Wednesday, August 26, 2020
An Evaluation Of Mergers And Acquisitions Management Essay
An Evaluation Of Mergers And Acquisitions Management Essay In the cutting edge world, the majority of the organizations attempt to blend their organization with another organization. There are a few favorable circumstances and detriments in combining. The fundamental preferences are notoriety, brand picture can be increment through the blending. The business will get straightforward through combining and this is the upper hand, Alcatel Lucent Company can pick up from the blending. The fundamental detriment in blending is cross culture clashes and this contextual investigation is about Alcatel Lucent merger. Alcatel Lucent is one of the main organizations in versatile, fixed, Optics advancements and a pioneer in applications and administrations (Alcatel Lucent, 2011). As indicated by the blending strategy, Alcatel Lucent merger confronted cross culture clashes from France and U.S. All things considered, the organization attempts to control the way of life clashes in the association. This report fundamentally depicts the conditions and exchang e factors, industry changes after merger and the universal difficulties of Alcatel Lucent. 1. The conditions and exchange factors pushed forward the merger in 2006 that were absent in 2001 As per the case, in 2006 the two organizations concoct new conditions and arrangement factors. For the most part, France investors, they gave their endorsement to consolidate Alcatel organization and Lucent organization. Alcatels CEO Mr. Techuruk empowered 1500 investors in Paris by referencing Alcatel Lucent is genuinely worldwide and has no proportional today and wont in future. He additionally consented to pay 10.6 billion euro for Lucent organization to blend Alcatel and Lucent organizations as Alcatel Lucent. The stock trade was esteemed at one Alcatel American vault share for each five Lucent offers. The two organizations consented to distribute English as the official language of the Alcatel Lucent. Subsequent to considering above conditions and factors, both organization investors gave their endorsement to consolidate Alcatel Lucent as one organization. They likewise chose to manage both pre-merger and post-merger combination issues, for example, pay rates, advantages, assign ments and other basic maters by holding a progression of gatherings between the top HR officials at the two organizations. 2. combined organization A consolidated organization which implies the mix of two organizations where one company is totally consumed by another enterprise. After the combining strategy, the two organizations need to work together as one organization. Because of that, they ought to create new personalities for the organization. They couldnt utilize their different characters for the business. Any organization, they couldnt converge with another organization without the endorsement of investors. Exchange additionally significant for combined organizations. Exchange is the procedure of conversation by which at least two gatherings intend to arrive at a commonly adequate understanding (Strategic International Management, 2011). There are five phases remembered for the exchange procedure. Those stages are arrangement, relationship building, trading task related data, influence and concessions and understanding. Mostly, any association, they needs to follow this arrangement procedure when they wanting to consolid ate their organization with another organization. Alcatel is an organization which produce the correspondence supplies for their clients and Lucent organization, they gives media transmission administrations to their clients. In the wake of blending these two organizations, their enterprises become basic. As Alcatel Lucent, they did their deals of $25 billion. They likewise created numerous media transmission items, for example, remote types of gear, wire line types of gear, remote frameworks, web switches, hardware for conveying brings over the web, and so forth. The negative side of the business is organization misfortune $7 billion since the merger. Notwithstanding that, Alcatel Lucent around 16500 occupations since merger. As the benefits of the business, for the final quarter 2006, the organization posts balanced ace forma incomes of Euro 4,421 million and working benefits of Euro 21 million. The organization announced Euro 18,254 million balanced genius forma and activity benefit of Euro 1,025 million for the entire year 2006. On 31st December 2006, their all out money and attractive protections was Euro 6.7 billion leaving a net money position of Euro 508 million. 3. Assessment of the remark that the merger is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¥a mammoth transoceanic test in multicultural diversity.㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ When Lucents merger with Frances Alcatel, Russo became CEO of the consolidated Company and Tchuruk became administrator. As indicated by the American culture terms, that implies Russo runs the organization. In any case, in the French culture terms, the director is the chief. Notwithstanding that, Americans and French have totally different thoughts regarding what to do when an organization is in emergency. The American inclination is to right-measure the business, a code word for eliminating positions and bringing down expenses. In French, their inclination is to ensure the occupations by searching for help from an agreeable government. As per the above circumstance, Alcatel Lucent need to confront troubles on the grounds that the two nationalities are attempting to ensure the occupations of their comrades. Chiefly, the French and the Americans have distinctive business societies. Their business designs are totally extraordinary. In Alcatel Lucent, both American and French societies influence for the dynamic procedure in the organization. Alcatel Lucent need to discover an answer for fathom the way of life clashes in the association. As indicated by the case, there is a proof that the organization has run into diverse issues since the merger occurred in 2006. The proof is, in July 2008, the Alcatel Lucent CEO Patricia Russo surrendered by referencing she cannot work with her individual board part Serge Tchuruk. Because of that, Mr. Serge Tchuruk likewise left his activity. Chiefly, these culturally diverse issues happened in light of the fact that the general administration of the organization had been given to the objective organization. 4. The universal difficulties that Alcatel-Lucent faces as it pushes ahead as a joined organization Minimal effort rivalry from new Chinese opponents There are numerous Chinese rivals in the business. Those contenders for the most part influences the Alcatel Lucents business. In China, their work cost is low contrasting with the France or USA. Because of that, the item cost in china is low and it influences with the Alcatel Lucents item cost. A large portion of the clients, they generally attempt to purchase modest items from the market. Alcatel Lucent organization, still they couldnt gain enough benefit from their industry. They do their business as low benefit, low development organization. For instance, Alcatel Lucents fundamental Chinese contenders are ZTE and Huawei. Their cost structures are more good than Alcatel Lucent Company. Innovation changes Innovation changes additionally significant for Alcatel Lucent Company. The innovation is continually getting improving. Because of that, numerous organizations attempts to add new highlights to their types of gear. As a worldwide organization, Alcatel Lucent likewise needs to consider these innovative changes when they do their creation procedure. Here and there, Alcatel Lucent organization need to go through more cash to get most recent innovation for their items. Alcatel Lucent is the main Western Company to offer or create items for every remote innovation (GSM, UMTS/HSPA, LTE, CDMA2000, WiMAX). Change to computerized economies On seventh of September in 2007, Alcatel Lucent and Nextgen Networks began their broadband business in Australia. Nextgen Networks claims and works Australias third fiber arrange. This is the main Australian and Asia Pacific first with the conveyance of traffic 100 gigabits speed. When Alcatel Lucent entering to the advanced economies, for example, Australia, the organization need to move of more than 100,000 mp3 records in 60 seconds or the live spilling of more than 15,000 HDTV channels equal. Essentially, the organization ought to improve their optical and IP innovations to do the above procedure effectively. Alcatel Lucent need to discover some financially savvy systems when they do their quick broadband business in Australia. They additionally need to expand arrange limit and oversee nature of administration to satisfy new client needs in Australia. Provincial Inclusion As indicated by the country incorporation, Alcatel Lucent Company need to extend their business everywhere throughout the world. At the point when they intending to begin their business in a provincial zone, the organization need to mastermind the foundation to begin business once again there. For the most part, the organization need to assembled association with neighborhood organizations to make high included worth administrations. The organization additionally need to consider the neighborhood populace in those zones when they start business universally. Cross Culture Conflicts As per the case, there were a few changes in supervisory crew and top managerial staff in Alcatel Lucent organization. Chief, Pat Russo left her activity in July 2008. Non official executive, Serge Tchuruk additionally left his activity. Pat Russo plainly referenced that she can't work with Serge Tchuruk. Around then, there were numerous differences among Russo and Serge in the organization. All things considered, both U.S and France societies influences on Alcatel Lucents business. Alcatel Lucent as a global organization, they need to begin their business in different nations. Mostly, they need to roll out social improvements inside the organization as indicated by the nation to nation. For instance, If Alcatel Lucent beginnings their business in Dubai, they need to get new representatives from Dubai and they need to plan their showcasing as indicated by the way of life of the nation. 5. End Subsequent to consolidating Alcatel and Lucent Companies, their businesses become one industry. The Alcatel Lucent merger gives numerous gear and media transmission classifications to the clients. The organization created numerous new supplies for the clients in the wake of blending. Prior to the merger, both Alcatel and Lucent organizations, they did their business independently. As a France organization, Alcatel had their own business culture and Lucent organization had own business culture
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Importance of Value Based Education Essay
In the current time of instruction helped by ultramodern innovation, we are slanted more towards information and positions in the assessment than use of learning in our everyday life. Theodore Roosevelt cautions, â€Å"To instruct a man as a main priority and not in ethics is to instruct a hazard to society.†It is a terrible certainty that in the common situation of training, most of the instructors just as the instructed have transformed into grades-arranged and stamps situated people neglecting and sabotaging the standout motivation behind training for example refinement of morals, cleansing of soul advertisement illumination of human mind. All the more tragically, in the quest for degree-situated instruction, we have, wittingly or accidentally, neglected to fuse the learning of good and moral qualities to our examinations for the positive sustenance of our character. â€Å"The degeneration in the current day life, the unsettling of open and private life and the express di smissal for values, are for the most part discernible to the way that ethical, strict and profound instruction has not been given due spot in the instructive system.†(Rena, Ravinder 2006) In a more extensive view, as the result of instruction, we are delivering effective experts fixated on material interests, who flop as circumspect, selfless and others conscious individuals. Absolutely neglectful of altruistic and compassionate component of their work, these experts are content with the accomplishment of total extravagance just as power similar to the extreme reason for their investigations. This sort of disposition is the consequence of the nearsighted and lacking execution of the capacities of instructors and instructor teachers. In this manner, a large portion of the current understudies entertain themselves into hostile to social and untrustworthy dealings in their fates attempts. â€Å"Unfortunately, training is turning out to be pretty much materialistic and the worth conventions are in effect gradually given up.†(Erwin, 1991) We, in any case, have the opportunity to change our wrongs and set straight our deficiencies. In such manner, the educational pl an and educators assume a crucial job. Educational plan must contain particular directions for the qualities related with every exercise. The instructors, then again, must disclose those qualities to the understudies and urge them to try the equivalent in their every day life. Along these lines, we can unquestionably achieve a positive change in the general disposition of our understudies towards learning just as society. In addition, the understudies in the scholarly period of their school life need to figure out how to be thoughtful, merciful and chivalrous towards their kindred creatures. This could be imparted to them while educating Islamiyat, Ethics, Pakistan Studies, Science, English or some other subject of their advantage. Notwithstanding showing understudies the periodical and sequential record of life and accomplishments of the fruitful and persuasive individuals on the planet, the instructors must feature the more brilliant parts of their character which ruled their training and execution. The understudies ought to be roused to distinguish the positive ramifications of their examination in their regular day to day existence. In this association, esteem based training can improve a person’s life as well as advance society the correct way. â€Å"So, esteem training isn't just the core of instruction, yet in addition the instruction of the heart. It is a vital part of all encompassing citizenship education.†(Rena, Ravinder 2006) This training can be completed while showing understudies the arrangement of water in Chemistry, the educator must discuss the value and utilization of water. The understudies can likewise be educated about the significance of developing plants and trees in our day by day life in Botany. Regarding their exercises, the understudies could be illuminated to demonstrate veneration to their educators and seniors and love their more youthful ones. Worth based training can likewise be a wellspring of thankfulness and advancement of one’s own way of life and history. All the more significantly, the understudies can test into and locate the interminable comfort in Nature. Notwithstanding that, they should laud the manifestations of Allah and love both the animals and the Creator. Other than incorporating esteems in the gave educational programs, the worth based training can likewise be included in the co-curricular and extra-curricular exercises. The extraordinary congregations and capacities could be orchestrated to ingrain the essential significance of reasonable and plummet esteems. This could likewise be joined with the customary exercises in the games ground and scholastic challenges. Sir Frances Bacon in his exposition ‘Of Studies’ says, â€Å"Histories make men astute; writers, clever; the arithmetic, inconspicuous; regular way of thinking, profound; ethics, grave; rationale and talk, ready to contend. †Consequently, on the off chance that we need to accomplish the reason for training throughout everyday life, invigorate altruistic sentiments, reduce destitution, carry harmony and success to our nation as an informed and humanized country, we should build up the helpful contemplations and properties in our kids vis-à -vis their scholarly and expert elevate to decidedly form their character for instance for others to follow. The educators should likewise instill the possibility of ‘peaceful concurrence with individuals from different societies and countries.’ (P.L Joshi 2007) Therefore, we ought to coordinate data, information, abilities with values in training and assist understudies with meeting up to tie this world in a serene agreement.
Corporation and all other organizational forms Essay
1-1. What is the most significant contrast between a partnership and all other hierarchical structures? Proprietors of a company are not at risk for commitments the enterprise goes into in light of the fact that an organization is characterized as a legitimate substance separate from its proprietors. 1-2. What does the expression restricted obligation mean in a corporate setting? Restricted risk implies that proprietors/financial specialists are exclusively subject for the sums they put resources into the organization; and proprietors/speculators are not liable for any obligations, reprobate assets, or assortments caused by the organization. 1-3. Which authoritative structures give their proprietors constrained obligation? Organizations give proprietors constrained obligation and restricted associations give constrained risk to the restricted accomplices, not the general accomplices. 1-4. What are the fundamental focal points and drawbacks of sorting out a firm as a partnership? The principle preferences of an association are they offer constrained risk to the proprietors, more prominent liquidity and life expectancy because of a boundless number of potential proprietors putting assets into the firm. The fundamental drawbacks of an association are their twofold tax assessment from benefits/profits and the detachment among proprietorship and control of the firm. 1-5. Clarify the distinction between a S partnership and a C enterprise. The contrast between a C company and S partnership is a C enterprise pays corporate personal charges on benefits and afterward the benefits are conveyed to the proprietors, whom are answerable for paying annual assessments on these profit. S partnerships don't pay corporate assessments on benefits, yet they pass the whole duty obligation onto the proprietors. The proprietors of a S company are constrained to close to 100 U.S. residents. 1-6. You are an investor in a C organization. The enterprise procures $2 perâ share before charges. When it has paid expenses it will disseminate the remainder of its profit to you as a profit. The corporate expense rate is 40% and the individual duty rate on (both profit and non-profit) pay is 30%. What amount is left for you after all assessments are paid? Profit accessible after corporate expenses: $2 x (1-0.4) = $1.20 Dividend accessible after close to home duties: $1.20 x (1-0.3) = $0.84 After assessments are paid, a profit of $0.84 per share is accessible for conveyance. 1-7. Rehash Problem 6 expecting the enterprise is a S partnership. Profit accessible after corporate expenses: $2, S enterprises are not dependent upon corporate assessments. Profit accessible after close to home charges: $2 x (1-0.3) = $1.40 After assessments are paid, a profit of $1.40 per share is accessible for dispersion. 2.8 In mid 2009, General Electric (GE) had a book estimation of value of $105 billion, 10.5 billion offers extraordinary, and a market cost of $10.80 per share. GE likewise had money of $48 billion, and all out obligation of $524 billion. After three years, in mid 2012, GE had a book estimation of value of $116 billion, 10.6 billion offers exceptional with a market cost of $17 per share, money of $84 billion, and all out obligation of $410 billion. Over this period, what was the change in GE’s: a. advertise capitalization? Market Value of Equity = Shares exceptional Ãâ€"Market cost per share 2009: 10.5 billion offers x $10.80 per share = $113.4 billion 2012: 10.6 billion offers x $17 per share = $180.2 billion The adjustment in showcase capitalization somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2012 is: $180.2 billion †$113.4 billion = $66.8 billion. b. advertise to-book proportion? 2009: $113.4/$105 = 1.08 2012: $180.2/$116 = 1.55 The adjustment in showcase to-book proportion somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2012 is: 1.55 †1.08 = 0.47 c. undertaking esteem? Venture Value = Market Value of Equity + Debt âˆ' Cash 2009: $113.4 + 524 †48 = $589.4 billion 2012: $180.2 + 410 †84 = $506.2 billion The adjustment in big business esteem somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2012 is: $506.2 billion †$589.4 billion = - $83.2 billion 2-11. Assume that in 2013, Global launchesâ an forceful showcasing effort that supports deals by 15%. Be that as it may, their working edge tumbles from 5.57% to 4.50%. Assume that they have no other pay, intrigue costs are unaltered, and charges are a similar level of pretax salary as in 2012. a. What is Global’s EBIT in 2013? 2013 Revenues: $186.7 million x 1.15 = $214.705 million EBIT = $214.705 million x 0.045 = $9.66 million b. What is Global’s total compensation in 2013? Total compensation = EBIT †Interest Expenses †Taxes 2013 Net salary: ($9.66 million †$7.7 million) x (1-0.26) = $1.45 million c. On the off chance that Global’s P/E proportion and number of offers extraordinary stays unaltered, what is Global’s share cost in 2013? 2013 P/E proportion: 2012 offer value/profit per share = $14/$0.556 = 25.17 2013 EPS: 2013 Net pay/shares remarkable = $1.45 million/3.6 million offers = $0.403 2013 Share cost = 25.17 x $0.403 = $10.14 per share 2-24. Assume your firm gets a $5 million request on the most recent day of the year. You take care of the request with $2 million worth of stock. The client gets the whole request that day and pays $1 million forthright in real money; you additionally issue a bill for the client to pay the rest of the equalization of $4 million out of 30 days. Assume your firm’s charge rate is 0% (i.e., overlook charges). Decide the results of this exchange for every one of the accompanying: a. Incomes = Increase by $5 million b. Profit = Increase by $ 3 million c. Receivables = Increase by 4 million d. Stock = Decrease by $2 million e. Money = Increase by $1 million ($3 million profit + $2 million stock †$4 million receivables)
Friday, August 21, 2020
Russian Literature. Mikhail Bulgakov The Master and Margarita Essay
Russian Literature. Mikhail Bulgakov The Master and Margarita - Essay Example The exposition â€Å"Manuscripts don’t burn†features the perfect work of art of probably the best author in Russia. The tale â€Å"The Master and Margarita†by Mikhail Bulgakov is viewed as one of the most puzzling and curious abstract magnum opuses of Russian, yet in addition World Literature. Bulgakov's work contains bunches of articulations that along these lines become adages. Mikhail Bulgakov, purposely, put this holy expression, Original copies don't burn†, into the mouth of the fallen angel. Woland was the main who saw the discussion between the two essayists that satisfied the guidelines of supposed â€Å"true Soviet writer†. They were oblivious and shallow-disapproved of individuals, attempting to pass judgment on the things without getting them. Loads of Soviet authors, whose abstract legacy opened up simply after the change or the USSR breakdown, didn't set out to keep their perfect works of art in composed, therefore, they attempted to r etain each part, every line, each word cautiously. Any essayist ought to be free in communicating their perspectives and sentiments. It was difficult to compose innovatively under the states of the extremist system, when each word, each contemplation was exposed to the careful audit of the Soviet artistic pundits. Bulgakov knew the sentiment of torment as a result of your abstract works being destined to nonrecognition and disregard. The Master is the author’s pantomime. Master’s most loathsome bad dreams are Bulgakov’s bad dreams; Master’s ability is Bulgakov’s ability. Respectable work will locate its good peruser, for â€Å"Manuscripts don’t burn†.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
WhoaYoure Old
Whoa…You’re Old So I realized that despite not having left MIT, I havent written on this thing in a really long time. Part of it came from my own thinking that the life of a graduate student is not as exciting as an undergraduate, and the other part came from me forgetting my password, but fortunately, I remembered my password today and given the start of a new school year, I decided Id stream some consciousness. First off, an update on my life: I am now a tenured graduate student (passed both halves of my qualifying exams), became a vegetarian, and started training for triathlons. Aside from that, I still live at ZBT as the resident advisor (GRT in disguisekind of) and still have managed not to pull an all-nighter (for academic reasons). The past two years have been full of excitement from studying, switching from mechanical engineering to a completely different discipline, biking around Boston, traveling, and research. About an hour ago, I registered for my last class at MIT. Actually, I registered for two classes because I couldnt decide from the syllabi which class I wanted to take, so I signed up for both of them. I registered for my first set of classes in 2003 (3.091, 21A.109, 18.01A, 8.01 and a seminar). I dont know how many total classes Ive taken since then, but I came close to taking a class in every department so thats kind of cool. When I first started MIT, I never once expected to stay here for this long (partly because I didnt think my mom would support an undergraduate education that took that long nor did I ever expect to go to graduate school). When I came to MIT, my plan was to study EECS, start a video game company, and go make millions. Today, I work in a mass spectrometry lab studying insulin resistance and couldnt be happier. What I realized that MIT taught me more than anything was to take risks. It was definitely a risk to switch disciplines for my PhD. Its definitely a risk for me to study anything related to biochemistry given how poorly I did in 7.05, but this I realize is what makes MIT the place it is. Its safe to take risks; its safe to say you dont know. Its safe to do something you know absolutely nothing about. Thats what education is about. So to all the new students starting off their MIT experience: be free, take chances, and dont sweat the small stuff.
Friday, June 26, 2020
The Interrelated Structure of Cry, the Beloved Country - Literature Essay Samples
Alan Patons Cry, the Beloved Country exhibits the effects of living in Johannesburg; though it is a city divided by race, its inhabitants lead parallel lives (Cry, the Beloved Country 33-312). The lives of the two main characters, Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis, are first depicted separately, giving each a quality of distinctness and independence (33-210). When Kumalo and Jarvis meet, however, it is clear that they parallel one another, leading similar lifestyles and experiencing similar tragedies (33-216). The underlying element of style throughout Cry, the Beloved Country is subtle symbolism, for there are significant details whose importance are not immediately obvious. Cry, the Beloved Country is composed of three books, each structured to give insight into the separate lives Kumalo and Jarvis, while subtly showing how each life is interrelated (33-312). The first book describes the plight of Stephen Kumalo, a native of South Africa, as he journeys through Johannesburg. It introduces Kumalo as the protagonist and sets up the framework for the conflicts he soon encounters. Johannesburg acts as both the setting and the antagonist, for it is where racism, crime, and poverty dwell, and is the source of Kumalos misery (33-312). Its effects are seen in the quote, à ¬Cry for the broken tribe, for the law and the custom is goneÃâ€"Cry, the beloved country, these things are not yet at an endà ® (105). That Kumalo discovers his sisters prostitution, his brothers superficiality, and his sons criminal activities in Johannesburg shows the city to have entrapped his family, as well as its inhabitants, into a stage of declining morality (33-312). The second book shows James Jarvis as he mourns for his murdered son. The change in point of view to concentrate on Jarvis character adds depth to Cry, the Beloved Country, showing a reaction to the crime committed by Absalom, Kumalos son. Because Jarvis actions and emotions are seen, he becomes an active characte r (161-312). The climatic scene occurs when Kumalo and Jarvis meet for the first time, representing the confrontation of emotion and tension each person has felt since their discovery of the murder (211-216). When Kumalo says, à ¬Ãƒâ€"This thing is the heaviest thing of all my years, is the heaviest thing of all your years alsoà ® (214), he is trying to show Jarvis that both are grieving over their sons and are in similar circumstances. This confrontation signifies the parallel between the two mens lives (33-216). The third book exists for Kumalo and Jarvis to come to a resolution to their situation. There were factors, such as the prevalence of racism and the irony that his murdered son was a defender of the social injustices of natives, that would have supported Jarvis hatred for Kumalo (253-312). When Jarvis says, à ¬I have seen a manÃâ€"who was in darkness till you found him. If that is what you do, I give it willinglyà ® (307), he is acknowledging the goodness of Ku malos intentions as a pastor. Jarvis generosity in rebuilding the church, cultivating the land, and improving the lifestyle of Kumalos village signifies his carrying on of his sons legacy to help the struggling natives. The third book serves to resolve the tension between Kumalo and Jarvis, and, representatively, ease the tension between the natives and the whites of South Africa (253-312). The three books that structure Cry, the Beloved Country serve to tie together the lives of Kumalo and Jarvis, who are plagued by grief for their lost sons. The interrelation of the books also demonstrates the dependency that both men feel for one another. Kumalos goodness as a servant of God, his family, and his people gives Jarvis inspiration to continue his sons legacy. Jarvis aid to Kumalos village restores the natives hope in the whites that run their country. The simplistic language used supports the subtlety of symbolism, creating a smoothly flowing style. The division of Cry, the B eloved Country into three books thus creates three stages representing grief, confrontation, and hope (33-312).
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Cold War On The Soviet Union - 1230 Words
The Cold War’s effect on the Soviet Union Shortly after the World War 2 ended, the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies entered the cold war with the Soviet Union. Germany was divided in half and later, the Berlin Wall was constructed as a physical boundary between the Soviet controlled East Germany and NATO controlled West Germany. This standoff continued until the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. The cold war had a huge influence on the world stage, but also had a major effect on the Soviet Union internally. The cold war had a huge influence on the Soviet economy, caused great hardship for the Soviet population, and led to significant change in the political structure. First, the Soviet Union’s attempts to†¦show more content†¦The flawed numbers caused a shortage of resources for the population. When the workforce learned of the shortages, already low production rates dropped even further because workers were hiding food for themselv es instead of turning it in to the government. Instead of shifting sectors based on the needs of the people, the Soviet leadership stuck to the five year plans. These plans continued to prioritize military and defense spending. Second, the shortage of resources and heightened tensions caused extreme hardship for the Soviet population. Because of the military spending, little resources were spent on consumer goods. Because of the shortage, only a few, well connected families had access to personal vehicles. Clothing items were hard to find and very cheaply made. The poor quality of the few goods available was a subject of constant complaint. Clothes were sloppily cut and sewn, and there were many reports of gross defects like missing sleeves in those on sale in state stores (Fitzpatrick 50). The living quarters were assigned, not chosen, so there were massive problems with overcrowding. â€Å"Communal apartments with one family per room were the standard form of housing in Russian c ities in the Stalin era. The room had no running water; sheets or curtains marked off subareas where two or three generations slept and sat†(Fitzpatrick 53). The food available was poor quality and available in extremely limited quantities. The limited quantities available were strictlyShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War And The Soviet Union973 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was a state of economic, diplomatic, and ideological discord among nations without armed conflict. The Cold War was between the United States and the USSR because these were the two major powers after WWII. Basically, the Cold War was a series of proxy wars that had taken place back in time involving surrounding countries. One of the main causes for Cold War was that the Soviet Union was spreading communism and the United States didn’t like that so they were trying to contain communismRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1233 Words  | 5 PagesThe Cold War is unique among war’s to be not a war between states, but a war between ideologies. The United States and other allies defend social democracy capitalism, as the pinnacle of freedom and equality; and the Soviet Union though communism was the pinnacle of equality. These ideologies manifested themselves through the superpowers, which caused the conflict between them. Both the United States, and the Soviet Union are to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War. The United State’s missionRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1697 Words  | 7 PagesThe Cold War, in fact didn’t take place in the winter season, but was just as dangerously cold and unwelcoming, as it focused on two contrasting powers: the U.S. and the Soviet Union. After World War 2, the Cold War influenced capitalist U.S. and communist Soviet Union to engage in disagreements causing many disputes having to use military, economic and humanitarian aid. With different goals, the contrasting powers prove through the Marshall Plan, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and SALT that communismRead MoreThe Cold War And Soviet Union840 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many theories and opinions of how the cold war started. Some believe that the cold war was the result of the belligerence of Joseph Stalin and the insecurity it caused in the United States and the West. Others believe the primary responsibility for the cold war derives from the hardline policies of the United States. (Viewpoints Article: the Soviet Union Start the Cold War) I believe The Cold War was triggered by the theory of two superpower countries in a race for dominance in the worldRead MoreCold War And The Soviet Union859 Words  | 4 PagesAMS2270 Cold War This essay will discuss about cold war, including the background, beginning, progress and ending. As we know, cold war is a struggle between U.S. with NATO and Soviet Union with WTO from 1947 to 1991. It is a significant event in history, and it influence the almost all of world, it directly lead to the radical change of eastern Europe and the breakup of the USSR. In 1946 February, George.F.Kennan wrote a â€Å"Long Telegram†, it clearly said the strategy of containing Soviets and itRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1391 Words  | 6 Pageswake of World War II as the decades-long force of Germany’s reign came to its conclusion, an extensive repositioning of authority among the world’s top powers began. The war wielded devastating consequences for most countries involved and effectively diminished the dominance Britain and France once employed across the globe. Out of this devastation rose the two new dominating forces of the world who were triumphant in the aftermath of the war: the United States and the Soviet Union. The United StatesRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was a period in world history marked with increased tensions primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both countries desired to expand their ideologies across the globe, the U.S. urging capitalism and democratic elections and the Soviets promoting communism. After the allies had obtained victory in World War II, the Yalta Conference was held. Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, wanted to expand his sphere of influence into Eastern Europe and demanded thatRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1343 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract: As one of the most important events in 20th century, the Cold War had a very deep influence for the human-being civilization and it changed the world structure . The United States and the Soviet Union ,the two poles, became enemies from friends after the World War II. They adopt hostile attitude towards each other and criticized the the opponents’ social systems. To find out who provoked the Cold War, the US, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdoms ,Roosevelt, Truman ,Stalin, and ChurchillRead MoreThe Soviet Union Of The Cold War1745 Words  | 7 Pages During the era of the Cold War, starting in 1947 and definitively ending in 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union faced off in conflicts with each other through smaller states. The United States and Soviet Union faced off to see who could spread their ideology the most in Europe. The Soviet Union used force and supported coups to spread communism while the United States installed democratic governments as a way to counter communism in Eastern Europe. These small conflicts that the two superpowersRead MoreThe Soviet Union And The Cold War1038 Words  | 5 PagesAfter a series of events during the time of World War II, tensions between the United States and the Communists such as the Soviet Union and China, developed into a military and political conflict such as the Cold War. During the Cold War, which went on for 50 years, the Soviet Union and the United States competed to expand their economical and political influence. Although, the United States military has increased in size and it’s strategy. The United States power today is highly supreme when it
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Building Positive Organizational Behavior And Macro...
Building Positive Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior (OB) is defined as a study in which individuals relate to each other in an organizational and group setting. Analysis are conducted through various perspectives, incorporating behavior inside the organization in regards to other establishments. â€Å"Organizational behavior is the methodical study of how individuals / groups think and act within organizations exhibiting how these activities affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole†(Weinclaw, 2015). The two studies used in organizations as analysis are Micro Organizational Behavior and Macro Organization. Micro examines how individuals and groups are motivated by organizations. Focusing mainly upon the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Extrinsic motivation rewards are valuable to inspire workers to obtain new talents or skill related to their jobs. Intrinsic motivation reward signifies behavior supported by an internal goal to earn external success†(Neck Murray, 2017). Team Building Team building is necessary for better communicating and interactions for positive work environment, which is the foundation towards professional association. Communication amongst supervisors, coworkers, or customer; positive communication is always essential to organizational behavior. Positive communication reduces misunderstandings and distractions in the workplace, and contributes to preserve employee connection. It is important for management to encourage effective communication between employees. Team building exercises has also exhibited to be a motivator for co-workers and build a solid dynamic organizational workforce. All employees must feel that they are valuable to the organization and its success comparable to the work of others. Feeling motivated to help others is motivation for the team to do their best regarding contribution. Sometimes hard work placed forth by a single teammate is overlooked; therefore, all member must provide equal contribution to build a stron g foundation (Maddux, Osgood Wingfield, 2009)†. Individuals must be familiar with the jobs that their co-workers are doing in order to offer support. Team-building activities can great for connecting workShow MoreRelatedFactors Influencing Organizational Behavior And The Organization1123 Words  | 5 PagesFactor Influencing Organizational Behavior Student Name Course Name Course Code Introduction The study of human behavior in organizational settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization and the organization itself is known as Organizational Behavior. The study of organizational behavior can be divided into three levels: †¢ Micro Level – Individuals in an organization †¢ Meso Level – Work Groups †¢ Macro Level – How organizations behave It was observed by ChesterRead MoreThe Relevance of Organizational Behavior as a Management Perspective: An Evaluation1478 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Organizational Behavior: Managing People Objective The objective of this study is to assume the position as principal of a school and to undertake a critical evaluation of the relevance of organizational behavior as a management perspective. The response will emphasize the importance of interpersonal relations, facilitation of group/teams and leadership in improving organizational performance and reflect the knowledge and understanding of the key theoretical concepts and best practices. Read MoreDoc, Docx, Pdf1631 Words  | 7 PagesContents Organizational justice: 1 1: Distributive justice: 1 2: procedural justice: 2 3 interactional justice: 2 Importance of organizational justice: 2 CONDITIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE IN PAKISTAN 3 Organizational citizenship behavior: 3 Definition and concept: 3 Kinds of organizational citizenship Behavior: 3 Altruism: 3 Conscientiousness: 4 Civic virtue: 4 Importance of organization citizenship behavior: 4 Organizational justice: Organizational justice showsRead MoreA Study On Abc University1387 Words  | 6 PagesCapacity building has different meanings and interpretations depending on who uses it and in what context it is used. It is generally accepted that capacity building as a concept is closely related to education, training and human resource development. This conventional concept has changed in recent years towards a broader and more holistic view, covering both institutional and country specific initiatives (Williamson, et al, 2003). Groot and Molen (2000) defined capacity building as the developmentRead MoreAnalyzing Organizational and Public Leadership Application1115 Words  | 5 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility in Brunei Organizational and public leadership application/ analysis paper The act of leadership is as old as humanity itself, yet it has only been throughout the recent few decades that more emphasis has been placed on leadership at a theoretical level. At the practical level, leadership has been exerted from ancient times, from the building of the pyramids, to the organization of Roman markets; it was an act completed by people in key positions and it was basedRead MoreThe Discussion And Analysis Of Delta Air Lines Essay1665 Words  | 7 PagesThis recap is in reference to the paper submitted on September 20th, 2016 the discussion and analysis of Delta Air Lines was a continuance of systems theory evaluation of September 13, 2016 of the problem of effective communication in an organization and interdivisional effectiveness resulting in obsolete and poor transference of information. This occurred when strategic decisions closed out or altered promotional programs for stakeholders including clients. This alteration of policies evoked confusionRead MoreEs say on Nogo Railroad1171 Words  | 5 Pageswithin their organization starting with their ancient communications process which needs immediate attention of an experienced manager. However, the operations manager has decided to promote the chief dispatcher Dave Keller who has little to no experience in managing the communications department. This organization has a history of resistance to change which is causing a major problem for the future of this business. Brown (2011) states, â€Å"Change is a way of life in today’s organization, but organizationsRead MoreEnron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Essay1889 Words  | 8 Pageslawyers fees, and stock losses. He was the one who hired Skilling after a similar scandal in the 1980s nearly derailed the company, never concerned with ethics, only profits. Lay even sickeningly and psychotically compares his and Enrons criminal behavior, and the criticism of it, with the 9/11 attacks. All three started dumping their stock based o n their most inside information months before the company tanked, and this forms the bases of the cases against Skilling and Lay, which are underway. FastowRead MoreCorporate Image And Sustainability : An Organization1955 Words  | 8 Pagesof legal, social and ethical misbehavior. The reputation of an organization is a primary feature of its ability to operate and function successfully in a global context. When accused of ethical impropriety, it is not uncommon for an organization to errect a stance of denial, excuses, and justifications. The typical reactions of corporate entities seek to â€Å"†¦defend their actions and image†(Eweje Wu, 2010, p. 379). Unethical behavior and the irresponsible responses given by businesses operatingRead MoreMarketing Research At The Bureau Of Labor Statistics1482 Words  | 6 Pages Thus, for this reason, change has to come from the top of the chain in creating a high-performance organization. A multidisciplinary task force, including senior leaders and a diverse group of employees, set up with the authority and responsibility to enact changes as a certified management coach (Gertner, Sabino, Mahad, Deitric, Patton, Grim, Salas-Lopez, 2010). With this in mind organization empowered to motivate staff to meet the future challenges of the transformation ultimately in a diverse
Retail Tracking Systems Free Essays
Retail Tracking Systems Retail Pro or MicroStrategy? Retail Pro is Business Intelligence software that enables retail store owners to customize a â€Å"Point-of-Sale†(POS) method of retailing. The key feature of this software is the ability to create multiple revenues of sales inside one store. The software allows employees to select from an array of add-on modules to run a retail establishment using strategic planning and undergoing the various tasks involved operating a retail establishment. We will write a custom essay sample on Retail Tracking Systems or any similar topic only for you Order Now Retail Pro is flexible, easy to use, and accommodates small businesses to large corporations by increasing retention and customer satisfaction by creating the â€Å"better client experience†. (Retail Pro International, 2010) Retail Pro Software Features * Software infrastructure * Point of Sale and Store Operations * Merchandising * Central Customer Management * Central Returns Management * Oracle Database Engine This software creates very flexible reporting of business data you need at the time you need it. The POS and back office has extensive capabilities creating a work flow customized upon the needs of your business such as inventory management, purchase ordering, integration with payment solutions, store replenishment, receiving, and employee management. Retail Pro is perfect for businesses starting out small and grows as the business grows. There are several modules that are centrally focused on what types of products you sell in your retail establishment. Some of these modules are as listed: * Gifts and Toy Solutions Hard Goods Solutions * Home Furnishing Solutions * Specialty Apparel Solutions * Jewelry Solutions Each of these modules specialize in helping keep track of inventory, merchandising, customer management using role-specific dashboards capable of period to period analysis and reporting to improve business, store performance, and profit margins. The advantages of its Business Intelligence is that it saves time and money, improves profit margins, increases business and s tore performance, and maximizes returns on existing data sources. Retail Pro International, 2010) MicroStrategy is Business Intelligence Software for retail tracking systems in the palm of your hand. It’s the Mobile Business Intelligence that applies iPad as a business tool. You can access dashboards to create brilliant business analysis and reports any time, any where. Besides having extraordinary displays for data, MicroStrategy includes the following features: * Unlimited data analysis * Data mining * Forecasting * Operations Management * Executive decision making MicroStrategy’s mobile iPhone and iPad views videos on YouTube and views Podcasts in iTunes. This mobile retail tracking system even comes with a free custom dashboard. The Business Intelligence Architecture is low in cost for ownership and delivers high performance and sophisticated analytics. If you are interested in Beta Programs, there are options one can participate. The following is what is included in MicroStrategy’s business applications: * Mobile Business Intelligence Financial Analysis * HR Analytics * Supply Chain Analytics * Sales Analytics * CRM * Balanced Scoreboard MicroStrategy is World Class Business Intelligence for all your business needs. It is very user friendly migrating from departmental Business Intelligence to enterprise Business Intelligence. MicroStrategy can develop and deploy department Business Intelligence applications quickly and deliver enterprise Business Intelligence with higher performance and efficiency. (MicroStrategy, 2010) I knew there was a strategy involved in running a retail establishment, but I did not realize that retail tracking systems available today creating your Point-of-Sale could be as easy as using the computer to keep track of the elements involved in various levels regarding merchandizing to keeping inventory, customer satisfaction to the â€Å"better client experience, and payment solutions to business analysis reports. It is wonderful to know that there are solutions you can implement that can make your business experience a good one! What features of a Point-of-Sale retail tracking system would be important to me would be directly related to how I plan to expand my business levels beyond the brick and mortar retail establishment. My boutique is going to retail various products that I create and design myself which includes fashion design apparel, jewelry, home decor items, Nature Crafts, custom-made gifts, and toysâ€â€items that are included inside my product labels of my brand. I would have to start out with a tracking system that meets these needs to run my retail establishment which are as follows: * Inventory Management system for each label separately Merchandising of products under each label separately * Payment Solutions that allow payment by other methods that are not cash purchases * Customer Management * Point-of-Sale options * Business Intelligence for analytical reports and business operations * Employee Management * Consumer behavior, geographical, economic, and social trends statistics * Securi ty of business operations and store location I plan to add to my business by featuring instructional classes teaching various types of crafts a couple times a week, changing the activities when consumer interest and participation changes. I am also adding a new element of offering custom designed clothing and accessories upon customer request. A couple of my product labels will expand in the operations of how the product is presented to consumers by expanding the activities and product in various ways. Basically, the changes that will happen beyond the brick and mortar retail establishment will happen upon expanding the different business levels of each label, adding a few new features that compliment the products, and by getting customer participation teaching various art activities. I will also expand my marketing boundaries by adding a website customers can purchase my products, contemplate the possibilities of creating a product catalog, and have certain products available to consumers placed in other stores that carry similar items. Plans of expansion beyond the retail location will need a more complex Point-of-sale retail tracking system than what would already be in place. Features I would consider important due to the changes of business operations at this point would be as follows: Multiple levels of sales reflecting the expansion of the various labels group * Website operations and Point-of-Sale system attached to various labels group * Packaging and drop shipping department added to business operations which will require a more complex system so that product sales are attached to correct label group * Retail accounts added to business revenue * Adding a Point-of-Sale system that involves the custom designed apparel made upon customer requests, or altera tions made to purchased store apparel * Customizable Business Intelligence features and POS system accommodating business expansion levels Based upon my business needs at the beginning of my retail establishment, features that I would require of a POS retail tracking system would be relatively basic of retail operations and tasks. I would want to start my retail business operations with a POS tracking system that would allow the changes of various nature when I started to expand my business operations. Of the two tracking systems discussed in this report, Retail Pro and MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Software, the system I feel would be the best fit would be Retail Pro because of the versatility of the Business Intelligence features the software includes. Retail Pro has the capability of customizing the system of operations to accommodate the complexity of each product label group as expansion is implemented. My business level of operations is definitely one that does not resemble what would be considered a traditional retail system of operations because each product label is considered to be a separate unit of business to start. When expansion changes the avenues on which each product label makes revenue, the already in-place POS tracking system has to be able to accommodate these changes. Retail Pro’s features and customizable system of operations can accommodate changes very easily. Even with the most complex system of operations a business could have, Retail Pro would be the best fit to meet all the needs and expectations I need to operate my retail business. MicroStrategy is, in my opinion, not as convenient a fit for my establishment and nature of my multiple revenue types because the product’s mobile capabilities is not a feature I consider important, if at all, when choosing a POS retail tracking system and it working efficiently for its purpose matching the structure of my business operations. I would use a POS retail tracking system upon business start-up because starting my POS system as the business grows will be a positive action that will get results for the purpose of the tracking system benefits. As my business grows, doing business without a tracking system in place would be a sure failure. Company websites included inside this report: http://www. retailpro. com/ http://www. microstrategy. com/ How to cite Retail Tracking Systems, Papers
Drugs and the Music Industry free essay sample
We have all benefited in one way or another from a Caucasians use Of mind altering chemicals or in some cases, plants, and this is an undeniable fact. Drugs have had an overall positive impact on the music industry. They have inspired, enlightened, expanded, and even destroyed the minds of some of Americas best musicians. However, no matter what happens to the musician, the drug fueled music that they have made lives on forever to inspire later generations of youth to join the revolution and create something worthwhile.Whether it be jazz, rap, rock, electronic, or even modern day pop, as long as people are out there creating music, there will be a new type of drug to fuel the fire. The history of drug use started with jazz musicians and their use of heroin, and led to the counterculture movement and their avocation of psychedelic drugs and marijuana. This in turn brought about the punk movement, who took drug use to an extreme that was not seen before. Although this drug use positively effects the musical aspect, it does destroy the lives of those who choose to take the risk.Many musicians have lost their lives to drug use which shows the fine line between just drug use, and drug abuse. Despite all the negatives, drugs have had a positive impact on the American music industry over the past 1 00 years. The whole thing started with a little thing called jazz. Down south and in the streets of Harlem, many famous jazz musicians were known to be hard drug users whose drug of choice was heroin. This drug could keep you up for days upon end with little to no food, allowing for hours and hours of practice and time to write beautiful works of art. Wink) Famous musicians such as Ray Charles, Miles Davis, and Hank Mobile all were using this hip drug and their influence led to not only just other musicians using it to increase their playing abilities but also to the everyday listener. This caused a problem in the jazz immunity as more and more people were falling victim to this drug for all the wrong reasons. People were becoming hooked on this new jazz sensation. In those days, people did not know the overwhelming addictive powers of heroin. The mistake they made was trying it just once.After they tried it, they were hooked, and the creativity part of it was no longer. It simply became an addiction. (Wink) Once the creativity aspect left the equation, it just became another drug to be abused. However, almost all popular music to this day have heavy roots and jazz, which just goes to show that although it destroyed ivies, the music created was greatly influential. Next came the infamous counterculture, the hippie movement of the sasss. This generation of peace and love highly advocated the use of marijuana and psychedelics such as LSI, mushrooms, mescaline, peyote, and MADAM.These drugs definitely showed up in the music of the decade. Bands such as the Beetles, Pink Floyd, The Jim Hendrix Experience, and many others all took these psychedelics and entered a sort of trance that increased their composing and lyrical abilities. (Gillespie) Some people say that even in order to fully understand this music, one must be under the influence of some sort f drug. Since a lot, but not all, of the drugs that were done during this time period were not addictive, everyone seemed to be enjoying this movement without any inference.Much of the music created during this time period is still popular today and has a big impact on the youth, showing the positive effects of these drugs on the music industry at this time. The use of drugs in the music scene was at its most extreme during the Hardcore Punk movement of the sasss. This scene was entirely different from any that was experienced before. Drug use also held initial significance n the movement; the inherent connection between recreational drug use and the production of rock music applied to the Hardcore movement just as it appeared in the music of the asss. (Cashbook) The punks took any drug that was available to them that was cheap and hit fast and hard. Inevitably, their drug of choice became speed because, It was cheap, it was around, and you could play fast music on it. It also curtailed your appetite. In San Francisco, the Negative Trend guys literally lived on potatoes. (Mark) This revolutionary drug let musicians play for days upon end with no sleep and title need for basic necessities. It may have taken a toll on their bodies, however the pure, raw energy it created was something never seen before. Drug use, however, does not increase your creativity.There is no scientific evidence that shows a direct correlation between drug and alcohol use and the creative parts of your brains. To the contrary, studies have shown that I actually limits the amount your brain functions. (summary, Coinage) However, the mainstream media portrays such a direct link between the two that when people take drugs, they convince themselves that they have these effects. The drugs almost act as a placebo for a persons creativity. If you truly believe that taking drugs will help you write any type of music, then it most likely will, and vice versa.It all has to do with the perspective Of the user and their outlook they have on drugs. Although drug use has positively influenced the quality of music over the years, it has also taken the lives of many fantastic musicians who crossed the line from use, to abuse. Musicians such as Jim Hendrix, Janis, Joplin, Amy Whininess, and countless others have all died due to some sort of drug or alcohol addiction. Blindsided) Jim Hendrix allegedly overdosed on sleeping pills. Janesville overdoes on heroin. Amy Whininess died due to alcohol intoxication.These were all supremely talented musicians who let the drugs get the better of them. At first the drugs were used for the rush and a creative boost, but they eventually turned into a habit that couldnt be quit. Their music also glorified addiction and the use of the drugs that were killing them. This shows the fine line between just the simple use of drugs and the powerful force of addiction that can overtake you if you are not careful. It seems as if todays music really romanticizes the use of drugs and alcohol, and in some cases, even advocates addiction.Tom Hamilton of Aerostatic even said, he probably wouldnt have come up with that great bass line from Sweet Emotion had he not been high (Bollixing) This does not exactly promote a sober living, and no rock stars truly do, but it goes on to prove that drugs do in fact have a positive effect on musicians writing and playing abilities. However, this could become a bad thing for todays youth. Seeing as many teens look up to musicians and pop stars who live a wild lifestyle, it may influences them to make stupid decisions that they otherwise wouldnt have made.Drugs must be used with a purpose in mind, whether it be gaining an experience, making art, or writing music. Too many teens will destroy their lives just trying something for the thrill of the high or to just look cool. Over the past 20 years, straight-edge movements have been gaining in popularity. These groups make music and pledge to not take drugs or alcohol. It seems as if more and more teens are getting into these sober movements because they offer something different from the norm. It has become normal or musicians to be drunks and addicts and these teens are just looking for a change.These groups make one wonder whether or not the link between drugs and music is finally breaking down, or if this is just a small blip in the radar of music. Although the majority of evidence is against it, drugs still have made a positive effect on the music industry. They have paved the road for countless great bands, albums, and songs and have opened the doors of creativity to many musicians. This is very prevalent within the music of the Beetles. If it werent for marijuana and L SD, their success and experimentation would eve been very limited.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Distracted driving free essay sample
According to the New York Times, using a phone while operating a vehicle puts drivers at four times the risk of crashing as other drivers. The likelihood that the crash would happen is the same as someone with a . 08 percent blood alcohol level (where drivers are considered to be intoxicated) (Richtel 1). A 2003 Harvard study estimated that 330,000 car accidents occurred in the United States with moderate and severe injuries among the victims as a result of cell phone use. Another 2,600 cell phone related accidents resulted in a death (Richtel 1). The problem is that most drivers over estimate their ability to multi-task. Their consciousness is quickly divided as soon as their attention is focused on things other than the road. Distracted driving is not just limited to cell phone use while driving. It can include behaviors such as shaving, eating, drinking, talking, or even listening to the radio. With these behaviors, both hands may not be on the wheel, eyes may not be fixed on the road, or attention could be transfixed on other noises and surroundings. I really don’t think that they truly understand the danger that they are putting themselves or other drivers in. Although a drive thru may be a faster and more convenient way to pick up supper, eating while driving can be very dangerous.When digging through your fast food bag, you have to take your eyes off of the road; this can result in swerving or wrecking into another driver. Another example of why eating and driving is dangerous is that when you drop a piece of food or some type of condiment on you, your first instinct is to remove it or wipe it up. Again, this can result in taking your eyes off of the road and possibly crashing. If so, just think about the effects that would cause if you were watching a video while driving. There are many ways this form of distraction can affect you while operating a vehicle. For example, you only need to take your eyes off of the road for a split second in order to cause an accident or fall victim to an accident. The person in front of you may have hit their breaks to stop from hitting the little girl crossing the road to get the ball, you are watching a video and do not see them hit their breaks, you hit them going 55 miles an hour and they are pushed into the little girl.I know this is example is gruesome but, it is also very possible. Remember when driving to stay focused on the road and what you and other drivers are doing. I personally do not want to be the cause of an accident and I doubt any of you do either, so please people pay attention. That burger can wait until you get home and so can the movie, but most importantly, a text or phone call is not as important as a life, and whoever calls, if needed will call back. Thank you, Rachel Fregia
Sunday, April 12, 2020
How Will This Scholarship Help You Achieve Your Goals?
How Will This Scholarship Help You Achieve Your Goals?There are many different scholarships available for students, however if you are taking a college course that is related to science, technology, engineering or mathematics you will want to see if there is a college essay sample that can help you with this scholarship. Here are some tips on how to write your college essay sample.Your scholarship can be to an internal scholarship or can be to an external scholarship that is aimed at the particular type of student you are. You can take your selection from the science, technology, engineering or mathematics, high school scholarships available or you can take your selection from the general scholarships available.Writing an essay about an important event or life challenge will help you focus and become more present in the situation you are writing about. Writing your essay sample is not only a challenging process but it is also a very important part of learning to be a professional.How will this scholarship help you achieve your goals? You should take your preferences from the educational institutions, the college or universities or the particular field that you intend to pursue. This will help you see how your choices can help you achieve your ultimate goal.The greatest thing about this type of scholarship is that they will help you avoid a long and drawn out process in acquiring money that is needed for tuition fees, books and other necessary supplies. The essay sample is designed to provide all the details you need to write a dissertation or academic paper for your future.How will this scholarship help you achieve your goals? You should seek advice from your scholarship provider to make sure you are getting the most appropriate scholarship for you. There is a multitude of scholarship providers on the Internet that will help you to find the best possible scholarship for you.What's more, there are many ways you can show the importance of this scholarship and how will this scholarship help you achieve your goals. You should take your talents to a new level.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Work Place Rewards
Introduction Organizations and companies experience a lot of challenges in attracting and retaining quality productive work force. They are faced with the problem of wanting to maintain and to make their employees satisfied to tap their optimum productivity and their ideas while at the same time make them creative and satisfied while keeping them motivated and satisfied.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Work Place Rewards specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations have been widely studied and there has been an understanding that they can bring change in organizations. There are various forms of motivation techniques that are employed by companies like motivational salary and fewer hours of working. Other factors such as strong communication in the organization, recognition, added responsibility and achievement are also factors that can motivate employees (Reeve, 2009). Workplace environme nt impacts on the engagement, productivity, and morale of employees positively and negatively. In the modern work environment, companies cannot afford to waste their potential workforce. The primary factors in the workplace that can impact on the performance and the productivity of the employees are rewards and motivation. These affect the productivity, morale and engagement. In order to motivate employees, various companies have implemented several practices like performance-based employment and salary increase as the primary incentives. The workplace factors that affect performance are illustrated in the following diagram. (Oyedele, 2011)Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Assessment of a department according to goal setting, performance evaluation and reward My analysis of my company or organization will be focused on the sales department: sales department and its staff are mainly responsible for the public relations of the company, customer services, client relationship as well as sales and promotion of the company. Working in the sales department requires candidates who are highly skilled, particularly in the areas of communication, understanding of various concepts and ability of an individual to interact and network. It also demands for enthusiasm and sales and marketing skills. The organization utilizes the one-on-one oriented reward system whereby the manager rewards a person or individual team member for achieving the sales target. Other reward incentives for the company are the rewarding of the sales team of the month which serves to motivate employees who work well as a team and who realize their sales target. In the organization, goals are set by individuals as opposed to the team members’ or the team leaders. The goals set should be operational, realistic and applicable. Individual sales members can collaborate and decide on the rele vant goals that are appropriate for their work function. The organization’s reward system is effective but there is a problem of enforcing the rules and the regulation that are needed in the promotion of prosperity and reward system. The managers in the organization should move beyond the reward system and reinforcement, and instead they should find out as what can intrinsically motivate employees. Extrinsic rewards are an indication that personal gain is imminent and the situations taken are considered to be a turn for the better (Reeve, 2009). Major tasks of the department of the job: does it cultivate intrinsic motivation Motivation is a process that can arouse, energize, stimulate and sustain a behavior as well as performance. It is considered as a way of stimulating people to action and work towards the realization of a particular goal. Effective motivation is the best way of stimulating people, and money is considered to be an unmatched motivator together with other inc entives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Work Place Rewards specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the greatest aspects of intrinsic rewards is job satisfaction and if an individual is not satisfied with his job then the performance will drop and get affected hence damaging and impacting negatively on-the-job performance of the team and the organization. Praise and recognition are given to an employee for any task or job that is well and positively done, but it should be noted that the existence of an autonomy and responsibility is a form of extrinsic motivation and reward. Consequently, individual development both at the career and personal levels is considered to be a form of intrinsic reward (Reeve, 2009). Employees engage in certain behaviors in order to receive rewards and people expect rewards when they take part in a particular behavior; when people expect rewards, then it undermines their intrinsic moti vation but unexpected rewards do not undermine intrinsic motivation. Rewards have the ability to interfere with the quality of performance, but it can affect the flexibility of the work since when rewards are stopped, the employees quit after attaining the criterion. Incentives, rewards and consequences have benefits but extrinsic rewards do not have any impact or facilitating effect. Intrinsic motivation has the effect of making uninteresting task interesting. When the employees are motivated, they get to have a conceptual understanding of what they are expected to do, this is because intrinsic motivation enhances flexibility in the thinking of the employees. When employees are extrinsically motivated they get to learn how to integrate information in a flexible and conceptual manner (Reeve, 2009). There is the believe that intrinsic motivators have a high psychological cost and impact in terms of intrinsic motivation, process of learning, self-regulation and quality of learning. Mo tivation in the workplace may be realized by maintaining a strong reward system. Every individual or employee demands a particular degree of motivation in order to perform their tasks in the workplace environment.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Absence of motivation makes procrastination worse and reduces employee morale, and it might cause conflict. Motivation enables workers to work efficiently and productively (Grant Shin, 2011). The company-wide rewards like bonus or profit sharing, praise or recognition Motivation is a necessity in life situation, in a workplace; motivation plays a critical role in leadership performance and success. Salary and promotion have been considered as the main two ways of motivating employees. Employees also get motivated when they are treated well. Loyalty and recognition are the key element in the motivation of workers in order to motivate productivity. Employees are also motivated through praise. Motivation is a psychological process, and it is therefore, an important element of behavior, and it can be used to predict or regulate or model a behavior (Reeve, 2009). Rewards are portrayed to have direct relationships and ability to attract, retain and motivate employees. Employee behavior s hould be reflected in work satisfaction and performance (Grant Shin, 2011). Praise functions as an extrinsic event that has the effect to motivate and motivate individual behavior and serve to inform the competence about a job well done. Any supervisor who uses praise to communicate to its workers and congratulate the employees for a job well done will act as a motivator. Praise can be communicated in a controlled manner and will have the effect of tagging a tone of pressure among the employees. Praise itself does not have a motivational effect, but it is the way it is administered that brings the motivational effect (Reeve, 2009). Bonus can instigate good performance. Employees are provided with bonus when they exceed expectations in order to motivate them to work higher (Oyedele, 2011). The very tangible way where the employers can motivate their employees is through the institutionalizing of the incentive and reward system. These serve to pay performance. Monetary incentives are considered the best by managers since it reinforces performance and good ideas. With the incentives system, the employees can record high levels of performance and job satisfaction. Bonuses, for example, are made under the system and basis of employee output (Oyedele, 2011). Using goals: what goals are set, how they are set and how effective can they be Goals and the setting of goals is a very important task for the organization. People with goals outshine those without goals, and people perform better when they have goals that motivate them. There is always a need for goal specificity, which should guide the performer about what he intents to do. Vague goals are irrelevant and there is a need to specify the goal in good and realistic numerical time frames. Goals should be specific because they draw attention to what needs to be done and at what time, it also helps in reducing the ambiguity in thought and the variability in employee performance. Goals are necessary because they inf orm the performer on what to do specifically and where and when to concentrate. Goals are fundamental because they enable an individual to revise an already tested strategy through undertaking and creating an improved strategy. Goals motivate as well as increasing the ability and capability of the individual (Reeve, 2009). Goal setting translates into an effective and increased performance based on the context of feedback; they enable the individual to keep track on what is happening and their progress towards the set goals. For an employee to perform better there is a need for feedback and a goal that will enable him to maximize performance. Goal acceptance is a critical variable in the setting of goals, and it is undertaken in the context of interpersonal relationships where individual attempts to provide others to the goal. Goals improve performance only once they are internalized. Workplace leaders, for example, improve the capability of their employees by providing or drafting a compelling vision for the company’ future. Goals can be realized when there are incentives or rewards that are extrinsic. Incentives like money, scholarship and public recognition have the power to influence the witness by assigning measurable goals. Goals can be short-term or long term. The following are necessary considerations in the setting of goals: identify the goals to be established or accomplished and define goal difficulty. One main aim of attaining objectives is to establishing goals or goal setting. Effective goal setting entails the following sequential procedure (Reeve, 2009). Mental simulation is not fantasies for success or wishful thinking. There is a difference between goal content and the process of attaining the goal. Mental simulation focuses on the production of goal-oriented action. For any goal to be accomplished, a lot of time must be spent in planning how to attain them since planning is an integral part of a goal-oriented performance. Several peop le fail to realize their goals because they do not establish the specific action plans on how to attain the goals, they also fail to specify on when to initiate the goal-oriented action as well as failing to specify how they can ensure their goal-oriented persistence in face and times of interruptions and disruptions. Goals that are set should be implementable and there should be an implementation intention before they are established or set in order to bring them into fruition. There are goal setting and goal striving strategies and sequences that should be followed, the sequences in the realization of goal setting are: specifying the objectives, defining the difficulty, clarifying the goal specificity and specifying the time frame. The steps on goal striving strategies are: check on the acceptance of the goal, discuss the goal, attainment strategies, create the implementation intentions and provide the performance feedback. Regular tracking of goals provides an opportunity for imm ediate feedback and enables the workers to make adjustments in the performance plans and to tackle any emerging obstacles (Oyedele, 2011). Conclusion The performance of the employees is related to the degree of their motivation, and this has led to various employees’ management methods like the Gantt’s task and bonus wage. Motivation acts as a catalyst that can spur the eagerness of en employee to work. Motivation can be positive or negative. Motivation can be effective to an employee or to a group of employees. It should be understood that work motivation is psychological, and it only serves to direct, to energize and to maintain action-oriented job, task or project. Reward system should be designed in a manner that can be in conformity with the strategies of a company in question. A rewarded behavior is prone to be repeated. References Grant, A. M., Shin, J. (2011). Work motivation: Directing, energizing, and maintaining effort (and research). Forthcoming in R. M. R yan (Ed.), Oxford handbook of motivation. London, UK: Oxford University Press. Oyedele, O. (2011). How Managers can motivate their Employees. Science Topics. Web. Reeve, J. (2009). Understanding motivation and emotion. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. This essay on Work Place Rewards was written and submitted by user Deborah Vega to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Do Third-Party Social Media Tools Impact Facebook Organic Reach
Do Third-Party Social Media Tools Impact Facebook Organic Reach â€Å"So, does Facebook penalize posts from your tool?†This is a common question we get asked. Typically, it’ll be sparked by underperforming posts. Or, a curious marketer will stumble upon rumor claiming posts third-party tools receive diminished organic reach. It’s easy to see why this issue causes concern. You put a lot of work into building your social media presence. While scheduling posts manually is very nearly impossible at scale, you don’t want to risk your business with tools that hurt more than help. Let’s answer this question once and for all. What You Need to Know about Social Media Tools and Facebook Organic ReachCan I Get a Yes Or No Answer? If you’re busy, the short answer is no. Facebook does not penalize posts from third-party tools. The posts you create with (or any other tool) will perform as well as those posted manually. While it’s true that Facebook used to penalize such tools, that changed in 2011. When that announcement came out, the folks at Buffer had it covered. Here’s what Facebook development consultant Matt Trainer had to say: â€Å"†¦we recently made a fix that added more signals to detect good quality posting behavior. This should improve the situation with the distribution of posts coming from third-party apps in the News Feed.†*cue deep sigh of relief* And with that, we’ll let you get back to work. *cue deep sigh of relief* And with that, we’ll let you get back to work. The Source of the Problem Facebook organic reach has been declining on brand pages for a long time. That much isn’t a secret. In fact, Marketing Land reported back in August of 2016 that organic reach was down 52% for brands at that time. It certainly hasn’t gotten any better since then, either. What brands can actually do about it, though, is another matter. The fact is there are no easy solutions for marketers to succeed on Facebook. It takes strategy, creativity, and a lot of hard work. No short cuts. When it comes time to report metrics though, marketers need answers for their organizations. â€Å"Reach is down, and we don’t know why†isn’t something any business owner wants to hear. Even if your organic reach is hitting the slopes, you still need two things: A compelling answer for what’s going on. A plan to mitigate the technical challenges to marketing on Facebook. In trying to address the issue, the tools involved are bound to be questioned. Sometimes, rumors die hard. The old yarn about Facebook penalizing third-party tools refuses to go away. And as long as reach declines, it’ll likely remain in the discussion. The truth is that Facebook has explicitly said posts from third-party tools aren’t penalized. In fact, data from Buffer and this report from AgoraPulse supports this. So, If My Reach Still Looks Low, What’s the Real Issue? There could be at least a couple factors at play. Everyone’s situation is different, though. It’s tough to guess at why one page may underperform while another excels. But, here are two different areas where we’d recommend taking a look. Do People Like Your Content? Engagement (likes, clicks, and shares) can help give your reach a post. Facebook wants to reward content people enjoy, after all. If people aren’t interested in your posts, engagement is naturally going to drop. In this case, it might be worth reassessing your Facebook content strategy. Mixing it up with different types of messaging, or different forms of content might help. For example, you might try posting more videos. Or, perhaps multi-image posts might be more appealing. These are just some examples. Of course, there could be other intangible elements of your content to investigate, too. Here are some things to consider: Are my images strong? Visual content is important on Facebook. Analyze images that have done well in the past, and reverse-engineer your own success. Is my copy off-target? It’s possible your messaging might not be resonating with your audience, either. Try approaching this the same way you would with your visuals. Take a look at posts that have done well in the past, and see if you can identify any common themes. Do all of my posts include links? Facebook is an important platform for driving traffic back to your blog or website. However, not every post necessarily needs to have a link. Facebook wants you to spend more time on their own platform, right? So, feed Facebook creative content that can stand on its own without a link. You might not always get referral traffic, but you can still reinforce your brand message. Are You Posting At the Best Times? If reach is partially influenced by engagement, then you need to be posting when your audience is most active. So, if your social posts are underperforming, it could be that your posting times aren’t optimized for your audience. mitigates this problem with our Best Time Scheduling feature, which intelligently schedules posts at the best times for your audience. Take a look at your Facebook Insights and see which times appear to perform best. Or, if you’re setting times manually for your posts in , take a look at your Social Engagement Reports. Dig through your past 20 or 30 posts or so (to have a decent sample size), and make note of which times appeared to perform best. You might learn your audience is more active at certain times, or on certain days. Recommended Reading: What 16 Studies Say About the Best Times to Post on Social Media How to Use Social Media Analytics to Create the Best Content How to Make the Best Social Media Images the Easy Way (+84 Free Images) How to Write for Social Media to Create the Best PostsIs your #Facebook #reach declining? Heres what to do about it.Are Your Posts Overly Promotional? Facebook cracked down on promotional posts back in late 2014. What is a promotional post exactly? Promotional posts are most easily categorized as organic posts that sound like ads. If your posts Include hard calls-to-action (ex: Buy Now, Read This, etc.). Incorporate dollar signs or other dead giveaways that youre directly selling something. Promote contests without creative context (ex: Like this post to win a free iPad) then you can expect your posts to be demoted in the newsfeed. Heres the official word from Facebook: According to people we surveyed, there are some consistent traits that make organic posts feel too promotional: Posts that solely push people to buy a product or install an app Posts that push people to enter promotions and sweepstakes with no real context Posts that reuse the exact same content from ads And heres an example of what Facebook considers a promotional post: So, whats a marketer to do? Put your users first. Think, What would my audience want to see on Facebook? Get creative. Create Facebook content thats entertaining and connects with your audiences interests. Pay to promote posts or run Facebook ads. If you want to directly push products on Facebook, then pay for those posts. If youre just getting started with Facebook advertising, check out this guide from Neil Patel. We also recommend this guide from Convince And Convert on promoting posts, too. There You Have It, Another Case Closed You now know that third-party tools aren’t penalized by Facebook. In addition, you now have some starting points to help you improve your organic reach on the platform, too. If you have any lingering questions, comments, or concerns, drop us a comment below!
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Employers Liability for its Employees Sex Abuse Case Study
Employers Liability for its Employees Sex Abuse - Case Study Example The case involved an employer who operated a care facility for mentally disabled children. One of the employees in the facility sexually abused a child. The supreme could of Canada held that the employer was vicariously liable for the unauthorized, intentional and wrong act of the employee. The Supreme Court issued a two-part approach to test whether an employer should be held vicariously liable. The test is as follows: 1) The court shall openly assess whether the liability should be imposed against the employer, rather than obscuring the decision under semantic discussions of scope of the employment and mode of the conduct. 2) The court shall assess whether the wrong act is sufficiently connected to conduct authorized by the employer to warrant imposition of liability on the employer. Where there is sufficient connection between the offence and the authority granted to the employee, vicarious liability will be enforced on the employer to serve as adequate remedy for the plaintiff and as deterrence. In determining the sufficiency of connection, the court shall consider the following factors: In addition, in the case of sexual assault, John Doe v. Bennett in which a Parish priest (Bennet) of the Roman Catholic Diocese in Newfoundland, Canada abused several young boys who were under his care for thirty years while serving as a parish priest. (White, 2005). The Canada Supreme Court upheld the decision of a lower court and ruled that, the Roman Catholic Diocese was vicariously directly liable for the actions of Bennet. Therefore, from the legal provisions and cases aforementioned, it is evident that the defendant (principle) in Curry’s case scenario is vicariously liable for the misconduct of his/her employee, curry if the application of the second part of the Bazley test in Curry’s case is anything to go by because: Firstly, the employer afforded Curry the opportunity to abuse his power in that the job description of the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
1500-1834 in England women an dependent children how their needs were Essay
1500-1834 in England women an dependent children how their needs were met including the Elizabethan Poor Laws and the Poor Law Reforms of 1834 - Essay Example Private benefactors would also leave wills to establish almshouses that provided shelter for women and dependent children. However, the growing numbers of the population that required such services soon overwhelmed individual philanthropy, hence the need of a series of Acts to address their needs. The Poor Relief Act 1601 (or the Elizabethan Poor Law) formalized previous practices of the distribution of poor relief in England and Wales. Previously, poor women and dependent children were catered for by the decentralized parish as an administrative unit, but the new law was more of a correction than punishing system for the targeted population (Day, 2013). However, the population was growing faster than the available resources could handle and it was argued that many women opted to for the pleasant option of claiming relief rather than working to earn. Further, the â€Å"iron law of wages†also argued that the aid provided under the Elizabethan Poor Law undermined workersâ€℠¢ wages as employers reduced their pay yet the workers who did not receive the aid needed protection. This led to the Poor Law Amendment of 1834 that replaced the 1601 law. The rationale of this law was that people who could not work were to be taken care of in almshouses while the poor but able-bodied were to work for pay in a House of Industry. Children dependent on the poor women would become
Monday, January 27, 2020
Measuring And Reporting The Cost Of Quality
Measuring And Reporting The Cost Of Quality It is well known that most of the company promote quality as the central customer value and consider it to be a key factor to achieving competitiveness. Since continuous improvement is not only to meet customers demand, but also to do it at the lowest costs, any related to improve quality must take into account the costs associated with achieving quality. Nevertheless, this can only be happen if they identified and measures reduction on costs needed to achieving quality. Therefore, measuring and reporting the cost of quality (COQ) should be consider as an important concern for managers. The term Cost of quality is widely used and also widely misunderstood. Although in the early decade, quality cost were describe as the cost of rework, inspection, scrap and the cost of running in the quality department but still people often misunderstand cost of quality as the cost of creating a quality product or service. The earliest writing on the concept of quality costs was Juran, (1951). Juran introduced Gold in the Mine which represents the potential savings in quality improvement efforts. He describes the cost of poor quality as the sum of all costs that would disappear if there were no quality problem. Cost of quality has become popular since that time. In the 1950s, quality costs were divided into four main categories by some scientists Feigenbaum (1983); Juran and Gryna (1993); Masser (1957) as prevention, appraisal, internal failure and external failure costs. Prevention costs are the costs incurred to preclude the production of products that do not conform to specifications. Examples of the costs are new product review, quality planning, error proofing, quality improvement projects etc. Products that not conforming to specification must be repaired, reworked, or scrapped at an additional cost to the organization, this is what we called internal failure costs. Thus, to prevent pay an additional cost, a firm will conduct appraisal cost which is to determine the degree of conformance to quality requirements. It is also refer as inspection costs which included testing, process or service audits and etc. Lastly, if the non-conformance errors remain after the product is shipped and the product breaks down at the customers site, even g reater repair costs as well as the loss of customer goodwill; this is how often the highest quality cost of all may result and we refer this as external failure costs. As suggested by Joseph Juran in the 1950s, there are organizations which skeptical about the real strength of cost of quality. Johnson (1995) also found a number of quality practitioners who viewed COQ systems as administrative nightmares and as impediments to quality rather than as contributors to quality. Why would this happen? Does this skepticism still existing? Some researchers found out the reasons for not tracking quality cost are lack of management support, absence of management interest in such costs, lack of understanding of the principle of quality costing amongst the management team, lack of adequate accounting and inadequate information systems. 1.2: Research Objective. The objective of this project is to investigate how important cost of quality system should be implementing as a management tool and does it benefit to the firms in both Singapore and Malaysia. In addition, this project also identify whether advance country is more aware with cost of quality management. Besides, in this project, I also decide to conduct a study on customers perception towards product quality. I would like to know whether there is different perception between different countries. The objective of this study is to find out customers concern more on qualities or price. By knowing this factor, a firm can be aware of prevention cost and appraisal cost. Chapter 2 Literature Review Cost of quality (COQ) and total cost of quality (TCOQ) have become the most powerful management tools to measure quality performance during the past two decades. To overcome the skepticism that still prevails, K.Kumar and J.C. Brittain (1995), conducted postal surveys over 107 companies and they conclude cost of quality program could assist to improve the reliability other than reduces costs. They indicate that there is a strong relationship between total cost of quality and reliability of quality. Many companies in British adopted ISO 9000 in order to reach the higher levels of awareness of quality issues. The best way to enhance customers satisfaction, reduce manufacturing costs and also increase productivity is to continuously improving quality of the products. While concentrate to improving quality, we must always remember it must be done at the lowest possible cost as well. Nevertheless, this can only happen when they are identified and measured. Andrea Schiffauerova and Vince Thomson (2006) conducted a research to investigate if companies collect, measure and monitor quality costs, which kinds of costs were considered in the calculations and whether any formal COQ approach was used. Four companies were selected participate in this research. This research is focused on the relation between quality strategies and industrial sectors on the kinds of COQ models used and on the satisfaction with company efforts. From this research, they suggested, cost of quality (COQ) should be a part of management program as it is not complex and well documented. Managers should understand well about the COQ concept, increase their ability to implement this system as how to save money. Cost of quality as presently understood is the sum of the cost incurred within a firm in preventing low-quality product, the costs incurred to ensure and evaluate that the product quality requirements are being met, and any other costs incurred as a result of poor quality. There are different types of quality cost models and PAF model was developed by Feigenbaum (1956) and Masser (1957) which is the oldest of the quality costs models. Some argue that PAF is weak in identifying the causes of quality problems and consume more time when finding the quality problems ad causes compare to other models. Samir K. Srivastave (2008) was utilize the blend of quality-costing, quality-loss and process cost approaches to estimate quality costs in monetary term as per PAF model, and suggested there are still issues about capturing the full PAF costs. Although COQ system is very popular and important for organizations to adopted, but still there are numbers of organization do not utilize it, Victor E.Sower, Ross Quarles and Eric Broussard (2007), did a research to investigate why there are still some organizations do not make use of COQ systems. They come out a conclusion that most frequent reasons for not tracking quality cost are lack of management support, absence of management interest in such costs, lack of understanding of the principle of quality costing amongst the management team, lack of adequate accounting and inadequate information systems The measurement of quality costs is a good indicator of the quality and the overall performance of a firm. There have been many attempts to measure quality costs in both theoretical and empirical research. Mine Omurgonulsen (2009), did a study to measure quality cost with specific reference to the Turkish food manufacturing industry. Panel regression method has been used by him to analyze the relation between conformance costs and non-conformance costs in seven food manufacturing firms for the period between years 2000 to 2005. He concludes that there is a trade-off between conformance and non-conformance costs and the non-conformance costs can be reduced by increasing conformance expenditures. The negative relation found between conformance and non-conformance costs can rather be attributed to external failure costs than internal costs. Amar Ramudhin, Chaher Alzaman and Akif A. Bulgak (2008) explored the challenges of introducing a model integrating the COQ into the modeling of supply chain network. They incorporate COQ in supply chain network design and conclude that it able to ensure the lowest overall cost. It is because it reduces the probability of defective and hence the probability of additional cost which might be due to corrective action. They also suggest presented a graphical demonstration of how quality costs affect the overall quality conformance of a given system, which can observe that as the quality level rises, failure costs decline and appraisal plus prevention costs increase. The most effective tools for evaluating the success of a quality management program are the measurement of quality costs. A systematic approach is need for measuring quality costs. S.B. Jaju, R.P. Mohanty and R.R Lakhe (2009) conducted a study to capture quality costs in a manufacturing company. Appropriate framework is proposed by S.B. Jaju, R.P. Mohanty and R.R Lakhe for capturing quality cost and various statistical analyses are carried out to characterize trends and relationships between various components. They concluded that quality cost should not be seen as solving a problem with a unique definition, as there is a whole space of reasonable concept of quality improvement rather than and these concept can be seen as actionable guiding principle to successfully implement a TQM program. Oiang Su, Jing-Hua Shi and Sheng-Jie Lai (2009) did a real case study which is concentrates on the statistic analysis of the trade-off relationship between quality costs and the quantitative calculation of the balanced point. The statistic analysis reveals that the trade-off relationships within quality costs will not show up except when time delays are taken into account. With these time delays, the related total quality costs (RTQC) can be derived and utilized to compute the balanced point of the quality costs. Regarding to this case study, they demonstrates that the findings and approach can provide a useful assistance in the quality cost saving and management improvement. A research was conducted by Mark A. Johnson (1995), to investigate measure of the cost of quality in engineering departments. It was to identify existing measures of the cost of non-conformance in engineering operations, and to recommend some measures for possible use in the client engineering unit. Information was obtained from the telephone interviews with engineering quality practitioners from a variety of major US corporations. Based on Mark A. Johnson, information provided may be of some use to engineering quality practitioners who are considering implementing their own COQ program. Perhaps, they too may benefit from the information pertaining to the benchmarking of COQ elements and the organizational, behavioral and accounting processes necessary to implement a COQ measurement system successfully. Ozgur Akkoyun and Huseyin Ankara (2009) did a study case which developed PAF quality cost model for marble processing plants. Data were collected from quarries and factories located in Diyarbakir Region (Turkey). All costs occurring in marble processing systems were examined, identified, classified and calculated. Several costs formulas were generated to define and control the system with models. A new computer program incorporating these models and other algorithms was developed to control total and quality costs in marble plants. Regarding to this study, it was found that quality costs vary depending on products types in range from 9 to 34% of total production costs for the three different stone types. Quality in construction is directly related to time and cost, and vice-versa. A poor quality managed project can consequence in extra cost and time extensions. A poor manage in time and cost can affect the conformance of requirement. Hamzah Abdul-Rahman (1997) conducted a pilot survey on construction professionals. There were six question asked and the sample was consisted of engineers, project engineers, project manager technical manager, quantity surveyor and estate manager. The survey was to identify the steps taken by firms to ensure quality and how professionals would react to the issue of cost of failure. Every participant agreed that it is important to collect failure cost. The results of the survey confirm that the construction industry is much concerned with the quality management. A study conducted by Muhsin Halis and Ahmet Oztas (2002) to determine the quality costs in business organizations having ISO 9000 certificate, deriving from the application of the standards. The objectives are determine both the reasons for implementing ISO 9000 and the factors affecting costs during this implementation process, to show that quality costs provides a method that determine problems which otherwise may not be recognized. A questionnaire was prepared and sent to 1100 companies in manufacturing and service sectors that have ISO 9000 certificate. Collected quality costs data were then analyzed using a number of analysis methods. From the analysis, the direct and indirect factors affecting the quality costs were determined and have been categorized into four groups. Muhsin Halis and Ahmet Oztas (2002) suggested that the importance of quality costs is increasing especially during the decision making process and the firm which have not enough knowledge about quality costs, co nsideration to the quality costs and documentation could be given within the ISO 9000 standards. Judy Oliver and Wen Qu (1999) did a study which to examine the quality management practices of Australian manufacturing firms certified to AS/NZS ISO 9000 specifically focusing on COQ reporting. Few questionnaires were proposed and it was based on an earlier Australian survey conducted by Ross (1993). Slight modifications were made to the structure of the questionnaire, specifically in relation to the ordering of questions. Questionnaires were sent to 400 Australian manufacturing firms which has certified to AS/NZS ISO 9000. They analyze the result from questionnaires and conclude that, quality is widely acknowledged as a key competitive weapon to enable firm to survive in global marketplace. Majority of respondents from the survey stated that the adoption of quality management practices was driven by the desire to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. A research did by Ali Uyar (2008), to evaluate how company performance has changed after COQ system implementation, and to identify the objectives behind COQ measuring and reporting. A postal questionnaire survey was sent to the top 500 Turkish manufacturing firms. He concludes that companies implementing quality initiatives are also COQ system implementers. This is a significant sign that the companies are measuring the cost of quality-related activities. After COQ system adoption, customer complaints has decrease, rework and scrap does decreased, warranty expenditures and failure costs decreased too, and the important point is sales volume has increased. The finding indicated that the ultimate objectives behind COQ measuring and reporting in descending importance are overall quality improvement, setting cost reduction targets and so on. Recently studies on quality management, certification and supply chain management emphasize that ISO 9000 certification is becoming a must for many companies to compete. Thus, Pietro Romano (2002) did a research to examine whether the diffused adoption or confidence in ISO 9000 quality system requirements by diverse supply chain members can really influence quality management practice. This research was examined through analysis of data gathered by means of a survey based on a sample of 100 Italian certified manufacturing companies. It was found that those firms with the most advanced internal quality system tend to buy extensively from certified suppliers and to be reliant on the quality level of their deliveries. From a suppliers point of view, customers are more sensitive to certification, thus, certification can be represent a good visiting card. Collin Ramdeen, Jocelina Santos and Hyun Kyung Chatfield (2007) did a research which applies the cost of quality concept by using PAF model in a hotel restaurant environment. Data was collected from percentage of sales approach and it had been used in order to evaluate the significance of the cost of quality measures in the PAF model. The analysis of the COQ measures in the PAF model was accomplished through the process of interview and secondary data collection. Through this study, they concluded that the COQ measures used in the PAF model can improve the quality of food and services provided to the customers and result that it could lead improvement in overall profitability. Chapter 3 Data and Methodology 3.1 Data set and scope Two hundred sets copies of the survey (hard and electronic copies) of the survey were distributed to various users. Surveys are divided into two categories; one of them is to test whether every company has implement total quality management system in their internal control department. The other survey is to test the customers perception towards product quality. Respondents come from two different countries; Malaysia and Singapore. The period of data in this survey was conducted from 17th October 2010 to 27th October 2010. 3.2 Research Question 3.2. 1: Research Question 1 Does cost of quality important to use as a management tool? This question is trying to draw on the fact that how important is cost of quality system important for a firm to use as management tool. To overcome the skepticism that still prevails, K. Kumar and J.C. Brittain (1995) conducted an investigation on this issue and concluded that, cost of quality program could assist to improve the reliability other than reduces costs. However, to determine why some organization still do not utilize cost of quality system, Victor E. Sower, Ross Quarles and Eric Broussard (2007) has did a research. Most frequent reasons for organizations not utilize quality cost been highlight by them which are lack of management and understanding COQ systems. Furthermore, in order to enhance customer satisfaction, improving quality is considered to be the best way. Besides focus on quality improvement, product must also be done at the lowest possible cost as well to meet quality requirements. To achieving these, cost of quality must be measure. Andrea Schiffauerova and Vince Thomson (2006) did a research to determine whether any formal COQ approach could be use. Result was COQ systems should be a part of management program. Due to various comments on cost of quality systems, I am here would like to test the importance of COQ systems. Below are the hypotheses according to the research question. Hypothesis0: Cost of quality is important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. Hypothesis1: Cost of quality is not important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. The statement above will be tested as hypotheses in order to get an answer to the research question one Does cost of quality important to use as a management tool? This is trying to draw the fact that cost of quality system is same important to both Singapore and Malaysia to implement. Cost of quality system could have an effect towards company internal performances, especially for those manufacturing and servicing organization. As we know that, a firm always spent a huge amount of money on inspection and reworking. COQ is divided into four perspectives; prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure and external failure, thus by implement COQ system, it could help to reduce on cost of production. By using the above hypotheses, if the hypothesis null is being accepted, it is prove that COQ system does bring an effort towards organization. This would be the best persuasive reason for those firms which have not implement COQ system. 3.2.2: Research Question 2 Does quality affect customer purchasing decision? In general, quality costs fall into two major categories: the cost of achieving good quality which also known as cost of conformance, and the cost associated with poor quality products which is referred to as the cost of non-conformance, Russell Taylor (1995) Mine Omurgonulsen (2009) also conducted a study and concluded that non-conformance costs can be reduces by increasing conformance expenditures. Besides, negative relation found between conformance and non-conformance costs can rather be attributing to external failure costs than internal costs. This indicate that if product does not conforming to specifications and these error still remain after the product is arrive at customers site, it may causes loss of customer goodwill. Thus, in order to ensure products quality can achieve customer satisfaction, organization must pay more attention on cost of conformance. Moreover, S.B Jaju, R.P. Mohanty and R.R. Lakhe (2009) did a case study to capture quality costs in a manufacturing company. They demonstrated that quality costs should not be seen as solving a problem with a unique definition, but a whole space of reasonable notions of quality improvement. To succeed in this high competitive market, firms should set goals and understand customer expectations. In order to meet the desires of customers, companies should continue their migration towards a holistic quality cost management approach. Inspired by above studies, I would like to test the impact of products towards customer purchase decision making. Hypothesis0: Quality affects customer purchasing decision. Hypothesis1: Quality does not affect customer purchasing decision. This statement would be tested as a hypothesis in order to get an answer to research question two of this project. Does quality affect customer purchasing decision? This question is trying to draw on the fact that product quality could affect a persons purchasing power. Thus, in order to increase customers satisfactions on its product, a firm should also first understand customers demand on product quality. Customers demand is a key factor for a firm to knowing how they should continuously improve their product or service quality. A firm can track customer satisfaction on product quality through market research and their preferences on a specific product. By having this information, a firm can accord it and improving their product or service quality in a strategic way. Nowadays, customers demand a right price for the right quality product. If the price is too high, regardless of quality, people will not buy it. Thus, a product which is not achieving proper quality will cause a firm losing its customers. It is a well-known accepted principal which is of one satisfied customer will bring in many more customers. 3.2.3: Research Question 3 Does ISO 9000 certification enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover? Since the end of 1980s, ISO 9000 norms have been increasingly recognized and accepted as a reference model for quality assurance. Recent studies on quality management emphasize that ISO 9000 certificate is becoming a must for many companies to compete. Regarding these studies, Pietro Romano (2002) did a research and found that those firms with the most advanced internal quality system tend to buy extensively from certified suppliers and to be reliant on the quality level of their deliveries. From a suppliers point of view, customers are more sensitive to certification, thus, certification can be represent a good visiting card. Inspired by above study, I would like to test the impact of ISO 9000 towards the customers reliability and companys sales turnover. Hypothesis0: ISO 9000 certification does enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover. Hypothesis1: ISO 9000 certification does not enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover. This statement would be tested as a hypothesis in order to get an answer to research question three of this project. Does ISO 9000 certification enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover? This question is trying to draw on the fact that by having ISO 9000 certification, it can increase customers reliability and also influencing companys sales turnover. Company which has applied ISO 9000 certification is kind of providing customers with the assurance that their product quality has been meet with the quality standards established. Such efforts have brought higher levels of customers satisfaction and thus it becomes a company people want to do long term business with. By having ISO 9000 certification, it can help a firm increase to access into international markets. Besides, there are some histories indicate that ISO 9000 leads to following improvement: increase market share, on-time deliveries, production backlog, return on investment and overall margin. 3.3 Methodology There are three methods I use to describe the relationship between variables; Two-Sample t-Test, Pearson correlation coefficient model and 3.3.1 Two-Sample t-Test: Comparing Two Means This is using to test two populations which distributing two different means;  µ1 is means for population one, while  µ2 is means for population two. In this project, I am using this Two-Sample t-Test to test my research question one. Below are the steps that how I will do the test. Step 1: Hypothesis for RQ1 Hypothesis0: Cost of quality is important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. Hypothesis1: Cost of quality is not important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. H0: ÃŽÂ ¼1 = ÃŽÂ ¼2 H1: ÃŽÂ ¼1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ÃŽÂ ¼2 Step 2: Pool-variance t test Where S12 and S22 are sample variance of sample 1 and 2, n1 and n2 are the sample size of population 1 and 2. Step 3: Critical Values The critical value is search from statistical table. Step 4: Test Statistic Where xÃÅ'„ 1 xÃÅ'„ 2 is the differences between samples means, d0 is hypothesized difference between means. Step 5: Conclusion If the t-Test is > the critical value, hypothesis null will be reject. In contrast, if the t-Test is 3.3.2: Pearson correlation coefficient model This is using to measure RQ2 by calculating the coefficient of correlation, which measures the strength of the relationship. The following are the steps of doing it. Step 1: Hypotheses Hypothesis0: Quality affects customer purchasing decision. Hypothesis1: Quality does not affect customer purchasing decision. H0: p = 0 H1: p à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 0 Step 2: Coefficient of correlation Where, r is the sample coefficient of correlation, X = values of the explanatory variable, Y= values of the dependent variable. Step 3: Critical Value It would come out with both positive and negative critical value. Step 4: Test Statistic Where Ph0 is hypothesized value of the population coefficient of correlation. Step 5: Conclusion If the t-Test is + critical value, hypothesis null will be reject. Chapter 4 Findings and Analysis
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