Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Issue Of Anthropogenic Climate Change - 1902 Words
Is mankind going to willingly make life on Earth miserable for the next generation? Our climate is changing due to humanity’s irresponsible actions, and many are just living their lives as if nothing is going on. The issue of anthropogenic, or human caused climate change has arose due to the increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. Of these, Carbon dioxide is a huge culprit in anthropogenic climate change, as humans produce incredible amounts of it through environmentally irresponsible machines. Also, the issue of anthropogenic climate change is becoming a political issue, with the main argument being over regulation of businesses to reduce carbon output. Whether humans are politically active or not, they need to realize that anthropogenic climate change is a real issue and begin to fix it. To realize that the issue of anthropogenic climate change is true and begin to fix it, the population of Earth must understand the evidence of the crisis, t he effects of the crisis, and how it can be fixed. There is undeniable proof of anthropogenic climate change. We are only contributing to the issue, despite having known about the issue of anthropogenic climate change for years. According to the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, The atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are rising, causing climate change to worsen. According to NASA, the levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere were at 400.57 Parts Per Million in August, with the level inShow MoreRelatedThe Issue of Anthropogenic Climate Change2115 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿The issue of anthropogenic climate change, more commonly identified as global warming, has become hotly debated in the media and political arenas. Critics argue that global warming does not exist and that it is merely a fiction created by the science community. Such critics argue further that what scientists are describing as global warming is either a transitory condition or part a cyclical situation t hat has occurred throughout history. As a result of this critical opposition the question becomesRead MoreIssues and Debate of Anthropogenic Climate Change763 Words  | 3 PagesIn the last few decades, the issue of anthropogenic climate change (ACC)â€â€human caused climate changeâ€â€has come to the forefront of public, political, and scientific awareness. There has been much debate regarding the legitimacy of ACC, despite an article from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration stating: Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizationsRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1713 Words  | 7 PagesDefining the Issue Global warming is defined as the recent increase in the world s temperature that is believed to be caused by the increase of certain gases (such as carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere. There are many different theories on whether global warming is similar or not to climate change. Simplistically, climate change is different because climate change is defined as a change in global or regional climate patterns or, in particular, a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwardsRead MoreGlobal Climate Change. Marc E. Wiltfong. Sec 510 – Position1581 Words  | 7 Pages Global Climate Change Marc E. Wiltfong SEC 510 – Position Paper 1 Faculty: Dr. Danielle Camacho Southern New Hampshire University Date: February 05, 2017 â€Æ' Global Climate Change Summary of the issue: Is climate change caused by mankind or is it simply a natural occurrence? If the answer were as easy as â€Å"yes, it is 100% caused by humans,†or â€Å"no it’s not at all caused by humans,†there would be very little room for argument. Two questions need to be investigated: 1) Is it probable thatRead MoreCO2 is NOT Pollution Essay example1492 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstanding of our global climate, most scientists agree that human actions have had a warming effect on the global climate (IPCC, 2010). This idea of anthropogenic global climate change is the general consensus in the scientific community according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These views were increasingly challenged, mostly by non-scientists, in late 2009 when servers owned by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) were hacked. Emails between climate scientists and other documentsRead MoreAir Pollution Essay: Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change1489 Words  | 6 Pagescau ses of global warming and climate change. Air pollution occurs when chemicals or particulate matter enter the atmosphere. They can cause damage to living organisms on the planet, as well as destruction to the natural and synthetic environment (Energy 2008). Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation emitted from the earth. They trap infrared radiation in the form of heat, and hence contribute to global warming. Anthropogenic greenhouse gases are a directRead MoreThe Report On A Fictional Blog Post1133 Words  | 5 Pages1. Summary †¢ This report is analysing a fictional blog post. †¢ Evidence to support anthropogenic climate change will be discussed. †¢ Defence mechanisms that the author possibly uses will be evaluated. †¢ This report will explain why the author of the blog is making the claims by explaining the ideas surrounding conspiracy theories. 2. Introduction The author of the blog post begins by describing two items in the news which they describe as ‘worrying’. Firstly, the announcement of treble subsidiesRead MoreEffects Of Global Warming On The Environment And The Population979 Words  | 4 PagesThe impacts of increased greenhouse gas admission are evident through the rising global temperatures, causing extreme natural disasters and expanding sea levels. Anthropogenic climate change refers to the production of greenhouse gases emitted into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of human expansion and activity. According to research conducted by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA, 2016) the average global temperature of the Earth has risenRead MoreThe Debate On Global Warming1239 Words  | 5 PagesThere is much controversy concerning global warming. The controversy takes the form of public debate that centers on five issues (Mazo 30). The first issue is w hether or not global warming is occurring. The second issue is whether global warming is real and extent it has occurred in the recent decades. The third question relates to the causes of global warming. The fourth question centers on the effects of global warming. The fifth question is whether any action needs to be taken to contain globalRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1371 Words  | 6 PagesClimate change is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the processes that lead to climate change and strategies that can be used to address this issue. In order to comprehend how human activities contribute towards climate change and global warming, we have to truly understand the science behind this phenomenon. First of all we need to clarify what anthropogenic climate change means. This refers to the change in the amount of greenhouse
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Homeless Essay - 646 Words
Homeless People have an image of what homeless people should be, I didnt fit these descriptions! I didnt have the messy hair, or the torn clothes, but that all changed! I had only been homeless a long time now, and I had tried my hardest to keep my clothes clean and clean myself. But I couldnt keep up with the standards I was setting for myself. Its a lot harder than people think! Imagine suddenly being chucked out of your home and not knowing what to do. I dont know anyone that could handle it, well, I actually dont know anyone anymore, all my friends, my family turned their backs on me,†¦show more content†¦I went to go get her, but Gary ran over to me and told me to stay if I wanted more fun! Of course I did, so I stayed! Gary took me over to a deserted part of the beach and started to kiss me, things got heated. It was so romantic, I wasnt going to stop it from happening, so I went with it. Do I regret that day? Definitely! Well it happened, I cant change that can I! Too late now, I wish I had known the trouble it had caused. I went back to school on Monday, as happy as I thought possible and went over to see Gary, I ran up behind him and whispered in his ear, he turned around, called me a slut, all his friends laughed and walked off, I burst into tears and ran away, they laughed harder, chanting slut slut slut! I couldnt face being in school, not now. I went to find Kathy, she turned her back on me, in a weekend my life had been turned upside down. Ruined! I ran away, ran home. No one was in, they were all working! I ran up to my room crying, didnt know what to do, I couldnt face going back, so I got a pad of paper. I wrote on my desk what had happened and I packed my bags. I wouldnt be gone long, well I thought I wouldnt. So I left! Didnt look back. I walked for hours that day, no where to go so I just went! Walked, aimlessly. Before I knew it, hours had gone. I felt bad, so I walked home. I stood outside my house, looking in the window. I saw myShow MoreRelatedHomeless People : The Homeless1265 Words  | 6 PagesHomeless in Baltimore City is a serious issue that must be resolve. There are different types of homeless people: Chronic, transitional and episodic homeless people. However, there are several or multiples reasons for which people become homeless. It could be due to lack of financial incentives or economic reason, immigrants people (students or foreign), a choice of an individual or poverty, housing needs of the lack of low-income housing and other issues such as unemployment, underemployment, domesticRead MoreHomeless People And The Homeless Essay1970 Words  | 8 PagesHomelessness there were about 600,000 homeless people in America in January of 2015. This paper will hopefully spread insight on homelessnes s as a whole. There are many misconceptions about homeless people and many facts that people do not realize about homeless people. These facts should be brought to attention in order to help increase the knowledge of what normal everyday individuals can do to help. Every day we are surrounded by someone who is homeless and we don’t even know it. People tendRead MoreHomeless Shelters : Homeless Shelter Essay2067 Words  | 9 Pagesshelters that tend to the homeless. With the San Gabriel Valley services being so distant and clustered, it was difficult to assess the overall feel of the homeless services. That is, it was difficult to find any homeless shelters even with the use of a handheld GPS and map, signifying that access to the homeless services is not as simple as it sounds. On the other hand, it was not at all difficult to find other services that seemed, to be very helpful for the homeless in general. A screenshot ofRead MoreHomeless Child Education : Homeless Child ren1678 Words  | 7 PagesHomeless Children Education Several factors severely compromise the ability of homeless children to succeed in school, as I discovered in interviews with 277 homeless families in New York City in 1988. Barriers to the success of these children include health problems, hunger, transportation obstacles, and difficulty obtaining school clothes and suppliesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ all of which are linked to low attendance rates (Rafferty and Rollins 1989). Other factors are associated with the nature of the emergency shelterRead MoreHomeless People s View On The Homeless869 Words  | 4 Pages Here in America there is a high percentage of homeless people. People often label homeless people as lazy, not willing to work, or they believe they are just looking for hand out. But that is just other people s views on the homeless. My point of view is that maybe they had a rough start in life, or something happened to them or maybe they didn’t have a mother or father figure in their lives to tell them right from wrong. Other might of grown up in broken homes which might of caused them to beRead MoreThe Homelessness Of The Homeless1745 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscussed topics around the world is homelessness. Each and every day more and more people become homeless. People around the world have tried numerous times to resolve this dilemma. This situation is growing and it s starting to spiral out of control. One solution that is getting popular the more we let this situation grow is that criminalizing the homeless is ok. People cannot criminalize the homeless. Homeless people should not be criminalized because they have nowhere to go, they have it hard enoughRead MoreThe Stigma Of The Homeless1556 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the Great Depression, the homeless were almost glamorized as vagabonds who rode the rails with their belongings neatly tied up in a bandana over their shoulder. Today, the homeless can be anyone: children or women escaping an abusive relationship or those who just cannot afford to pay for housing. While some homeless people maintain employment of some sort, long term homelessness is usually a function of the inverse; either severely under-employed or no income stream at all with which toRead MoreHomeless Volunteer1842 Words  | 8 PagesHomeless Volunteer Tera Penrod Purpose: To share my experience of being homeless and how it has affected me. Audience: Readers interested in being enlightened about the homeless at a personal level. â€Å"Better is a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.†- PROVERBS 28:6. I learned the truth in this verse while living with relatives in Colorado Springs, Colorado and the time I became homeless. What comes to mind when thinking about homeless people? I rememberRead MoreThe Media Of The Homeless2516 Words  | 11 Pagespeople have become socially and morally numb to the issue. As homelessness worsens, the homeless are being seen less and less as humans and more as a nuisance such as pests and wildlife, or even just a statistic. Being at the bottom of the social class structure is rough, to put it lightly. There is nothing glamorous about living at the streets; in fact, there are very few positive points, if any, to being homeless but that doesn t mean they are that much different from other classes. At the coreRead MoreHomeless And Non Homeless Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual990 Words  | 4 Pagesexamined two groups, homeless and non-homeless Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) youths (Rosario, Schrimshaw, Hunter, 2012). There were a total of 156 participants between the ages of 14 and 21 years with a mean age of 18.3 years. Participants were recruited from community based organizations, which focused on youths and two college organizations of LGB students. Researchers wanted to explore potential risk factors associated with the reason some LGB youths become homeless, while others do not.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Hierarchical Taxonomy of Leadership Behavior †
Question: Discuss about the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Leadership Behavior. Answer: Introduction: Colonel Novak exhibited a number of leadership behaviors that contributed to the level of success the unit had. Colonel Novak was able to motivate and inspire the men in his unit. He achieved this by informing them of the importance of their responsibility to the overall war effort. This serves to provide the juniors with a sense of purpose (Yukl, Gordon, and Taber 2002). He also demonstrated a personal interest in the men thereby serving to enhance their moral levels. He also emphasized collaboration management and trust amongst his men thereby serving to enhance their performance. Another key leadership behavior exhibited by the colonel is by joining the men in conducting their tasks. This serves to motivate the men. From the case it is evident that effective leadership is people centered. An effective leader is the one who focuses on the needs of his juniors and works to ensure that his juniors have the resources that they need to be able to execute their duties (Folkman 2010). A good leader does not set himself apart from his juniors but instead works together with the people. This places him in a unique position to be able to better understand the challenges that his juniors are facing and thus be able to tackle them. Finally a good leader is capable of effectively motivating his men and empowering them. When comparing the leadership behavior of Colonel Novak with that of my superior, it is evident that Colonel Novaks leadership behavior is better. This is because unlike Colonel Novak, the leadership behavior management at my workplace focuses more on driving for results with very little motivation. This serves to affect employee productivity as most employees feel overworked and underappreciated Bibliography Folkman, J., 2010. Top 9 Leadership Behaviors that drive employee commitment.Extraordinary performance, pp.1-4. Yukl, G., Gordon, A. and Taber, T., 2002. A hierarchical taxonomy of leadership behavior management: Integrating a half century of behavior research.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,9(1), pp.15-32.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Japanese Comfort Women free essay sample
A study on foreign comfort women for the Japanese soldiers during World War II. (more) Japanese Comfort Women free essay sample It is estimated that between one and two hundred thousand female sex slaves were forced to deliver sexual services to Japanese soldiers, both before and during World War II. These women were known as comfort women and the Imperial Conference, which was composed of the emperor, representatives from the armed forces and the main Cabinet ministers, approved their use by Japanese soldiers. Walkom) The term comfort women refers to the victims of a premeditated systematic plan originated and implemented by the government of Japan to enslave women considered inferior and subject them to repeated mass rapes, said Michael D. Hausefeld, one of over 35 lawyers in his firm representing the former sexual prisoners in a class action lawsuit currently pending against the Japanese government. (Eddy) Since ancient times, prostitutes in Japan chose to sell their bodies either for family, poverty, or for saving her husband and her children. More or less, their sacrifices were seen as positive. We will write a custom essay sample on Japanese Comfort Women or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But, being forced to become comfort woman by Japanese is seen as negative. The difference between the Japanese prostitutes and comfort women is that the comfort women did not choose to be trapped as a sex slave and they were not paid for what they did. In 1931, when the Japanese army invaded Manchuria, â€Å"comfort houses†made their first appearances. These comfort houses were created to provide the Japanese soldiers with outlets for their sexual needs. In the beginning, there were only a few comfort houses but after the Nanjin Massacre occurred in 1937, many more were added, basically to every place that the Japanese were stationed. (Walkom) After the Japanese soldiers slaughtered thousands of Chinese people in the Nanjin Massacre, they barbarically raped an insurmountable number of women. As a result, anti-Japanese sentiments grew and it became harder to fully occupy these lands. The government set up comfort houses to decrease disorder and give the approximately two million soldiers a place to satisfy their sexual needs. The Japanese did not have enough prostitutes to supply the needs of the soldiers so they commissioned civilians to develop comfort houses. At the time, only a small percentage of Japanese women were mobilized to â€Å"work†in comfort houses and they were all prostitutes to begin with. The majority of the comfort women were actually Korean women, who were forcibly taken from Korea to service the needs of the Japanese soldiers. After the war, the Japanese government destroyed all evidence of their involvement in Japanese comfort houses, enforcing that commercial businessmen were responsible for the movement of women. Many of the comfort women were kidnapped or deceived into voluntarily working in comfort houses. Once they were there, they were trapped and forced into prostitution. Some women reported that Japanese agents offered them good jobs or education. Others were told that each family in the village had to donate a daughter to the war effort. Many others were offered food, shelter and factory jobs. The Japanese also kidnapped young, unmarried girls when they had a shortage of comfort women. The ages of the girls in the comfort houses ranged from 15 to 19, with the minority exception of some younger girls and some older, married women. The girls were transported between military bases like cargo, under heavy guard in army trucks, trains, ship and bus. They were forced to lose their virginity before arriving at the bases to prepare them for having sexual intercourse with tens of soldiers every day. Many women contemplated death after this, as they believed their virginity to be more precious than life. (Henson) When living in the comfort houses, the comfort women lived in fear and desperation. They were unable to leave, as they were heavily guarded. Each day, they were penetrated by as many as 50 soldiers, until they were sore and bloated to the point of not being able to open their legs. If they were infected with a sexually transmitted disease, they received injections known as Injection 606. If infected enough times, they lost their fertility. In Japan, infected women were killed. Their food was mixed with cyanide, their bodies taken to a cave and finally, the cave was blown up with a grenade. The comfort houses made money off these women and it is believed that the Japanese government paid them, as most of the soldiers paid by coupons. As soon as the war was finished, the Japanese Imperialist guards disappeared without trace. Most comfort women describe the experience this way, Suddenly, the soldiers came no more, and upon asking we found that the war had ended. In other regions, as the Japanese committed â€Å"harikari, the women were forced to do the same. In extreme cases, the women were put in a cave and blown up. After the war, many of the comfort women were too sick to be moved and were taken under the care of the American army. Most of the women were left with no place to go, as they were in a strange country with no money, and were too humiliated to go home. According to one comfort woman, my bodys wasted, therefore I do not dare go home in fear of being ignored and looked down upon. Even after the war ended, the comfort women were not free. Their guilty minds and inferiority complexes kept them from returning home and they stayed in foreign countries. The small amount that married, were often forced to separate after the fact that they were comfort women was known, or they were divorced because they could not have children. The victims are still suffering the pain physically and psychologically. More than half of them could not get pregnant, and most of them have chronicle diseases. Furthermore, the psychological impact on these women made them felt themselves dirty, ashamed that they disgraced themselves and isolated themselves from others. They are either afraid of getting married, or unable to ask for any commitment from their lovers. For those who got married, their marriage was unstable and unhappy due to their past. Some thought that they must have done something evil in their previous life that they have to be punished in this life. (Hicks) They go to tempos to chant sutras, to confess, to pursue liberation, and they even commit suicide. Although the period of time they spent at the Japanese military base was a small part of their life, what they had experienced caused an incurable impact on their health, marriage, mind, and social adaptation. Although the Japanese government continues to deny or minimize their involvement with comfort women, their defense is unraveling. A conference on Japanese Crimes Against Humanity: Sexual Slavery and Forced Labor was held last year, in which Japanese researchers delivered papers which claimed that the Japanese military, the rest of the government, and Japanese industry were all involved in the decision to provide sex slaves for the countrys soldiers. (Chunghee) Japanese historian Hirofumi Hayashi said: The establishment and development of the military comfort women system as not only carried out by the total involvement of every section of the military but also by administrative machinery at every level of the Japanese state In addition, we should not overlook that Japanese companies were their accomplices. (Chunghee) Researchers from the Center for Research and Documentation of Japans War Responsibilities in Yokohama showed that Japanese rubber companies were under government contra ct to supply 20 million condoms a year to armed forces once the decision had been made to provide sex slaves to the soldiers. Rumiko Nishino wrote that high-ranking adjutants commissioned by Cabinet and sub-Cabinet-level government officials implemented the distribution of the condoms. The availability of condoms to the general population became almost nil. (Chunghee) Last year, the Japanese appeals court overturned an earlier ruling that orders the government to compensate women who were forced to serve as sex slaves during World War II. Both sides had appealed that ruling. The plaintiffs because they thought the compensation was too small, and the government because they refused to pay. Duke) In deciding in favor of the government, the Hiroshima High Court said abducting women to use them as forced laborers and sex slaves was not a serious constitutional violation. Tokyo has admitted that its wartime army had set up brothels, and forced thousands of Koreans, Filipinos, Dutch and Chinese to serve as prostitutes, but it has refused to compensate these victims. Historians say as many as 200,000 women were f orced into sexual slavery during World War II.
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