaysia SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO Name : Hasseler anak Tumas Matriks no : 2120339
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Management Capacity Resume Essay
The purpose of this letter is to express my interest in working with your company in a management capacity. I have over 15 years experience working for a major bottling company utilizing my Sales and Operations management skills which would be an asset to your organization. My diverse background includes serving in the United States Army Reserve. In both my military and professional career, I have demonstrated excellent leadership abilities and exceptional customer service skills. I successfully built a solid sales team consistently mentoring and motivating staff to meet and exceed company sales quotas. In addition to the skills noted on my resume, I can also offer your company: An enthusiastic individual seeking new endeavors, accomplishing personal and professional goals. A multi-tasking individual leveraging sales and marketing skills to exceed sales quotas. Excellent analytical ability with solid verbal and written communication skills. I look forward to speaking with you further to discuss my skills and qualifications. You can reach me at the number listed above.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Market Indicators
Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index Unlike the Dow Jones industrial average, the Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index (S&P 500) is a value-weighted index. The S&P 500 index is usually considered the benchmark for U.S. equality performance. It represents seventy percent of all U.S. publicly traded companies. Part of the index’s popularity is due to its close association with the largest mutual fund in the world, the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, and Spiders, the first exchange traded fund. As the name suggests, the S&P 500 consists of 500 companies from a diverse range of industries. Contrary to a popular misconception, the S&P 500 is not a simple list of the largest 500 companies by market capitalization or by revenues. Rather, it is 500 of the most widely held U.S.-based common stocks, chosen by the S&P Index Committee for market size, liquidity, and sector representation. "Leading companies in leading industries" is the guiding principal for S&P 500 inclusion. A small number of international companies that are widely traded in the U.S. are included, but the Index Committee has announced that only U.S.-based companies will be added in the future. The S after all, it represents approximately 70% of the value of the U.S. equity market. The listed companies are highly diverse, spanning every relevant portion of the U.S. economy. The S&P 500 index also tends to be the default when people discuss "index funds," since index funds based on other indexes were not widely available until recently. Although it is a reliable index, it has its weaknesses. The index is comprised primarily of U.S.-based companies. The S&P 500 also has significant liquidity requirements for its components, so some large, thinly traded companies are ineligible for inclusion. And because the index gives more weight to larger companies, it tends to reflect the price movement of a fairly small number of stocks. Value Lin... Free Essays on Market Indicators Free Essays on Market Indicators Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index Unlike the Dow Jones industrial average, the Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index (S&P 500) is a value-weighted index. The S&P 500 index is usually considered the benchmark for U.S. equality performance. It represents seventy percent of all U.S. publicly traded companies. Part of the index’s popularity is due to its close association with the largest mutual fund in the world, the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, and Spiders, the first exchange traded fund. As the name suggests, the S&P 500 consists of 500 companies from a diverse range of industries. Contrary to a popular misconception, the S&P 500 is not a simple list of the largest 500 companies by market capitalization or by revenues. Rather, it is 500 of the most widely held U.S.-based common stocks, chosen by the S&P Index Committee for market size, liquidity, and sector representation. "Leading companies in leading industries" is the guiding principal for S&P 500 inclusion. A small number of international companies that are widely traded in the U.S. are included, but the Index Committee has announced that only U.S.-based companies will be added in the future. The S after all, it represents approximately 70% of the value of the U.S. equity market. The listed companies are highly diverse, spanning every relevant portion of the U.S. economy. The S&P 500 index also tends to be the default when people discuss "index funds," since index funds based on other indexes were not widely available until recently. Although it is a reliable index, it has its weaknesses. The index is comprised primarily of U.S.-based companies. The S&P 500 also has significant liquidity requirements for its components, so some large, thinly traded companies are ineligible for inclusion. And because the index gives more weight to larger companies, it tends to reflect the price movement of a fairly small number of stocks. Value Lin...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Humanitarian Diplomacy
Humanitarian Diplomacy Free Online Research Papers â€Å"The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them.†In his address to a joint session of Congress on April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked for a Declaration of War against Germany, justifying leading â€Å"this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars†by emphasizing the importance of maintaining international peace and diplomacy through American intervention. In the years since World War I, American foreign policy has abandoned its isolationist immersion in domestic issues and has come to accept its newfound responsibility and leadership as a world power, making international relations and diplomacy a priority in its foreign policy. However, the United States has been criticized for letting its history of colonialism and exp ansion, as well as concern for its own national interest and economy, interfere with its humanitarian mission and for being selective and often contradictory on which conflicts and international crises in which it intervenes. In the wake of 9/11, lack of domestic support for the Iraq War and an increasing global resentment towards the United States, it is important to determine how the United States’ humanitarian agenda can be balanced with its national interest in terms of the economy, national security and collective ideology. Additionally, one must examine whether public opinion calls for a more isolationist foreign policy that uses deterrence and preemption to maintain peace and freedom or a more humanitarian mission that will use aid and military assistance to improve the United States’ image in the international community and alleviate poverty and suffering worldwide. The United States has a long history of intervention in foreign affairs, beginning as far back as the establishment of the Monroe Doctrine and the nation’s emergence as a world power (Tucker, 14). Through expansionism, isolationism, the â€Å"Good Neighbor†policy and more, U.S. foreign policy has always had a strong base in intervention and humanitarianism, whether out of a desire to control world affairs or a feeling of responsibility as a world power. In his 1904 annual message to Congress, Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared, â€Å"All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly and prosperous. Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship. If a nation shows that it knows how to act with reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political matters, if it keeps order and pays its obligations, it need fear no interference from the United States. Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence whic h results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such impotence or wrongdoing, to the exercise of an international police power.†(â€Å"Roosevelt Corollary†) This willingness to act as a global â€Å"police power†and intervene on humanitarian grounds has been a dominant theme in 20th century foreign policy; however, in light of the recent war against terror and growing American backlash, these aims must be reexamined. Additionally, the domestic political considerations that lie beneath humanitarian efforts must be considered as well. In The Tragedy of American Diplomacy, William Appleman Williams outlines three major conceptions that guide the ideology of American foreign policy: the humanitarian impulse to help other people solve their problems, the principle of self-determination applied at the national level and the idea that other nations cannot truly solve their problems unless they use the same approach as the United States (Williams 13). However, the motivation behind foreign policy decisions is not always as selflessly benevolent as Williams describes it. A variety of American national interests, from international political influence to economic gain to national security, influence the decision to become involved in a humanitarian crisis (Ferer 49). Since the Monroe Doctrine, U.S. foreign policy has sought to gain political or economic influence through its intervention in foreign affairs, whether by setting up puppet governments in weak Latin American states or occupying territories in the Pacific (Ferer 51). For any capitalist society, the desire to reach into underdeveloped countries for new markets, raw materials, cheap labor and profitable investment of capital is understandable, but within American foreign policy, humanitarian efforts can have economically self-serving ulterior motives and place more emphasis on economic and political ends and means than on human rights. Prime examples of U.S. humanitarian intervention for political control are seen in our nation’s involvement in Latin America in the 20th century. After years of oppression by violent dictators and a desperate need for social change, U.S.-supported dictator Jorge Ubico was overthrown by revolution in 1944 and Juan Jose Arevalo was legally elected (Parenti 122). While he established free speech and press and education reform among other successes, he appeared to be a communist threat to the United States and the government arranged for him to be overthrown and set up another oppressive dictator in his place (Parenti 124). Another example is found in the United States’ support of the Contras in Nicauragua during the 1980s, as well as support for the oppressive governments of El Salvador, Guatamala and Honduras (Chatterjee 86). While the United States may claim to intervene to right a wrong or protect human rights, the action policy makers and administrators take may no t always be in the best interest of the nation, but in the best interest of the so-called liberator. By setting up pro-U.S., anti-socialist dictators, the United States allowed for influence in the nation’s politics and economy and increased access to the nation’s trade and resources. Another motivation for humanitarian intervention is the protection of national security and the prevention of war or terrorist attack. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States entered World War II and joined the Allied forces out of a concern for its national security and a desire to eliminate the fascist threat and maintain peace and democracy (Ambrose 15). Besides having the staunch support of American citizens, the war not only neutralized the Axis powers, but established America as a world power and Germany and Japan as newly democratic capitalist nations and allies to the West (Ambrose 33-34). As the war was fought in direct retaliation to an attack on American soil and in response to a significant threat to freedom and human rights, political and economic interests did not affect American motivation to engage in the war. However, not all humanitarian interventions on behalf of national security and international peace are as pure-intentioned or as well s upported as World War II. The current Iraq War, fought in response to Saddam Hussein’s human rights abuses and a suspicion of weapons of mass destruction, has had considerable amounts of both setbacks and scandals. From a lack of popular support for the war and problems with insurgency and anti-American sentiment worldwide to the war profiteering of private corporations in Iraq, high number of casualties and misbehavior of U.S. troops, the Iraq War has been plagued with problems despite having a goal of maintaining domestic and international security. However, some humanitarian crises receive little to no consideration on a foreign policy agenda due to their lack of correlation to the national interest. While the United States commends itself as a defender of freedom, regional conflicts or human rights violations that do not pose a threat to the United States’ national security or economic and poltical interests – no matter how many casualties – may not be viewed as a priority. In 1994, radical Hutus attempted to eradicate the Tutsi population in Rwanda, leaving one million dead in less than three months while the international community dragged their feet (DiPrizio 61). While the genocide was well publicized, the U.S. hardly responded and only sent troops and a humanitarian relief operation well after the genocide ended (DiPrizio 61). Little over ten years later, the Darfur region of Sudan came under attack from government-sponsored Arab militias that massacred over 200,000 people and left countless more as refugees but the United States continues to avoid involvement (â€Å"Darfur†). Although the United States claims to be a protector of human rights, the lack of intervention in such sizable humanitarian crises were due to a lack of political or economic incentive. Because the violence was contained to the borders of Sudan and Rwanda and did not threaten American resources, such human rights violations are apparently not enough of a priority to act upon. In light of the anti-American backlash worldwide, the threat of terrorism worldwide and the challenge of balancing American national interests with protecting human rights and international peace, would an isolationist foreign policy be more beneficial? While the United States has historically had periods of isolationist foreign policy, it seems almost impossible to remain self-contained and self-sufficient in today’s globalized society and interdependent marketplace. With the rise of trade agreements that open new borders and increased American dependence on foreign products and resources, it would be near impossible not to become involved in international affairs without alienating trade partners or losing influence in global politics. By becoming involved in humanitarian crises strictly in the defense of human rights and not self-interest, the United States would undoubtedly maintain peace without making as many enemies and eventually worsening the quality of life for o thers. Additionally, the United States needs to rebuild alliances with old and new allies and use the power of the United Nations and other international organizations in its endeavors (Lefever 45). While the United States would be wise to use its economic and military power to preempt acts of violence and maintain peace, military force and intervention in foreign government should be a last resort and not a means to police other nations. After an examination of American motives for humanitarian intervention, historical incidents and approaches to policy making and policy ideology, it becomes clear that humanitarianism is inextricably linked with the United States’ foreign policy mission. As a self-described defender of liberty and democracy in a globalized and interdependent world, the United States must continue to intervene to protect its own political and economic interests as well as take precautions and even drastic action to preserve peace and democracy around the world. Rather than use excessive military force and act alone in its intervention efforts, the United States would be more successful in its efforts if it was more effective in using the support of the United Nations and other international organizations and take a more aid-based approach, only using military force as a last resort when sanctions and economic pressure do not cease the violence or violations. America must give more foresight to its policy choices and strike a balance between its national interests and its national ideology while ensuring that its involvement in a humanitarian crisis will be in the best interests of the afflicted nation and that its relationships within the international community remain sound. Ambrose, Stephen E., and Douglas G. Brinkley. Rise to Globalism. 8th ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1997. Appleman Williams, William. The Tragedy of American Diplomacy. 2nd ed. New York: Dell Co., 1972. Chatterjee, Deen K., and Don E. Scheid. Ethics and Foreign Intervention. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. â€Å"Darfur.†Wikipedia. 22 Apr 2007. Diprizio, Robert C. Armed Humanitarians. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 2002. Farer, Tom J. Toward a Humanitarian Diplomacy. New York: New York UP, 1980. Lefever, Ernest W. Ethics and United States Foreign Policy. Cleveland: The World Company, 1967. Lepard, Brian D. Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 2002. Parenti, Michael. Trends and Tragedies in American Foreign Policy. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1971. Roosevelt Corollary. Wikipedia. 22 Apr. 2007. . Ross Fowler, Michael. Contending Approaches to Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy. Lanham: University P of America, 1987. Tucker, Robert W. Nation or Empire: the Debate Over American Foreign Policy. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1968. Wilson, Woodrow. Address. Congress, Washington D.C. 2 Apr. 1917. 24 Apr. 2007 . Research Papers on Humanitarian DiplomacyAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2PETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTwilight of the UAWDefinition of Export QuotasBringing Democracy to Africa19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learn About the Causes and Effects of Smog
Learn About the Causes and Effects of Smog Smog is a mixture of air pollutants- nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds- that combine with sunlight to form ozone. Ozone can be beneficial or harmful, good or bad, depending on its location. Ozone in the stratosphere, high above the Earth, acts as a barrier that protects human health and the environment from excessive amounts of solar ultraviolet radiation. This is the good kind of ozone. On the other hand, ground-level ozone, trapped near the ground by heat inversions or other weather conditions, is what causes the respiratory distress and burning eyes associated with smog. How Did Smog Get Its Name? The term smog was first used in London during the early 1900s to describe the combination of smoke and fog that often blanketed the city. According to several sources, the term was first coined by Dr. Henry Antoine des Voeux in his paper, â€Å"Fog and Smoke,†which he presented at a meeting of the Public Health Congress in July 1905. The type of smog described by Dr. des Voeux was a combination of smoke and sulfur dioxide, which resulted from the heavy use of coal to heat homes and businesses and to run factories in Victorian England. When we talk about smog today, we’re referring to a more complex mixture of various air pollutants- nitrogen oxides and other chemical compounds- that interact with sunlight to form ground-level ozone that hangs like a heavy haze over many cities in industrialized countries. What Causes Smog? Smog is produced by a set of complex photochemical reactions involving volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides and sunlight, which form ground-level ozone. Smog-forming pollutants come from many sources such as automobile exhaust, power plants, factories, and many consumer products, including paint, hairspray, charcoal starter fluid, chemical solvents, and even plastic popcorn packaging. In typical urban areas, at least half of the smog precursors come from cars, buses, trucks, and boats. Major smog occurrences often are linked to heavy motor vehicle traffic, high temperatures, sunshine, and calm winds. Weather and geography affect the location and severity of smog. Because temperature regulates the length of time it takes for smog to form, smog can occur more quickly and be more severe on a hot, sunny day. When temperature inversions occur (that is, when warm air stays near the ground instead of rising) and the wind is calm, smog may remain trapped over a city for days. As traffic and other sources add more pollutants to the air, the smog gets worse. This situation occurs frequently in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ironically, smog is often more severe farther away from the sources of pollution, because the chemical reactions that cause smog take place in the atmosphere while pollutants are drifting on the wind. Where Does Smog Occur? Severe smog and ground-level ozone problems exist in many major cities around the world, from Mexico City to Beijing, and a recent, well-publicized event in Delhi, India. In the United States, smog affects much of California, from San Francisco to San Diego, the mid-Atlantic seaboard from Washington, DC, to southern Maine, and major cities in the South and Midwest. To varying degrees, the majority of U.S. cities with populations of 250,000 or more have experienced problems with smog and ground-level ozone. According to some studies, more than half of all U.S. residents live in areas where the smog is so bad that pollution levels routinely exceed safety standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). What Are the Effects of Smog? Smog is made up of a combination of air pollutants that can compromise human health, harm the environment, and even cause property damage. Smog can cause or aggravate health problems such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory problems as well as eye irritation and reduced resistance to colds and lung infections. The ozone in smog also inhibits plant growth and can cause widespread damage to crops and forests. Who Is Most at Risk From Smog? Anyone who engages in strenuous outdoor activity- from jogging to manual labor- may suffer smog-related health effects. Physical activity causes people to breathe faster and more deeply, exposing their lungs to more ozone and other pollutants. Four groups of people are particularly sensitive to ozone and other air pollutants in smog: Children- Active children run the highest risks from exposure to smog, as children spend a lot of time playing outside. As a group, children are also more prone to asthma- the most common chronic disease for children- and other respiratory ailments than adults.Adults who are active outdoors- Healthy adults of any age who exercise or work outdoors are considered at higher risk from smog.People with respiratory diseases- People with asthma or other chronic respiratory diseases are more sensitive and vulnerable to the effects of ozone. Typically, they will experience adverse effects sooner and at lower levels of exposure than those who are less sensitive.People with unusual susceptibility to ozone- Some otherwise healthy people are simply more sensitive to the pollutants in smog than other people and may experience more adverse health effects from exposure. Elderly people are often warned to stay indoors on heavy smog days. Elderly people are probably not at increased risk of adverse health effects from smog because of their age. Like any other adults, however, elderly people will be at higher risk from exposure to smog if they already suffer from respiratory diseases, are active outdoors, or are unusually susceptible to ozone. How Can You Recognize or Detect Smog Where You Live? Generally speaking, you will know smog when you see it. Smog is a visible form of air pollution that often appears as a thick haze. Look toward the horizon during daylight hours, and you can see how much smog is in the air. High concentrations of nitrogen oxides will often give the air a brownish tint. In addition, most cities now measure the concentration of pollutants in the air and provide public reports- often published in newspapers and broadcast on local radio and television stations- when smog reaches potentially unsafe levels. The EPA has developed the Air Quality Index (AQI) (formerly known as the Pollutant Standards Index) for reporting concentrations of ground-level ozone and other common air pollutants. Air quality is measured by a nationwide monitoring system that records concentrations of ground-level ozone and several other air pollutants at more than a thousand locations across the United States. The EPA then interprets that data according to the standard AQI index, which ranges from zero to 500. The higher the AQI value for a specific pollutant, the greater the danger to public health and the environment.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A risk assessment for FDI Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
A risk assessment for FDI - Research Paper Example The present study would focus on risk management that centers on adopting methodical and steady strategies to administer all of the IT functions threats facing an organization. This paper identifies the problems facing FDI, such as cutbacks spearheaded by the CEO in the IT department in terms of budget and personnel, and which have resulted to a political infighting, whereby the top management of FDI is split on whether there needs to be cutbacks in internal IT functions in favor of outsourcing, or maintaining it as the core of the business. The mitigation strategies identified for FDI problems comprises, hiring an intermediary consulting firm that is independent of the internal politics that are going on concerning the state of IT functions. Moreover, the setting up of an audit committee would help to direct and check the internal functional transaction. Thus, they will be responsible for assessing business and IT functions risks. Furthermore, groups or concern parties will be desig nated as central points in the administering and directing of the organization risk assessment procedures. In addition, the paper elaborates on the important risks issues concerning IT functions when it comes to outsourcing. Finally, the paper presents the risk assessment for the company and validates the claims that IT functions outsourcing is presenting the organization with risk on IT outsourcing. Introduction Risk assessment, is the procedure of scheming quantitatively the probable damage plus monetary outlay, resulting from threats, susceptibility and by incidents impacting the collection of IT assets of an organization (Tipton & Nozaki, 2011). Information technology risk management is the essential process which aids organizations to attain new business transformations, future savings in IT and their IT systems, along with a rising reliance on delivery within the organization information systems. However, the adoption of IT functions and systems has resulted in risks related t o ICT, like strategic risks, operational risks, as well as technological risks (Bahli & Rivard, 2003). Therefore, IT risks management approaches and strategies, need to be developed and implemented within organizations. Accordingly, before implementing any action that would reduce the internal IT functions of an organization, there needs to be a coherent IT risk management entails IT governance, plus information security governance being developed. The aim of this paper is to conduct a risk assessment for FDI, in order to make a compelling case as to what value the IT department brings over that of an integrator that can provide services at 40 percent less annual cost. Discussion Organizational Asset Firstly, the major organizational asset for Fast Distribution, Inc. is information, and the firm has an extensive and expansive data center which helps in keeping pace with issues, such as S&P averages. Therefore, the organization information system helps the organization to collect kno wledge, in order to be utilized effectively. Secondly, the firm brand is a major organizational asset, especially after being recognized by Forbes magazine. Thirdly, innovation pushed forward by the well-honed management is also a critical organizational asset. Then there is human capital, whereby the company has over 3200 experienced and consistent employees. Organizational Risks One of the major risk associated with diminishing internal IT services in favor of outsourcing for FDI, is its exposure to vulnerability in security and strategic capability, especially from the CEO suggestion of an open market. Notably, there is always the possibility that one of the outsourcing company personnel or
Friday, October 18, 2019
Gladiators. Significance of Gladiatorial Combat Research Paper
Gladiators. Significance of Gladiatorial Combat - Research Paper Example The first century BC historian, Nicolaus of Damascus, claims that the Romans borrowed the custom of gladiatorial combat from the Etruscans, and Suetonius preserves a tradition which held that the Etruscan king, Tarquinius Priscus, was first to introduce the spectacle to Rome (Futrell, 1997). G Ville in ‘La gladiature’ has argued that gladiation was of Osco-Samnite origin and then was adopted by the Etruscans at the end of the fourth century or early third BC from whom the Romans imported the custom (cited in Futrell 1997). Futrell, however, has criticized Ville's thesis and tentatively renewed the argument in favor of an Etruscan origin, while other have suggested that the Greeks in Campania may have influenced the development of Italian funerary games, including armed combat. But it is unlikely that gladiation came to Rome from a single source (cited in Futrell 1997). Furthermore, once adopted in Rome, the institution underwent significant changes and evolution. Whateve r its origin or origins, roman gladiatorial combat was not a desperate and chaotic spectacle of killing and dying. Body For the last two hundred years of the republic, gladiatorial combats were presented in association with the funerals of great men. Tertullian states that these funerary gladiatorial combats evolved from actual human sacrifices at the tomb.... Indeed, that Tertullian perceived gladiatorial combats as a threat indicates their religious significance. But the origins and nature of g1adiation were debatable even in antiquity, and there is little reason to suppose that we can uncover them today. We have already seen that conflicting opinions placed the source of g1adiation in either Campania or Etruria; likewise in antiquity there seems to have existed a debate over whether or not gladiatorial combat was a form of human sacrifice. For example, a passage in the Historia Augusta provides the two sides of this debate: there were some who believed that gladiatorial combats given before a military campaign were a form of human sacrifice meant to appease Nemesis and ensure victory in the impending war, while others believed that the sight of combat, wounds, and death were primarily intended to desensitize the soldiers and prepare them for battle (Versnel, 1996; Futrell, 1997). Some scholars have renewed the argument for gladiatorial combats as a form of human sacrifice (Versnel, 1996; Futrell, 1997). The truth, however, probably lies somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, it is difficult to deny the religiosity of gladiatorial combats; during the republic, they were fought in connection with the funerals of great men, while during the empire they came to be associated with the imperial cult. In this connection, we may also consider the ritual significance of a gladiator's blood (Futrell, 1997). On the other hand, the bloody and often fatal nature of gladiatorial combat readily lent itself to interpretation-or reinterpretation-as human sacrifice, especially by those who would attack the institution, and this ought to rouse our suspicions. Rives has shown
Participation 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Participation 2 - Essay Example Outlines set the whole process and indicate whether the essay is complete or not. Outlines are a roadmap for the cohesive, constructive and concise progression of the topic (read thesis statement) that writer wants to stress upon. Freehand essay writing means doing a construction of a building just to break and alter it again and again realizing that it has not shaped as per the original idea. Outlines are clear reflections of writer’s idea. They draw a clear picture in the mind as to how one wants to progress with the given topic. Though ideas are in mind but outlines are laid down on a piece of paper. It is always easy and less exhausting to make changes on outlines in the beginning itself – before finishing on a draft of paper. When the essay emerges following precise and clear outlines, it is an indication that nothing is omitted in preparing the essay. That is a measure of its completeness and such essay is likely to create a lasting impact and inquisitiveness in t he minds of readers. Reference How to Write an Essay, online from [Accessed on 6/25/2011]
Understanding customer service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Understanding customer service - Essay Example While these moments keep occurring within a business, capturing these moments remains essential in enhancing business performance. The identification of such moments therefore becomes essential in reacting to the moment of truth presented to a businessperson. Jan Carlzon’s moment of truth focused on instances when businesspersons came into contact with customers. While the customer remains the most influential stakeholder to the success of business, this might not be the only moment of truth. Coming into contact with customer, however, remains a significant moment because the business becomes enabled to learn about the perceptions of the customer (Carlzon 1989). Understanding these feeling and perceptions remains essential in making customer service better. Within service focused businesses, this aspect of contacting the customer remains essential as the customer consumes the services directly. Within a manufacturing industry the instances of making such contact become increasingly limited. Customers rarely have direct contact with the company and the moment of truth could be encountered through the products delivered. Encounters with realistic experiences enable visualization of experiences based on the perceptions of other individuals. Companies can improve their performance through addressing various issues occurring within a moment of truth, by initiating essential changes into business operations. Not all interactions with customers could be defined as moments of truth. Increased focus on customer interactions could provide misleading information regarding the expectations of other people regarding the business products and services. Business products can enable business customers to make decisions regarding company products or services. Moments of truth can be established through analysis of company performance, based on the vision and mission of the company. This aspect defines
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discuss the Greek background into which Christianity developed during Essay
Discuss the Greek background into which Christianity developed during the first century A.D.and discuss the Jewish bckground into which Christianity was born uring the first century A.D - Essay Example ace, the order would have to overcome the culturally and religiously embedded polytheistic ideas that served as a bridge between the current Greek society and the historical Greek society. Making the cultural transition from this set of religious doctrine to that of the Christian one would not be seamless; however, there were aspects of the Greek religious and cultural landscape that facilitated the shift in parallel to one taking place in the Roman Empire. The Greek religious context of First Century Christianity was predominantly one of an ideologically opposed polytheism in which a pantheon of different gods and goddesses took part in influencing the course of human and natural events. The hierarchy of gods, with a king Zeus having a level of power over other gods, displays a very anthropomorphic center in the Greek folk religion. Each of these gods and goddesses possessed control over some general category of nature, or, in other cases, some abstract concepts. The Greek deities were immortal but not all-powerful (omnipotent). The gods were subject to a sense of fate that could not be violated. Like human beings, the Greek deities were not perfect, and often had extensive relationships with human beings. The gods had human vices and fell victim to the same kinds of weaknesses in will that humans are famous for, such as the will to outdo others in competition. In addition, the Greeks associated certain individual gods with cities, su ch as the famous association of Athena with the city of Athens. Clearly, there are some ideological parallels between this description of Ancient Greek faith and the orthodox Christianity that emerged in the First Century. The Christian God was immortal (though omnipotent), and was profoundly anthropomorphic, especially in the traditional Old Testament conception. The hierarchy of gods in the Greek religion corresponds to the hierarchy of the orthodox faith, especially in what many Christians would come to create with the Great
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Paul Gauguin Essay
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Paul Gauguin - Essay Example All artists are shaped by their background and experience in life. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec came from an aristocratic family and was fascinated by theatres and Parisian dance halls. In early teens Henri broke his legs which lead to a deformity in his physical structure. This unfortunate experience controlled his art forms to a great degree. His love of painting equestrian objects reflects his passion for riding, of which, in reality, he was unable to do. When he paints a horse-drawn carriage the thoroughbreds and their vibrant beauty becomes alive on the canvas. Since he would be ridiculed for his physical deformity to a certain degree, he preferred to spend time in company of the eccentric and other depraved human beings, where his deformity would go unnoticed. His outlook of life was pessimistic to a certain degree. He took refuge in alcohol as he would take refuge in human degradation. His paintings would depict life not only in its stark reality, but also his keen observation of human character. Lautrec’s work is characterised by highly individual interpretation of forms. One may even call him a graphic artist. His lines are bold, expressive and restless and bring out the emotional intensity of his subjects. Toulouse-Lautrec was influenced by Degas in the sense that dance-halls and dancers were attractive to both. However, while Degas concentrates on perfecting small details, Luatrec sees life on a much grander scale. He understands that a crowd may assume a complete different personality. than the men and women who make it up. Placing anonymous models in the foreground he would sum up the character of his compositions. His most famous paintings include the series on Moulin Rouge and one of its important can-can dancers Jane Avril. Toulouse-Lautrec is also well known for the posters he made to advertise dance or musical performances in cafes and theatres. He would outline his figures but only color the images partially to draw attention. Sometimes h e would draw caricatures of famous dancers like Jane Avril to make the posters more attractive. In his posters and lithographs broad flat colors and graphic outlines were influenced by Gauguin’s style. Lautrec died young, at the age of thirty-seven, a pessimist already notorious for his portrayal of human degradations. Gauguin, on the other hand, was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth and started working as a stockbroker. Only later he turned to a full-time artist. He was a friend of Pissaro and had
Discuss the Greek background into which Christianity developed during Essay
Discuss the Greek background into which Christianity developed during the first century A.D.and discuss the Jewish bckground into which Christianity was born uring the first century A.D - Essay Example ace, the order would have to overcome the culturally and religiously embedded polytheistic ideas that served as a bridge between the current Greek society and the historical Greek society. Making the cultural transition from this set of religious doctrine to that of the Christian one would not be seamless; however, there were aspects of the Greek religious and cultural landscape that facilitated the shift in parallel to one taking place in the Roman Empire. The Greek religious context of First Century Christianity was predominantly one of an ideologically opposed polytheism in which a pantheon of different gods and goddesses took part in influencing the course of human and natural events. The hierarchy of gods, with a king Zeus having a level of power over other gods, displays a very anthropomorphic center in the Greek folk religion. Each of these gods and goddesses possessed control over some general category of nature, or, in other cases, some abstract concepts. The Greek deities were immortal but not all-powerful (omnipotent). The gods were subject to a sense of fate that could not be violated. Like human beings, the Greek deities were not perfect, and often had extensive relationships with human beings. The gods had human vices and fell victim to the same kinds of weaknesses in will that humans are famous for, such as the will to outdo others in competition. In addition, the Greeks associated certain individual gods with cities, su ch as the famous association of Athena with the city of Athens. Clearly, there are some ideological parallels between this description of Ancient Greek faith and the orthodox Christianity that emerged in the First Century. The Christian God was immortal (though omnipotent), and was profoundly anthropomorphic, especially in the traditional Old Testament conception. The hierarchy of gods in the Greek religion corresponds to the hierarchy of the orthodox faith, especially in what many Christians would come to create with the Great
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Performance Evaluation Essay Example for Free
Performance Evaluation Essay There are forces of the government of the United States of America that give the protection and assurance that the said country will be safe and sound despite the opponents or the countries that try to oppose it. There are air forces, military on land and something that we call the United States Marines whom are assigned to take charge of the transactions and dealings with the bodies of water under the premises of America. There might be some circumstance that we have no grasp in evaluating the performances of the officials under this sector since they are a bit far from the media. However for this case, we might wish to evaluate their performance, whether they deserve the positions they are into, or they are just wasting the funds of the government of America. In what I assume to be a reasonable form of evaluation, there must be written and oral reports of the transactions of the marines. Since they are all trained, I think they have the capability of putting their actions and performances into words that will be understood by many. The reports will contain financial and development reports that happened during a month because it will be a burden for them if they will do it everyday. Another form of evaluating their performances is by checking on the stocks of the country whether the Marine forces contribute to the rise of the economy or not. This is a form of auditing aside from the reports they might be passing every month. One of their duties is ensuring peace and safety on seas, that is, if there are reported incidents of conflicts, maybe they are not doing their duties well. It might be a sign that if the rate of progress regarding tourists will rise, the marines perform their duties with the extent of their abilities. With that case, we can say that we can be proud of them because they are worthy of our trust and that they can be good models of discipline throughout the country. References About. com. Marine Corps Assignments Moving. 2008. Retrieved 6 May 2008 from http://usmilitary. about. com/od/marineassign/Marine_Corps_Assignments_Movin g. htm Marines. A Heart-pumping Glimpse into the Marines’ World. 2008. Retrieved 6 May 2008 from http://our. marines. com/cms_content/show/type/blog/id/517
Monday, October 14, 2019
Planet formation theory
Planet formation theory Introduction Formation of the Solar System Accretion of solid bodies led to formation planetesimals protoplanets planets Planet formation is a much talked upon topic amongst scientists, although most agree with Viktor Safronovs planet formation theory. Safronov proposed the planetesimal hypothesis, which states, planets are created from dust particles which undergo collisions and stick together, eventually forming larger and larger bodies. The dust particles collide due to the gravitational forces exerted on upon the surrounding gasses by the protoplanetary disk. The protoplanetary disk is a rotating disk of matter which includes gas and dust, which surrounds newly formed stars.As the bodies increase in sizes to upwards of 1 kilometer, their own gravitational forces help them in supplementary growth into protoplanets. Another theory which tries to explain the formation of the universe was the gravitational collapse theory, which says planets form much like stars through the swift contraction of hydrogen clouds in the nebula. Although this theory provides a model of the creation of the universe, it does nt fit the available data, and cannot explain the creation of terrestrial-mass planets. 1 1 Terrestrial inner planets vs. Outer giant gaseous planets Our solar system consists of 8 planets, which orbit around the sun. The four inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Theses planets are composed of heavier elements such as Iron, Silicon, Magnesium, Sulphur, and Nickel, as such they are all terrestrial planets. The four outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are composed of lighter elements, mostly consisting of Hydrogen and Helium. The differences between the outer gaseous planets and the inner terrestrial planets can all be explained by the theory of accretion and of the activity of the protoplanetary disc. Accretion is the process by which debris and dust are joint together through collisions due to gravitational forces within the protoplanetary disc. Findings show that gaseous components of begin to dispel soon after the star birth, and the nebula is fully depleted within just several million years. As such in many cases, accretion would take place at a greater rate than the depletion of gases, al lowing protoplanets of critical mass about 10 times that of Earth, to form within this time. Outer gas giants are formed within the ice line of the solar system where there is a high concentration of ice and gases allowing many collisions to place and as such create a planet of large critical mass. On the other hand, Terrestrial planets form much slower than gaseous planets, since they are composed in the ice line, a region which give little orbital space and mostly rocky and metallic materials. Their slow accretion rates are due to the fact that this region does not possess as much ice and gasses as the other regions. After the process of accretion, protoplanets of sizes of several hundred kilometres are formed, and these planets face many more collisions, eventually becoming Terrestrial planets. 1 1 Formation of planetary rings Planetary rings are rings of dust, rocks, and other small particles orbiting around a planet in a flat circular motion, as seen in figure 1. These planetary rings are found in the four outer gaseous planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. A prime example of this would be the ever famous rings of Saturn. The source of particles for these planetary rings can be traced back to the numerous collisions of Icy planetesimals which caused fragmentations and so bring forth many smaller pieces. Although the real mystery which plagues the minds of scientists, is how the material which make up these enormous rings were brought to their present position inside the gravitational radius of the planets. This process may have been different for every ring system. For instance, Jupiters rings are to be in a mature state, with balance between the loss of particles, and the production of new ones, supplied from the planets inner moons. On the other hand, scientists are divided over their beliefs o n how the rings of Saturn were formed. Some believe the rings are remnants of the protoplanetary process, whiles others believe the rings have just come into existence only several million years ago. 1 Asteroid belt, between , Mars and Jupiter Asteroids are small irregularly shaped bodies of material composed of rocks and metals, which rotate the sun in a region between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are also known as Small Solar System Bodies (SSSBs), along with other irregular shaped materials such as comets. One theory suggests that asteroids are the remains of a larger protoplanet which faced a cataclysmic collision resulting in its numerous partitions, yet this theory fails to explain why there are exactly so many asteroids in the asteroid belt. Therefore scientists widely consider the following as the correct hypothesis on the creation of the asteroid belt. It is believed that asteroids are the remnants of protoplanetary matter formed by the protoplanetary disc, which can be seen by the immense number of asteroids in our solar system. Asteroids are leftover since they were within the immense gravitational radius of Jupiter, causing them to undergo destructive collisions, and even at times slinging them at a course beyon d the gravitational energies of our solar system. Therefore, no planetesimals could be formed and thus, the rocky matter remains continuously orbiting the sun.1 Formation of Earths moon We as humans need the moon. For it is the Moon`s orbit around the Earth that gives our planet a stable rotation, preventing polar shifts, which could lead to catastrophic results in global climate. Some scientists even believe the moon was a fundamental factor in the evolutionary cycle of life on earth. This is because the moon is of the main causes of Tides on Earth, and these very tides were a fundamental factor in the migration of amphibians into coastal regions, and eventually onto land. 2 Approximately 4.5 billion years ago, around the time of Earth`s formation, other protoplanetary bodies were also growing. At one point a protoplanetary body hit the Earth, sending massive amounts of debris into outer space, as seen in figure 2 (below). This debris started orbiting the Earth and eventually amassed into the moon. This theory is widely accepted since it is able to explain why the moon is not composed of an iron. The moon does not contain an iron core since, at the time of the coll ision the Earth had already depleted all of the Iron into its core, and the protoplanets iron core fused with the Earth`s core, thus only rocky matter rid of all iron was released into space. Secondly, the Earth and the moon share the same isotope composition, which can only be if the moon were formed from material from the Earth. Other theories which tried to explain the formation of the moon are the following. First, it was proposed that the Moon is a separate planetary body which formed around Earth, and went into its orbit, yet this theory failed to explain why the moon contains a core that lacks iron. Second, it was hypothesized that the moon formed elsewhere in the solar system at a place with little iron, and was gravitated into an orbit around earth, but this theory could not justify the fact that the moon`s oxygen isotope composition was the same as Earths. Third, it was proposed that the Earth had spun so fast that it spun off the moon, explaining the equivalent isotope co mposition and iron-less core, yet it failed when proper calculation were done which concluded that the moons present orbit could not take place if this hypothesis were to be correct. 2 1 Unusual rotation of Uranus Concluding Paragraph
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Danielle: First, efficient market theory implies that the market fully reflects the available information and react quickly to any new information. In fact, good or bad news related to reported net income is usually evaluated rationally by investors and directly reflected the market share price. Indeed, under an efficient market, this reflected market price will meet the price predicted by the investors and that why in some cases we notice no reactions to the earning performance whether it is good or bad. Second, sometimes there no considerable or even a reversed reaction to change in the stock price for the news related to reported net income and that is due to an other event rather internal or external taking place in the same period that affects the market behaviour towards the investors behaviour. To illustrate, if a company working in gas and petroleum industry can have a decrease in its stock price because of a new environmental low (future expenses) even with the release of a higher net income. Finally, there is also the fact that the investors have certain expectation toward the upcoming net income but in case that the reported net income doesn't overcome their expectations , even though the income is positive, investor won't react to these news . In fact, a company that posts a very impressive earnings performance, but its stock price barely moves because the investors had already expected these results and the reported net income just confirm these expectations. Robert: The inefficient market hypothesis consists on a market behaviour that sometimes drive asset prices above or below their true value. In fact, the existence and magnitude of certain stock price variations are sometimes incompatible with an eff... ...te earnings and in this situation, investors can have an idea about the level of accrual persistence so they can take the best decision towards that. Applying the Accounting principles framework would be an efficient way to increase the persistence of accruals.To illustrate, the timely recognition and mesurebility of accruals would decreae the anomalies especially if they are implemented and disclosed to the public using the right method. The non cash assets and the non cash liability such as goodwill and future tax obligation are more easily to manipulate than the cash flow. In fact, in order to increase the accruals persistence, these non cash flows items show follow a certain regulation. Indeed, Accounting provisions for impairment related to any decrease in value of these items or any possible loss but also posing a restrictive rule for any possible gain.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Zarathustra by Me :: essays research papers
Zarathustra by Me Published 1895 translation by Gerardo Published 1999 ________________________________________ PREFACE This book belongs to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is possible that they may be among those who understand my \\"Zarathustra\\": how could I confound myself with those who are now sprouting ears?--First the day after tomorrow must come for me. Some men are born posthumously. The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me--I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on mountain tops--and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and nationalism as beneath him. He must have become indifferent; he must never ask of the truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him... He must have an inclination, born of strength, for questions that no one has the courage for; the courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have hitherto remained unheard. And the will to economize in the grand manner--to hold together his strength, his enthusiasm...Reverence for self; love of self; absolute freedom of self..... Very well, then! of that sort only are my readers, my true readers, my readers foreordained: of what account are the rest?--The rest are merely humanity.--One must make one\\'s self superior to humanity, in power, in loftiness of soul,--in contempt. FRIEDRICH W. NIETZSCHE. 1. --Let us look each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans--we know well enough how remote our place is. \\"Neither by land nor by water will you find the road to the Hyperboreans\\": even Pindar1,in his day, knew that much about us. Beyond the North, beyond the ice, beyond death--our life, our happiness...We have discovered that happiness; we know the way; we got our knowledge of it from thousands of years in the labyrinth. Who else has found it?--The man of today?--\\"I don\\'t know either the way out or the way in; I am whatever doesn\\'t know either the way out or the way in\\"--so sighs the man of today...This is the sort of modernity that made us ill,--we sickened on lazy peace, cowardly compromise, the whole virtuous dirtiness of the modern Yea and Nay. This tolerance and largeur of the heart that \\"forgives\\" everything because it \\"understands\\" everything is a sirocco to us.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Pricing policies Essay
The main Factors that affect the price being charged by your chosen business for their product/service The pricing decisions for a product are affected by internal and external factors. A. Internal Factors 1. Cost While fixing the prices of a product, the firm should consider the cost involved in producing the product. This cost includes both the variable and fixed costs. Thus, while fixing the prices, the firm must be able to recover both the variable and fixed costs. 2. The predetermined objectives While fixing the prices of the product, the marketer should consider the objectives of the firm. For instance, if the objective of a firm is to increase return on investment, then it may charge a higher price, and if the objective is to capture a large market share, then it may charge a lower price. 3. Image of the firm The price of the product may also be determined on the basis of the image of the firm in the market. For instance, HUL and Procter Gamble can demand a higher price for th eir brands, as they enjoy goodwill in the market. 4. Product life cycle The stage at which the product is in its product life cycle also affects its price. For instance, during the introductory stage the firm may charge lower price to attract the customers, and during the growth stage, a firm may increase the price. 5. Credit period offered The pricing of the product is also affected by the credit period offered by the company. Longer the credit period, higher may be the price, and shorter the credit period, lower may be the price of the product. 6. Promotional activity The promotional activity undertaken by the firm also determines the price. If the firm incurs heavy advertising and sales promotion costs, then the pricing of the product shall be kept high in order to recover the cost. B. External Factors 1. Competition While fixing the price of the product, the firm needs to study the degree of competition in the market. If there is high competition, the prices may be kept low to effectively face the competition, and if competition is low, the prices may be kept high. 2. Consumers The marketer should consider various consumer factors while fixing the prices. The consumer factors that must be considered includes the price sensitivity of the buyer, purchasing power, and so on. 3. Government control Government rules and regulation must be considered while fixing the prices. In certain products, government may announce administered prices, and therefore the marketer has to consider such regulation while fixing the prices.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Development of Different British Education Systems
Britain has a long history and rich civilization, in this context, the UK has been really focussed on instruction, and instruction as a cultural heritage, impact on society, to advance economic industry. Britain ‘s first instruction degree, has a good repute, but besides attracted many abroad pupils. ( Johnes, 2004 ) The development of instruction non merely assist the UK to acquire a good international repute, cultivate a big figure of hi-tech endowment, but besides has gained immense net incomes in the instruction industry for the United Kingdom. This article has an overview of the British instruction system elaborate, every bit good as several different instruction systems in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Then, this paper will analyze the British educational impact on society, particularly on societal economic, in order to calculate out the importance and significance of developing instruction for a state.2.0 IntroductionThe quality of people determines the quality of the state, which influences the national development and societal advancement. Therefore, to better the overall quality of people should be smartly develop instruction, and instruction is the pressing demand for a state ‘s industrialisation and modernisation, and is a necessary demand to better the modern national instruction system, but besides an of import manner to advance societal employment. There is a long history in different British instruction system. Peoples think instruction investing is the best manner to better the economic accomplishments. ( Moore, 2004 ) . In the fifth and 6th centuries, the first school was built by the church which had adequate power ( Oakland, 2006 ) . In England and Wales, the first clip to set up a incorporate national simple school system was in 1870, in 1872 for Scotland and in 1923 for Northern Ireland. The Labour authorities established a countrywide school in 1976. ( Oakland, 2006 ) Britain had a hit-or-miss school construction in the 19th century. ( Oakland.2006 ) When the British instruction system began to flawlessness, the British economic system besides began to stronger at the same clip. This study will overview the development of the different instruction systems in UK and it will analyse its good effects concentrating on the economic system, because the success of the instruction system will profit the economic system of the state.3.0 The development of different instruction system in UK since 1940s3.1 Introduction of the instruction system in UKBritain is a state with a long tradition of instruction. Its instruction system is rather perfect and complex after several old ages ‘ development, and has a really big flexibleness. The purpose of the 1944 prepares to set up simple and in-between school instruction. There is a party-political battleground in instruction in 1950s. â€Å" Labour authoritiess from 1964 were committed to get rid ofing the eleven-plus, choice and the secondary school divisions. †The Labour authorities prepares to set up comprehensive national schools in 1976. ( Oakland, 2006 ) Overall, it is in three phases: Compulsory Education, farther instruction and Higher Education. Students in British receive compulsory instruction from the age of four, all free to bask the national public assistance, schools even offer a free tiffin, and all parents must set their kids to school. General primary instruction normally lasts until the age of 11, and so the childs will travel to middle school, which lasts for a sum of five old ages: from Form 1 to Form 5. ( Education Act of the UK, 1996 ) Further instruction is the most typical and most exciting portion in the UK instruction system ; it is the â€Å" third instruction †after the primary School and Secondary Education, which provides footing for entry into higher instruction or employment. Students having go oning instruction are between 16 and 18 old ages old in general. It is divided into two systems: academic path and vocational path. Academic path focuses on academic research endowment, and vocational mob is a combination of professional demands at all degrees of society, to develop forces with specialised accomplishments and cognition in a assortment of industries. The two systems are equal accent in the UK. Higher instruction is an advanced phase in the British instruction system, which includes Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctoral Degree and HND-Higher National Diploma. Higher instruction is normally provided by University, but many Colleges besides offer Bachelor and HND classs. Undergraduate academic grade by and large takes three old ages in the UK, but some particular expertness in some universities requires four old ages ‘ clip or longer, such as medical specialty. Students get bachelor grade after graduating undergraduate, there are many sorts of unmarried man in England, and the followers are common types: BA-Bachelor of Art, BSc-Bachelor of Science, BEng-Bachelor of Engineering, and LLB  Bachelor of Laws. UK graduate student courses merely take one twelvemonth, and pupils chiefly write documents and do research in this twelvemonth.3.2 The different instruction systems in UKUnited Kingdom has four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The four r egional instruction constructions and establishments is fundamentally the same type, but the Scots instruction system is rather different with the other parts in some respects, the chief difference is the different grade makings. In fact, there are three independent British legal instruction systems: The United Kingdom Ministry of instruction and instruction is responsible for all degrees of instruction in England, go oning instruction in Wales and university instruction throughout the whole Great Britain. In England, there are three sorts of school which are community, foundation and voluntary. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) The Wales Ministry of instruction is responsible for primary instruction by the Welsh Secretary of State Education Office Management through the Welsh. In Wales, the instruction system is similar as England, but the different is kids in 11 old ages old in secondary schools, there are non choice. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) Northern Ireland Department of Education in charge of primary instruction, go oning instruction and university instruction in the part. In Northern Ireland, the instruction system is the smallest than other three states. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) The Ministr y of Education in Scotland is responsible for primary instruction, go oning instruction and non-university higher instruction. In Scotland, GTC ( General Teaching Council ) are better than any other three states. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) England, Wales and Northern Ireland ‘s instruction system is slightly different from the instruction system in Scotland. For illustration, in the facet of secondary instruction, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the school focused on beef uping a figure of optional classs, while the Scots instruction are frequently more focussed on broadening the scope of topics.4.0 The current effects of instruction on societySocial impact of instruction is multifaceted, in the facet of cultural, it is the record of a state ‘s history, the societal imposts and moral constructs and values are transmitted to pupils by instruction, and play a guiding function in their growing procedure. Under the influence of public instruction, people have similar cultural backgrounds and universe positions, this cultural heritage and so will assist the state ‘s direction and development. Besides the map in instruction, civilization and communicating, the economic impact of instruction is reall y important. To better instruction is the most direct manner to assist economic system growing and more public outgo on instruction has great decadent on development of society ( West, 1970 ) . First, People expend the assorted fees for the instruction and society investing of the direct outgo in instruction, in order to advance the economic growing. ( Porter, 1990 ) In modern society, people have recognized that cognition is one of the best agencies to alter the destiny and the creative activity of wealth, so that each household is willing to put in their kids ‘s instruction. Education was identified as an investing, instead than an single ingestion in 1960. ( Moore, 2004 ) Outgo of big amounts of support for instruction has promoted instruction as an industry, except deriving the prosperity in the net incomes, the instruction sector has more money invested in the building of schools and instructors, doing instruction hold more quickly development. Second, instruction provides the labor forces with cognition for economic to better labour productiveness and advance the economic growing. Britain ‘s urbanisation, ( Peters, 2001 ) industrialisation and modernisation have entered into a more mature phase, economic development is no longer rely on a batch of labour, but pay attending to the cognition and accomplishments of workers. ( Stern, Bailey & A ; Merritt, 1996 ) Merely with the advanced engineerings and constructs, with scientific direction, with the spirit of invention, they can do the development of society more efficient and high-speed. Education is one of the most critical factors, which gives people a assortment of cognition, enabling them to better efficiency at work and create involvement. In this manner, instruction alterations the employment construction to advance the economic growing. Nowadays, to a big extent, economic competition between states has become a talent competition, and instruction is to supply th em with a different get downing line. Third, instruction improves the advancement of scientific discipline and engineering to advance the economic growing. By leaving proficient cognition, instruction system trains people with scientific production accomplishments, there are programs to bit by bit develop the potency of people in the business, which required so that the single entree to vocational cognition, accomplishments and self-learning ability, in order to advance persons in professional places improve labour productiveness. ( Coffield, 1995 ) In that manner, people can better the usage of new engineerings, new procedures, new equipment capacity, ensuing in increased technological invention and production invention. What ‘s more is that the instruction is an effectual manner to organize a sort of system to cut down the information transportation cost. That ‘s why Michael says ( 1999 ) that â€Å" instruction promotes the development of the society and the economic system †. Today, the cognition economic system has brought great challenges to our society, in assorted Fieldss where take the human capital and technological invention as competitory premiss, instruction as the chief organic structure of forces developing and the chief bearer of the cognition production and airing, will go basis of the development in assorted industries. ( Binsardi & A ; Ekwulugo, 2003 ) Since the 1980th, all the states have carried out reform of higher instruction, most of import of which is to be market-oriented, and take the higher instruction as an industry to run. The British has carried out educational market and educational denationalization. ( Teddlie & A ; Reynolds, 2000 ) The development of private higher instruction industry is the most of import step in all states, which funding for the development of private higher instruction in a batch of money from the populace, cut downing the state ‘s fiscal load ; mostly adhere to the school of academic freedom and liberty, advancing the healthy development of scientific discipline and civilization ; produced and developed group of domestic and international first-class universities ; warrant from a little figure of phases of higher instruction to the popular phase and even the popular success of the passage stage ; for the economic system, particularly for forces transport a big figure of SMEs ; to break mee t people ‘s higher educational demands of a assortment of services and so on. This series of consequences are the positive impact of current British instruction system on society, peculiarly the societal economic system. ( Ursula, Richard & A ; Iain 2002 )5.0 DecisionBritss have a good academic repute in the universe, trusted and widely recognized as a first degree. The British instruction system is known as complex but the universe ‘s most strict and flexible instruction systems. It has many outstanding characteristics: foremost, it is career-oriented, British universities are to the full cognizant of the intent of higher instruction is to direct pupils in employment, the class of survey steadfastly grasp the demands of the occupation market. British learning methods focal point on inquiring pupils to make many coursework and presentation. Assignment are more practical issue-oriented, which need hands-on, squad coaction and imaginativeness, you can give full drama to th e originative power of pupils, this sense of invention will be alteration to invention ability which can advance societal economic in the future work of pupils. And the instruction in the UK is ever followed by the tendency of the times, the instructor ever take the latest, most promising content to learn, which is easy to develop people with the latest scientific theories. With all these advantages, it ‘s easy to understand why the instruction in the UK has so much impact on the society, particularly back uping the development of the economic system. Merely as what Halsey ( 2003 ) stated that, â€Å" Throughout the twentieth century, the relationship between instruction and the economic system has invariably assumed of all time greater significance. †Through a strict instruction, the British have been influenced by cognition and cultivated the ability to work and invention. When they leave the campus and travel to work, the power of endowment makes the UK market is full of economic verve and creativeness. Powerful states and economic prosperity relies on endowments trained from instruction. ( 1950 words )
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