Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Cold War On The Soviet Union - 1230 Words
The Cold War’s effect on the Soviet Union Shortly after the World War 2 ended, the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies entered the cold war with the Soviet Union. Germany was divided in half and later, the Berlin Wall was constructed as a physical boundary between the Soviet controlled East Germany and NATO controlled West Germany. This standoff continued until the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. The cold war had a huge influence on the world stage, but also had a major effect on the Soviet Union internally. The cold war had a huge influence on the Soviet economy, caused great hardship for the Soviet population, and led to significant change in the political structure. First, the Soviet Union’s attempts to†¦show more content†¦The flawed numbers caused a shortage of resources for the population. When the workforce learned of the shortages, already low production rates dropped even further because workers were hiding food for themselv es instead of turning it in to the government. Instead of shifting sectors based on the needs of the people, the Soviet leadership stuck to the five year plans. These plans continued to prioritize military and defense spending. Second, the shortage of resources and heightened tensions caused extreme hardship for the Soviet population. Because of the military spending, little resources were spent on consumer goods. Because of the shortage, only a few, well connected families had access to personal vehicles. Clothing items were hard to find and very cheaply made. The poor quality of the few goods available was a subject of constant complaint. Clothes were sloppily cut and sewn, and there were many reports of gross defects like missing sleeves in those on sale in state stores (Fitzpatrick 50). The living quarters were assigned, not chosen, so there were massive problems with overcrowding. â€Å"Communal apartments with one family per room were the standard form of housing in Russian c ities in the Stalin era. The room had no running water; sheets or curtains marked off subareas where two or three generations slept and sat†(Fitzpatrick 53). The food available was poor quality and available in extremely limited quantities. The limited quantities available were strictlyShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War And The Soviet Union973 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was a state of economic, diplomatic, and ideological discord among nations without armed conflict. The Cold War was between the United States and the USSR because these were the two major powers after WWII. Basically, the Cold War was a series of proxy wars that had taken place back in time involving surrounding countries. One of the main causes for Cold War was that the Soviet Union was spreading communism and the United States didn’t like that so they were trying to contain communismRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1233 Words  | 5 PagesThe Cold War is unique among war’s to be not a war between states, but a war between ideologies. The United States and other allies defend social democracy capitalism, as the pinnacle of freedom and equality; and the Soviet Union though communism was the pinnacle of equality. These ideologies manifested themselves through the superpowers, which caused the conflict between them. Both the United States, and the Soviet Union are to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War. The United State’s missionRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1697 Words  | 7 PagesThe Cold War, in fact didn’t take place in the winter season, but was just as dangerously cold and unwelcoming, as it focused on two contrasting powers: the U.S. and the Soviet Union. After World War 2, the Cold War influenced capitalist U.S. and communist Soviet Union to engage in disagreements causing many disputes having to use military, economic and humanitarian aid. With different goals, the contrasting powers prove through the Marshall Plan, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and SALT that communismRead MoreThe Cold War And Soviet Union840 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many theories and opinions of how the cold war started. Some believe that the cold war was the result of the belligerence of Joseph Stalin and the insecurity it caused in the United States and the West. Others believe the primary responsibility for the cold war derives from the hardline policies of the United States. (Viewpoints Article: the Soviet Union Start the Cold War) I believe The Cold War was triggered by the theory of two superpower countries in a race for dominance in the worldRead MoreCold War And The Soviet Union859 Words  | 4 PagesAMS2270 Cold War This essay will discuss about cold war, including the background, beginning, progress and ending. As we know, cold war is a struggle between U.S. with NATO and Soviet Union with WTO from 1947 to 1991. It is a significant event in history, and it influence the almost all of world, it directly lead to the radical change of eastern Europe and the breakup of the USSR. In 1946 February, George.F.Kennan wrote a â€Å"Long Telegram†, it clearly said the strategy of containing Soviets and itRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1391 Words  | 6 Pageswake of World War II as the decades-long force of Germany’s reign came to its conclusion, an extensive repositioning of authority among the world’s top powers began. The war wielded devastating consequences for most countries involved and effectively diminished the dominance Britain and France once employed across the globe. Out of this devastation rose the two new dominating forces of the world who were triumphant in the aftermath of the war: the United States and the Soviet Union. The United StatesRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was a period in world history marked with increased tensions primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both countries desired to expand their ideologies across the globe, the U.S. urging capitalism and democratic elections and the Soviets promoting communism. After the allies had obtained victory in World War II, the Yalta Conference was held. Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, wanted to expand his sphere of influence into Eastern Europe and demanded thatRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1343 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract: As one of the most important events in 20th century, the Cold War had a very deep influence for the human-being civilization and it changed the world structure . The United States and the Soviet Union ,the two poles, became enemies from friends after the World War II. They adopt hostile attitude towards each other and criticized the the opponents’ social systems. To find out who provoked the Cold War, the US, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdoms ,Roosevelt, Truman ,Stalin, and ChurchillRead MoreThe Soviet Union Of The Cold War1745 Words  | 7 Pages During the era of the Cold War, starting in 1947 and definitively ending in 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union faced off in conflicts with each other through smaller states. The United States and Soviet Union faced off to see who could spread their ideology the most in Europe. The Soviet Union used force and supported coups to spread communism while the United States installed democratic governments as a way to counter communism in Eastern Europe. These small conflicts that the two superpowersRead MoreThe Soviet Union And The Cold War1038 Words  | 5 PagesAfter a series of events during the time of World War II, tensions between the United States and the Communists such as the Soviet Union and China, developed into a military and political conflict such as the Cold War. During the Cold War, which went on for 50 years, the Soviet Union and the United States competed to expand their economical and political influence. Although, the United States military has increased in size and it’s strategy. The United States power today is highly supreme when it
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Building Positive Organizational Behavior And Macro...
Building Positive Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior (OB) is defined as a study in which individuals relate to each other in an organizational and group setting. Analysis are conducted through various perspectives, incorporating behavior inside the organization in regards to other establishments. â€Å"Organizational behavior is the methodical study of how individuals / groups think and act within organizations exhibiting how these activities affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole†(Weinclaw, 2015). The two studies used in organizations as analysis are Micro Organizational Behavior and Macro Organization. Micro examines how individuals and groups are motivated by organizations. Focusing mainly upon the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Extrinsic motivation rewards are valuable to inspire workers to obtain new talents or skill related to their jobs. Intrinsic motivation reward signifies behavior supported by an internal goal to earn external success†(Neck Murray, 2017). Team Building Team building is necessary for better communicating and interactions for positive work environment, which is the foundation towards professional association. Communication amongst supervisors, coworkers, or customer; positive communication is always essential to organizational behavior. Positive communication reduces misunderstandings and distractions in the workplace, and contributes to preserve employee connection. It is important for management to encourage effective communication between employees. Team building exercises has also exhibited to be a motivator for co-workers and build a solid dynamic organizational workforce. All employees must feel that they are valuable to the organization and its success comparable to the work of others. Feeling motivated to help others is motivation for the team to do their best regarding contribution. Sometimes hard work placed forth by a single teammate is overlooked; therefore, all member must provide equal contribution to build a stron g foundation (Maddux, Osgood Wingfield, 2009)†. Individuals must be familiar with the jobs that their co-workers are doing in order to offer support. Team-building activities can great for connecting workShow MoreRelatedFactors Influencing Organizational Behavior And The Organization1123 Words  | 5 PagesFactor Influencing Organizational Behavior Student Name Course Name Course Code Introduction The study of human behavior in organizational settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization and the organization itself is known as Organizational Behavior. 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A multidisciplinary task force, including senior leaders and a diverse group of employees, set up with the authority and responsibility to enact changes as a certified management coach (Gertner, Sabino, Mahad, Deitric, Patton, Grim, Salas-Lopez, 2010). With this in mind organization empowered to motivate staff to meet the future challenges of the transformation ultimately in a diverse
Retail Tracking Systems Free Essays
Retail Tracking Systems Retail Pro or MicroStrategy? Retail Pro is Business Intelligence software that enables retail store owners to customize a â€Å"Point-of-Sale†(POS) method of retailing. The key feature of this software is the ability to create multiple revenues of sales inside one store. The software allows employees to select from an array of add-on modules to run a retail establishment using strategic planning and undergoing the various tasks involved operating a retail establishment. We will write a custom essay sample on Retail Tracking Systems or any similar topic only for you Order Now Retail Pro is flexible, easy to use, and accommodates small businesses to large corporations by increasing retention and customer satisfaction by creating the â€Å"better client experience†. (Retail Pro International, 2010) Retail Pro Software Features * Software infrastructure * Point of Sale and Store Operations * Merchandising * Central Customer Management * Central Returns Management * Oracle Database Engine This software creates very flexible reporting of business data you need at the time you need it. The POS and back office has extensive capabilities creating a work flow customized upon the needs of your business such as inventory management, purchase ordering, integration with payment solutions, store replenishment, receiving, and employee management. Retail Pro is perfect for businesses starting out small and grows as the business grows. There are several modules that are centrally focused on what types of products you sell in your retail establishment. Some of these modules are as listed: * Gifts and Toy Solutions Hard Goods Solutions * Home Furnishing Solutions * Specialty Apparel Solutions * Jewelry Solutions Each of these modules specialize in helping keep track of inventory, merchandising, customer management using role-specific dashboards capable of period to period analysis and reporting to improve business, store performance, and profit margins. The advantages of its Business Intelligence is that it saves time and money, improves profit margins, increases business and s tore performance, and maximizes returns on existing data sources. Retail Pro International, 2010) MicroStrategy is Business Intelligence Software for retail tracking systems in the palm of your hand. It’s the Mobile Business Intelligence that applies iPad as a business tool. You can access dashboards to create brilliant business analysis and reports any time, any where. Besides having extraordinary displays for data, MicroStrategy includes the following features: * Unlimited data analysis * Data mining * Forecasting * Operations Management * Executive decision making MicroStrategy’s mobile iPhone and iPad views videos on YouTube and views Podcasts in iTunes. This mobile retail tracking system even comes with a free custom dashboard. The Business Intelligence Architecture is low in cost for ownership and delivers high performance and sophisticated analytics. If you are interested in Beta Programs, there are options one can participate. The following is what is included in MicroStrategy’s business applications: * Mobile Business Intelligence Financial Analysis * HR Analytics * Supply Chain Analytics * Sales Analytics * CRM * Balanced Scoreboard MicroStrategy is World Class Business Intelligence for all your business needs. It is very user friendly migrating from departmental Business Intelligence to enterprise Business Intelligence. MicroStrategy can develop and deploy department Business Intelligence applications quickly and deliver enterprise Business Intelligence with higher performance and efficiency. (MicroStrategy, 2010) I knew there was a strategy involved in running a retail establishment, but I did not realize that retail tracking systems available today creating your Point-of-Sale could be as easy as using the computer to keep track of the elements involved in various levels regarding merchandizing to keeping inventory, customer satisfaction to the â€Å"better client experience, and payment solutions to business analysis reports. It is wonderful to know that there are solutions you can implement that can make your business experience a good one! What features of a Point-of-Sale retail tracking system would be important to me would be directly related to how I plan to expand my business levels beyond the brick and mortar retail establishment. My boutique is going to retail various products that I create and design myself which includes fashion design apparel, jewelry, home decor items, Nature Crafts, custom-made gifts, and toysâ€â€items that are included inside my product labels of my brand. I would have to start out with a tracking system that meets these needs to run my retail establishment which are as follows: * Inventory Management system for each label separately Merchandising of products under each label separately * Payment Solutions that allow payment by other methods that are not cash purchases * Customer Management * Point-of-Sale options * Business Intelligence for analytical reports and business operations * Employee Management * Consumer behavior, geographical, economic, and social trends statistics * Securi ty of business operations and store location I plan to add to my business by featuring instructional classes teaching various types of crafts a couple times a week, changing the activities when consumer interest and participation changes. I am also adding a new element of offering custom designed clothing and accessories upon customer request. A couple of my product labels will expand in the operations of how the product is presented to consumers by expanding the activities and product in various ways. Basically, the changes that will happen beyond the brick and mortar retail establishment will happen upon expanding the different business levels of each label, adding a few new features that compliment the products, and by getting customer participation teaching various art activities. I will also expand my marketing boundaries by adding a website customers can purchase my products, contemplate the possibilities of creating a product catalog, and have certain products available to consumers placed in other stores that carry similar items. Plans of expansion beyond the retail location will need a more complex Point-of-sale retail tracking system than what would already be in place. Features I would consider important due to the changes of business operations at this point would be as follows: Multiple levels of sales reflecting the expansion of the various labels group * Website operations and Point-of-Sale system attached to various labels group * Packaging and drop shipping department added to business operations which will require a more complex system so that product sales are attached to correct label group * Retail accounts added to business revenue * Adding a Point-of-Sale system that involves the custom designed apparel made upon customer requests, or altera tions made to purchased store apparel * Customizable Business Intelligence features and POS system accommodating business expansion levels Based upon my business needs at the beginning of my retail establishment, features that I would require of a POS retail tracking system would be relatively basic of retail operations and tasks. I would want to start my retail business operations with a POS tracking system that would allow the changes of various nature when I started to expand my business operations. Of the two tracking systems discussed in this report, Retail Pro and MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Software, the system I feel would be the best fit would be Retail Pro because of the versatility of the Business Intelligence features the software includes. Retail Pro has the capability of customizing the system of operations to accommodate the complexity of each product label group as expansion is implemented. My business level of operations is definitely one that does not resemble what would be considered a traditional retail system of operations because each product label is considered to be a separate unit of business to start. When expansion changes the avenues on which each product label makes revenue, the already in-place POS tracking system has to be able to accommodate these changes. Retail Pro’s features and customizable system of operations can accommodate changes very easily. Even with the most complex system of operations a business could have, Retail Pro would be the best fit to meet all the needs and expectations I need to operate my retail business. MicroStrategy is, in my opinion, not as convenient a fit for my establishment and nature of my multiple revenue types because the product’s mobile capabilities is not a feature I consider important, if at all, when choosing a POS retail tracking system and it working efficiently for its purpose matching the structure of my business operations. I would use a POS retail tracking system upon business start-up because starting my POS system as the business grows will be a positive action that will get results for the purpose of the tracking system benefits. As my business grows, doing business without a tracking system in place would be a sure failure. Company websites included inside this report: http://www. retailpro. com/ http://www. microstrategy. com/ How to cite Retail Tracking Systems, Papers
Drugs and the Music Industry free essay sample
We have all benefited in one way or another from a Caucasians use Of mind altering chemicals or in some cases, plants, and this is an undeniable fact. Drugs have had an overall positive impact on the music industry. They have inspired, enlightened, expanded, and even destroyed the minds of some of Americas best musicians. However, no matter what happens to the musician, the drug fueled music that they have made lives on forever to inspire later generations of youth to join the revolution and create something worthwhile.Whether it be jazz, rap, rock, electronic, or even modern day pop, as long as people are out there creating music, there will be a new type of drug to fuel the fire. The history of drug use started with jazz musicians and their use of heroin, and led to the counterculture movement and their avocation of psychedelic drugs and marijuana. This in turn brought about the punk movement, who took drug use to an extreme that was not seen before. Although this drug use positively effects the musical aspect, it does destroy the lives of those who choose to take the risk.Many musicians have lost their lives to drug use which shows the fine line between just drug use, and drug abuse. Despite all the negatives, drugs have had a positive impact on the American music industry over the past 1 00 years. The whole thing started with a little thing called jazz. Down south and in the streets of Harlem, many famous jazz musicians were known to be hard drug users whose drug of choice was heroin. This drug could keep you up for days upon end with little to no food, allowing for hours and hours of practice and time to write beautiful works of art. Wink) Famous musicians such as Ray Charles, Miles Davis, and Hank Mobile all were using this hip drug and their influence led to not only just other musicians using it to increase their playing abilities but also to the everyday listener. This caused a problem in the jazz immunity as more and more people were falling victim to this drug for all the wrong reasons. People were becoming hooked on this new jazz sensation. In those days, people did not know the overwhelming addictive powers of heroin. The mistake they made was trying it just once.After they tried it, they were hooked, and the creativity part of it was no longer. It simply became an addiction. (Wink) Once the creativity aspect left the equation, it just became another drug to be abused. However, almost all popular music to this day have heavy roots and jazz, which just goes to show that although it destroyed ivies, the music created was greatly influential. Next came the infamous counterculture, the hippie movement of the sasss. This generation of peace and love highly advocated the use of marijuana and psychedelics such as LSI, mushrooms, mescaline, peyote, and MADAM.These drugs definitely showed up in the music of the decade. Bands such as the Beetles, Pink Floyd, The Jim Hendrix Experience, and many others all took these psychedelics and entered a sort of trance that increased their composing and lyrical abilities. (Gillespie) Some people say that even in order to fully understand this music, one must be under the influence of some sort f drug. Since a lot, but not all, of the drugs that were done during this time period were not addictive, everyone seemed to be enjoying this movement without any inference.Much of the music created during this time period is still popular today and has a big impact on the youth, showing the positive effects of these drugs on the music industry at this time. The use of drugs in the music scene was at its most extreme during the Hardcore Punk movement of the sasss. This scene was entirely different from any that was experienced before. Drug use also held initial significance n the movement; the inherent connection between recreational drug use and the production of rock music applied to the Hardcore movement just as it appeared in the music of the asss. (Cashbook) The punks took any drug that was available to them that was cheap and hit fast and hard. Inevitably, their drug of choice became speed because, It was cheap, it was around, and you could play fast music on it. It also curtailed your appetite. In San Francisco, the Negative Trend guys literally lived on potatoes. (Mark) This revolutionary drug let musicians play for days upon end with no sleep and title need for basic necessities. It may have taken a toll on their bodies, however the pure, raw energy it created was something never seen before. Drug use, however, does not increase your creativity.There is no scientific evidence that shows a direct correlation between drug and alcohol use and the creative parts of your brains. To the contrary, studies have shown that I actually limits the amount your brain functions. (summary, Coinage) However, the mainstream media portrays such a direct link between the two that when people take drugs, they convince themselves that they have these effects. The drugs almost act as a placebo for a persons creativity. If you truly believe that taking drugs will help you write any type of music, then it most likely will, and vice versa.It all has to do with the perspective Of the user and their outlook they have on drugs. Although drug use has positively influenced the quality of music over the years, it has also taken the lives of many fantastic musicians who crossed the line from use, to abuse. Musicians such as Jim Hendrix, Janis, Joplin, Amy Whininess, and countless others have all died due to some sort of drug or alcohol addiction. Blindsided) Jim Hendrix allegedly overdosed on sleeping pills. Janesville overdoes on heroin. Amy Whininess died due to alcohol intoxication.These were all supremely talented musicians who let the drugs get the better of them. At first the drugs were used for the rush and a creative boost, but they eventually turned into a habit that couldnt be quit. Their music also glorified addiction and the use of the drugs that were killing them. This shows the fine line between just the simple use of drugs and the powerful force of addiction that can overtake you if you are not careful. It seems as if todays music really romanticizes the use of drugs and alcohol, and in some cases, even advocates addiction.Tom Hamilton of Aerostatic even said, he probably wouldnt have come up with that great bass line from Sweet Emotion had he not been high (Bollixing) This does not exactly promote a sober living, and no rock stars truly do, but it goes on to prove that drugs do in fact have a positive effect on musicians writing and playing abilities. However, this could become a bad thing for todays youth. Seeing as many teens look up to musicians and pop stars who live a wild lifestyle, it may influences them to make stupid decisions that they otherwise wouldnt have made.Drugs must be used with a purpose in mind, whether it be gaining an experience, making art, or writing music. Too many teens will destroy their lives just trying something for the thrill of the high or to just look cool. Over the past 20 years, straight-edge movements have been gaining in popularity. These groups make music and pledge to not take drugs or alcohol. It seems as if more and more teens are getting into these sober movements because they offer something different from the norm. It has become normal or musicians to be drunks and addicts and these teens are just looking for a change.These groups make one wonder whether or not the link between drugs and music is finally breaking down, or if this is just a small blip in the radar of music. Although the majority of evidence is against it, drugs still have made a positive effect on the music industry. They have paved the road for countless great bands, albums, and songs and have opened the doors of creativity to many musicians. This is very prevalent within the music of the Beetles. If it werent for marijuana and L SD, their success and experimentation would eve been very limited.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Distracted driving free essay sample
According to the New York Times, using a phone while operating a vehicle puts drivers at four times the risk of crashing as other drivers. The likelihood that the crash would happen is the same as someone with a . 08 percent blood alcohol level (where drivers are considered to be intoxicated) (Richtel 1). A 2003 Harvard study estimated that 330,000 car accidents occurred in the United States with moderate and severe injuries among the victims as a result of cell phone use. Another 2,600 cell phone related accidents resulted in a death (Richtel 1). The problem is that most drivers over estimate their ability to multi-task. Their consciousness is quickly divided as soon as their attention is focused on things other than the road. Distracted driving is not just limited to cell phone use while driving. It can include behaviors such as shaving, eating, drinking, talking, or even listening to the radio. With these behaviors, both hands may not be on the wheel, eyes may not be fixed on the road, or attention could be transfixed on other noises and surroundings. I really don’t think that they truly understand the danger that they are putting themselves or other drivers in. Although a drive thru may be a faster and more convenient way to pick up supper, eating while driving can be very dangerous.When digging through your fast food bag, you have to take your eyes off of the road; this can result in swerving or wrecking into another driver. Another example of why eating and driving is dangerous is that when you drop a piece of food or some type of condiment on you, your first instinct is to remove it or wipe it up. Again, this can result in taking your eyes off of the road and possibly crashing. If so, just think about the effects that would cause if you were watching a video while driving. There are many ways this form of distraction can affect you while operating a vehicle. For example, you only need to take your eyes off of the road for a split second in order to cause an accident or fall victim to an accident. The person in front of you may have hit their breaks to stop from hitting the little girl crossing the road to get the ball, you are watching a video and do not see them hit their breaks, you hit them going 55 miles an hour and they are pushed into the little girl.I know this is example is gruesome but, it is also very possible. Remember when driving to stay focused on the road and what you and other drivers are doing. I personally do not want to be the cause of an accident and I doubt any of you do either, so please people pay attention. That burger can wait until you get home and so can the movie, but most importantly, a text or phone call is not as important as a life, and whoever calls, if needed will call back. Thank you, Rachel Fregia
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